Chapter 6

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    The brothers bravely fought but the humans just kept charging like a stampede of angry rhinos. Soon they became weak and could no longer fight and were captured by the humans. Namjoon came back to check on them and saw they were missing. He panicked because he could not pick up any of their scents. He ran deeper into the forest where he picked up Jin's scent. He was relieved and followed it until he smelled Suga, Hobbi, Tae and Jimin's scent then finally Jungkook's scent. He followed and followed until he came to the deepest and most dangerous part of the forest. What he saw next ripped out his pounding heart from his chest. Blood was on the ground and he looked up to see his brothers dangling from branches of the same tree they played by when they were younger with their throats slit. Since they had not reached the age to be immortal they were just like any other vulnerable vampire. Namjoon's eyes were blood red and his body was steaming with rage. He shouted out in anger, it was so loud and dreadful that animals hid in their homes upon hearing it and it was loud enough to alert the humans in the village. Without time to spear, they hurried back to where they had left the vampires with weapons ready to fight but Namjoon was also ready. 

He made sure and had nothing to do with the humans all his life. He never harmed any of them even though their doings cost him his family and everyone he ever knew. All this happened and he never did anything to harm them but he drew the line at his brothers, no more mercy will be given from him. The humans arrived ready to hang Namjoon with his brothers but little did they know that they were in for a surprise. Soon hundreds of arrows went flying through the air like migrating birds, but Namjoon was too fast. He dodged every arrow without breaking a sweat. When the humans saw that their surprise arrows were a fail they charged at him with their stakes, pitchforks and anything they could use as a weapon. Namjoon's rage was uncontrollable. He fought them off making sure no one set foot near the tree his brothers were hanging from. All who came near him were destroyed. He was no longer the sweet Namjoon you read about he is now a vicious, cold-blooded, ambitious, stone-hearted vampire like his father Venom. The villagers just kept coming and coming but Namjoon battled and never grew weary. The war between humans and vampire lasted a while but when it was over vampire stood victorious. 

He took a minute to observe the deceased bodies on the ground feeling no remorse for what he had done because he and his brothers knew what the humans were like. Whenever children are born weaker than the others they are either fed to the wolves or killed by the parents. When the elderly cannot keep up with the rest of villagers they are wrapped alive in cotton and burnt and the remaining ashes are mixed with mud to make their houses. Namjoon saw the death of these foolish humans as a lesson to all the other humans alive in the village. When he was done he cut down his brothers and carried each of them back to the castle where he laid them to rest on a blanket he spread on the castle floor made from cotton. He lit a fire to keep them warm and cleaned their wounds, bandaged it and changed them out of their bloody clothes. While they were recovering he went hunting. He kept on his clothes hoping the scent of the blood would attract a wild animal, and it did. He captured it and brought it home where he prepared a special treat for everyone to eat. He changed into clean clothes and came upstairs to check on his brothers were doing. He waited and watched them never leaving their sides. After a while, he heard a groaning sound and watched and saw that they were slightly moving their heads. 

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