Chapter 17

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It was morning. The sun shone through the curtains onto my eyes. They finally opened and I got off the bed and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and bathe. I came back to my room and changed.


It was Namjoon calling me. He seems like a nice person but yet he terrifies me. Yes, I am afraid of him. You should know that I'm afraid of almost anything. My parents died and all my relatives rejected me. I never got the chance to be loved and never felt what it was like to be safe.

I walked out the door and peeped by the staircase. I poked out my head and saw Namjoon with his arms folded standing by the couch.

Namjoon: "Y/N there you are come down please."

I began stepping down the stairs with my hands crossed on my shoulders. I was nervous. Finally, I was down. I walked to him and he looked down at me. He smiled and his eyes did too, a dimple formed on his face. I smiled back and looked at my feet on the ground.

Namjoon: "Are you hungry?"

Why does he need to ask? I'm starving in my position my stomach feels hollow oak.

Namjoon: "Good I thought so."

"I didn't say anything."

Namjoon: "You don't need to I can read your mind," he smirked. Chills ran down my spine.

He took me to the kitchen. I sat on a chair near the black marble table. My breakfast was in front of me on a silver platter. I ate while Namjoon was into the living room. When I was done I washed my dishes and went into the living room and sat on the couch with my arms folded and my legs crossed. He was a few inches away reading a book. I didn't want to bother him so I kept quiet. The day grew old, it was time for me to sleep. I laid on my bed. Today was weird. Namjoon didn't really show any interest in me for a guy who wanted me to be his bride. I closed my eyes and drifted off to be awoken by loud screaming and banging. I ignored it thinking the neighbors were party animals but it continued. I stuffed my head in my pillow trying to block out the sound but it didn't work. I got off the bed and walked to the window and saw a girl pounding on the door screaming, "HELP!"



I rushed down the stairs to see what had happened but by the time I came down the last step the noise faded. I opened the door and saw no one. Maybe it's my imagination I thought but my feet were soaked. There was a strong scent of blood that filled the atmosphere. I looked down and saw that it was blood I was standing in. Outside was truly dark. The moon was covered in a blanket of clouds and the stars slowly disappeared in the sky. I walked on the lawn and noticed that there were pools of blood some bigger than the one I stepped in.  I followed the trail and from the corner of my eye, I saw something by the tree, my curiosity led me to see what it was. The clouds blew away with the night wind and revealed the shiny disk in the twilight. I was now able to see with the help the moonlight. I convulsed in my position. The pale corpse of the same girl I saw leaned against the tree. Her head was tilted sideways and her hazel eyes stared blankly at the ground. Blood dripped from her lips. The light blue dress she wore was torn and stained deep red. Her blonde hair hung at the side of her neck dyed with blood. Bruises and bite marks were made on her neck and the rest of her body. She must have been attacked by someone or something. I frantically looked around and saw someone by the rose bush watching me. I thought it was Namjoon but his eyes glowed red when he smells blood. This person's own glowed grey. He wiped the blood that oozed down from his mouth and flashed a smile at me.  Fear struck me like bolts of lightning, my body was as cold as ice and I'm pretty sure my heart almost jumped out my body.  

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