Chapter 3

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    Since all the adults were dead no one was left to hunt for them so they had no choice but to search for their own food. Suga, the second eldest, and Hobbi, the third eldest went out to hunt and left Namjoon and Jin to babysit the three younger brothers. These brothers were very sly, they sneaked off and observed when the other vampires went hunting and mastered their skills fast so hunting was second nature to them. Successful in their search for food the brothers returned and they all ate and went to bed with no one to protect them at night. The years passed by and the brothers grew braver and more skill full than before. They spent their entire lives avoiding the humans because of their capability of killing them but that all changed. One blood chilling evening Namjoon, Jin, and Suga went out into the forest to hunt leaving Hobbi to watch the Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook.

 They didn't venture too far from the castle because it was hunting season for the humans. Jin had his eyes set on an animal but just as he was about to go for it an arrow appeared out of nowhere and pierced straight through the palm of his hand. He fell on the numbing, icy floor holding his bloody hand and groaning. The arrow was fired by a foolish, dim-witted hunter named Dopy. Namjoon and Suga saw what happened and in the blink of an eye, they came face to face with the idiot who shot their brother. Their eyes were red with rage and their fists were clinched together ready to fight. Dopy cowered in fear and ran away screaming. They wanted to go after him but had to help wounded Jin. Suga helped him up and Namjoon scouted ahead to make sure no other human was near.

 When they arrived back in the castle to their surprise Hobbi was chained to the wall crying for help and in the next room, the youngsters were fighting. Namjoon was furious because Jin was wounded, they had no food and he came home to see find his brothers out of control and Hobbi tied up. He shouted out in aggravation and it was so loud it silenced the creatures in the forest. The youngsters froze with fear and Hobbi didn't make a peep. He ordered the three troublemakers to untie Hobbi and they did so without a question. Suga took Jin to a wooden chair near the fireplace and lit a fire to heat up the frostbiting place, cleaned Jun's injury and bandaged it. After Hobbi was untied both Namjoon and him went back to hunt and were triumphant. When they returned home, surprisingly everything was in order and Namjoon was pleased. Since Jin was not able to prepare dinner he gave Hobbi and Suga advice on how to do so. Meanwhile, Jimin and Tae were tired and both knocked out by the fireplace but Jungkook was worried about Namjoon he knew him all his life and never once has he had an outburst like that. 

He went upstairs to the room he knew Namjoon always goes in but before he walked in he heard a devastated tone of voice. "It's all my fault" "It's all my fault." Jungkook peeked inside and saw what it appeared to be Namjoon kneeling on the floor talking to himself and his hands were covering his chest. Jungkook was fear bitten and rushed inside and shouted,"hyung what's wrong?" He knelt down by Namjoon's side and saw that his brother's hands were covered in blood and his skin was freezing cold. Namjoon became weak and blacked out. "Hyung!" shouted Jungkook. His scream was so loud it woke Jimin and Tae. Quickly everyone darted upstairs to see what happened. "It's all my fault" "It's all my fault" "It's all my fault!" shouted Namjoon, his eyes slowly opened and he saw his chest was bandaged and he was feeling rather full. "What happened?" he asked because he saw everyone around him with worried looks in their eyes.                                                                

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