Chapter 25

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Namjoon's POV

After finally convincing Taehyung and Jimin to fall asleep I laid flat on my bed with the palms of my hands crossed under my head. Thoughts of what Hansung could be doing to Y/N slowly made its way one by one into my uneasy mind. I was a fool to let him take her just cause it was my fault he doesn't remember anything. Ugh, why is the world against me? I facepalmed myself thinking of how selfish I am. How could I leave Y/N with Hansung Ahh Taehyung was right he should knock me unconscious. I glanced at my clock hung on the far right of my room next to a laminated picture I took of Y/N before I lost her. The second hand circled around the minute hand which pointed to 12 and the hour hand that struck 4. I jumped off my bed and stumbled towards the window as if I had now chugged down a beer. The cold wind kissed my cheeks as I breathe in the morning aroma. I gaped at the orange colored light that illuminated around the peak of the mountains. I sighed as I could remember every morning Y/N would wake me just to watch the sunrise. We would go on the roof and count down the seconds it took for the fireball, as she would say, to fully take its place in the sky. Oh how I've longed to hear her squeaky morning voice *sigh*

Tae and Jimin: "NAMJOON!"




"YES TAE AND JIMIN!" I screamed.

Tae and Jimin: "COME PLEASE!"

I started to make my way towards their room. I forced my eyes open as they refused to stop closing. A loud groan escaped from my mouth as a result of lack of sleep and the repeated thought of Y/N ALONE WITH HANSUNG circling my mind. Tae and Jimin's screams echoed throughout the house reminding me that I have to stay awake. My feet dragged across the floor one in front of the other until I came across the door. I forced it open and on there on the bed was Taehyung and Jimin rubbing their eyes like two awoken infants. 

"What do you guys want," I groaned fighting back the yawns that would escape anytime.

Tae: "We wanna play," he excitedly beamed accompanied by Jimin.

"Ahh it's 4 in the morning I wanna sleep," I forced out as I combed my hair with my fingers. 

Jimin: "But we wanna play," he whined.

I sat between them and they leaned their heads on both my shoulders.

"Why can't you sleep?"

Tae and Jimin: "You know why oppa."

For a moment I was baffled by their sentence then it hit me like the reality I've been facing every day when I wake up to a lonely life. Back when Jimin and Tae had their brides they would play and talk with them till 6:00 in the morning just to keep them happy and they've grown accustomed to it that's why they're acting so. Since their brides are dead they have no one. I scratched their heads stating that I was up for a game. We played lots of em like our favorite truth or dare, it was a mistake, Tae almost killed Jimin when he found out they both had the same crush. Whatever randomness that would pop into our minds we talked about and it continued man I'm tired.


Hansung now disclosed the story of how he lost his bride to Namjoon. It was sad I must admit but weird. If Kareena loved him why would she go off with Namjoon? This is quite a head-scratcher. Ok, let's piece this out. Namjoon found me claiming I'm his bride. He gave me a ring saying it would protect me from vampires. He seems so nice so why would he do that to Hansung unless he's lying. Ugh, why is life so hard!

I decided to give it up and just go to sleep. My eyelids felt like bricks were on them and they were now blood shut. I was now sleeping happily dreaming of what I thought could've been my normal life but it turned into a nightmare.

Dream 1

I was surrounded by faces each with a smile plastered on them. They were my friends I believe. They were all wearing their PJ's sitting in line formation gawking at me with astonished looks. I looked down to be amazed myself. I was wearing a dark blue dress with stars painted on. I looked truly amazing, for once, I glanced back at them to see their smiles fading into frowns. Dark circles formed around their now pitch black eyes. Their skin turned pale as their wrinkly fingers pointed to a door down the hall. I got up wanting to get away from them and ran towards the door they aimed at. The once white walls were flooded with black, I looked back and saw that the children disappeared, only darkness stood bold catching up to me as I continued to run as fast as my legs could go. A light shined at the end of the hall. I followed it and as I came closer the darkness vanished. I stopped at a door frame panting then something caught my eye. A man and woman were in the middle of the red-coated room gazing at a baby wrapped in a black cloth. The woman had a striking resemblance to.. to my mom. It was my mother and father looking I think. I called out to them but no one noticed. After properly fixing the baby on a bed they left her there and walked out the door without even glancing at the squealing child. I inched forward until I arrived at the bed gazing at the baby girl who cried endlessly swinging her arms in the air. Tears streamed down her purple doe-shaped eyes onto her rosy cheeks. A red pendant that was placed around her neck glowed as bright as the sun as her tears mantled it. I tried to calm the child I mean me but she couldn't hear me. Shadows painted the walls of the room black. The baby's cries grew louder and louder as they moved closer to her before completely smothering the defenseless infant. My heart thumped loud so loud I could hear its beats. I screamed as the shadows came to me. I hid my face with black being the only color that obstructed my vision. A cold chill hit my body I felt like a knife was being plunged into my chest repeatedly. Then a warm embrace calmed me.

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