Chapter 14: Brown

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Tom woke up to the worse hangover he had in years. Luckily, the room was dark enough not to aggravate the hangover any further. He looked around to see that he was in bed and remembered that it was due to mixing liquors together.

"Ouch..." Tom winced. He started to rub his temples before putting his visor on.

This one is way worse than the one time he had to be rushed to the hospital because he had alcohol poisoning. This was also around the time he found out he had cancer and wanted to drink the thought away. That made him rethink getting drunk so much.

He turned to see his fiancé next to him. By the looks of things, he was still out cold from last night's party. Instead of waking him up, he slipped out of bed to go get some pain killers. The first thing he needed was to get was some pants just in case someone comes in.

After finding some painkillers in the bathroom, Tom walked over to the kitchen to find coffee pots, two mugs, and coffee pods. He looked in the fridge to find it stocked with food. He checked the cabinets for dry goods and luckily, there was some pancake mix with cereal and oatmeal packets. Not his favorite way to make breakfast but, it will have to do.

Tom got to making breakfast. He made pancakes, oatmeal, eggs and bacon, cut fruit with fried potatoes. He took a few coffee pods and made two cups of coffee. While he was doing that, the phone rang. Out of instinct, Tom picked up the phone and answered it.

"Hello?" Tom asked.

"Is this the penthouse level?" A male voice replied.

"Yes, the Red Leader is sleeping right now." All of a sudden he hears movement in the bedroom. He hears his voice being called but, ignores it.

"On second thought," He felt an arm wrap around him and a groggy hum in his ear. "He can answer your call." He places the phone in Tord's hand.

While Tord talks to the front desk, Tom walks around him with a cup of coffee. The aroma hits the Norwegian's nose and he glares at the British man waltzing back into the open kitchen. He glances at the plate of food before getting off the phone. He slips into the kitchen and nearly crashes on to the table. Tom almost laughed at the scene played out before eating with his mate.

Sometime later...

Ashi was walking into the hotel. She heard that her boss had a party here and knew that she could catch his partner at this hotel. She also found out that his list was small and full of interesting characters. What got her is that her new assistant was on the list.

She knew that Tom was always invited to nearly every event the Red Leader was at. It was rumored that Tom was there as a stand in for the Red Leader's actual date or that Tom was his friend in secrecy. Some even believed they were lovers but, Tom rarely talked about his life so, no one knew.

As she looked around, she noticed a medium size group come out of the elevators.

Some of the people she recognized but, the others were a mystery. She gasped at Tori and Tamara. Tori looked like the female version of Tord. This made her assume that she was the Red Leader's sister. But, it was Tamara that got her. Her black eyes looked into Ashi's green ones before she looked away. Then she noticed Paul and Pat with two women. One had Maple brown hair while the other had strawberry blond hair with red tips. One member of the group spoke. She had her blond hair down with ice blue eyes.

"How long will those two be asleep?" Her accent sounded Russian to Ashi.

"Not long. They both have to go to work unless Pat here says otherwise." Pat rolled his eyes at the dark tan skinned lady.

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