Chapter 1: Red

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Remind me again why we're here." Asked a short man to a taller man in front of him. One of his bushy eyebrows raised in curiosity.

"Yeah, why are we here? Is this an important meeting or something?" A tall man with split bangs questioned the same man as he walked behind him as well.

"I came to pick up something important." This time, it was the man the two were following. He wore a black trench coat and eye patch. He ran his hand through his caramel brown hair as he said it.

"What could you be picking up that is so important?" Said one.

"And why didn't you bring your mate along?" Said the other.

"Because, it's a surprise for him." Replied the man.

"Ah! We're here!" All three stopped in front of a jewelry store.

The place wasn't big or extravagant as the jewelry stores they been to. It was small, old, and looked out of place in the vibrant city. It read "Mario's Jewelry" and the sign looks like it aged with the store. The man in front just smiled at it's beauty. He liked old things and had his home modeled after old buildings.

The man opened up the door to a beautiful inside. The place was covered in red, gold, silver, and black. The wood work was well detailed and beautiful. The place was a form of deception but, it was symbolic. The man came out to see three men in the store. He greeted the man In front.

"Ah, Mr. Red Leader! I was about to send the item you wanted me to make! I'm sorry it took so long. The box took more time over the items you wanted." He knew that the rings had to be kept a secret. But, he went to go get everything ready for Red Leader to take.

Mario came out with a small, well handcrafted mahogany box. It was covered in blue, red, and purple semi-precious stones with a special lock on it. He placed it and a small envelope in a gift bag. He handed the bag over to Red Leader carefully. The man took it from with just as much carefulness. Red Leader then bought a two silver and white gold chains to add to the bag before leaving.

"What's in the bag?" Ask the short one. He pulled out a cigarette while he walked with the man known to the world as Red Leader. He knew his cousin was into jewelry and expected the best but, to get it for someone else? Especially, when they noticed that the jeweler is a world famous and this was for his bonded boyfriend of all people. It had to be serious.

"It's a surprise. I waited three months for this to be made and now, I want to make sure everything goes as planned. "Red Leader said. He didn't want anyone to know the surprise, not even his two faithful cousins beside him.

"Pat." He turned over to the tall man who kept up with him. He was silent all this time.

"Yes cousin?" Asked Pat.

"I need you to make a media meeting for me. I have an announcement to make and it's really important." Red leader looked at Pat with a smile on his face. It was time.

It's almost been over a year since the relationship between Tord and Tom blossomed into something more than friends with benefits. He became Tom's bonded mate three months ago.

In a weird way, he was glad to make the plunge with him into something more permanent.

But, he knew one thing about this relationship. No one but a handful of people knew about it. In the world's view, he was a predator bachelor who was on the prowl for prey to spend his days with. To dump after he got tired of them and moved on to the next prey for the month or two.

They didn't know about Tom and Tord wanted to keep it that way for a while now.

They didn't know about the nights the two would stay up to watch movies or play video games. They didn't know about the times Tord would sneak out of a meeting to go out with Tom to eat or sing karaoke. The picture texts that he had to be careful over. Heck, he had to make up excuses about the bite marks on his neck and the big one on his shoulder. He would be sneaky when coming and leaving Tom's house and the same had to happen for Tom.

But, that had to change. If he was going to be Tom's bonded mate, he had to make it official. He wanted this to be official. And, he wanted it to be a big event.

He quickly walked to a nearby private table before his cousins could find him, and sat down with his back to the world. The last thing he needed was anyone but the person it was for to find out. He took the box out of the bag and got to set the code. He choose the one event that changed everything. It was the night he had fun with Tom for the first time. To him, that was the one time in his life that he got what he wanted in this world.

His partner.

He placed the box back into the bag before a woman approached him. She was beautiful with a pretty face, luxurious black hair, and a model's body. She flashed her pearly whites at him before speaking in a refined tone. Tord was not happy but listened to her.

"Ah, the handsome Red Leader, what a pleasant surprise for you to grace my mother's place with your presence." Tord felt disgusted by the woman. She was fake and wanted something from him. He decided to play along before leaving.

"Please, sit with my two comrades in arms." He pointed to his cousins as they sat down. "I would love to order something since it is lunch time." He turned on the charm. The last thing he needed was a problem.

"I see that you went to Mario's Jewelry. I heard that he was working on a piece of art that was art show worthy." She looked at the bag with eagerness. He knew that Mario didn't blab but, someone who worked for him did. He had to cut her short soon.

"I bought this gift from him for a friend back in my home country. I forgot to get him a Christmas gift and decided to get him something nice to place his stuff in." It was only half true. The box also has a compartment for holding other things but the real surprise was inside.

"Sir, we must get going if you want to be back in Norway tonight." Pat saved him from the woman's prying eyes. He was right though, he wanted to get back to Tom as soon as possible.

"Take care then." Said the woman sadly.

As Tord, Pat and Paul left, he looked down at the box. He looked over to Pat before saying something.

"Have the media meeting two days from now at five pm. I want Tom there as well so make sure he gets off an hour early." He wanted Pat to make sure of that.

He wanted the world to know he's no longer on the market.


Whelp here we are again. This is the last book of the series and I am glad to kick it off. Hopefully, I can update this one more often. So, thank you for reading the first chapter

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