Chapter 4: Purple

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As soon as Edd and Matt entered Edd's house, they were greeted by Ringo. She purred as they both petted her with such gentleness.

Matt returned to his seat on the couch while Edd went to warm up the teapot with his hand. He hasn't told Tord that he still have some of his superpowers left. If he did, it would be a disaster but, he hasn't experimented on Tom yet. Matt noticed him doing so but, kept quiet until he was done. The last thing he needed was Edd to break his teapot over the news. As soon as Edd put the teapot on the table, Matt spoke.

"I think Tord is going to propose to Tom on Christmas Eve." He jolted at the loud noise Edd made.

"He's WHAT?!" Edd's eyes grew as wide as saucers. To hear Matt say that was enough to nearly give him a heart attack.

But, Edd chuckled at the thought. "I doubt it though. He doesn't seem like the committed type to begin with."

"Want to make a bet on that?" Matt asked.

"A losing bet? Sure! Winner gets twenty red krone and whatever the person wants." Edd put out his hand. Unsure, Matt just shook it but realize something.

Edd did have a point when it came to Tord and commitment to someone.

He would date for about a month or two before breaking up with them. Nearly everyone could make out when Tord was dating and when he broke up with someone. To have a long period of peace meant that he found the one. Too bad it was a secret or else Tom would be in the spotlight.

"He left Norway to go meet one of the world famous jewelers for something. I mean, it's been over a year since their relationship started. He's been building a small community up near his place for a while and Tom has been near his side ever since the castle incident." He looks at Edd while he takes a sip of his tea.

"Well, Tom doesn't have to be-"Matt decided to tell Edd some things.

"He has to now. In his family, his mate gains a lot and that includes protection."

He heard Edd sigh. When Edd did that, it was not a good sign. He was the usual mother hen of the group, the alpha leader in their ragtag pack. To hear that his black eyed friend was forever stuck with the guy who put him through hell was a problem. He noticed the tea was gone and Matt was tired.

"I guess its bed time then?" He snickered. Matt returned with a laugh.

"I suppose so. Besides, I have Anastasia to feed before I go to bed." Matt started to get dressed. He waved and said his good byes to Edd and Ringo before heading to his place.

Matt walked across the yards to his place. He noticed Tom's home was dark and smirked.

'Have fun you too.' He thought, he wasn't stupid to think lights off meant sleep. It just meant they were no longer in the living room.

After feeling the cold hit him, he quickly ran to his place. There, he swung open the door to a warm house full of luxury. He hear his precious, fluffy gray cat greet him at the door with soft mews. He fed her before flopping on to the couch to watch at least one hour of TV before going to bed.

All of a sudden, his phone rang.

"Hello?" Matt asked. He knew it was a Norwegian number but, it was different from the other.

"Matt! Oh thank goodness! I thought I couldn't contact you!" The women on the other line had a British accent and he knew who it was.

"Laurel? Oh my word! It's been so long! How are you?!" He asked cheerfully. It has been a while since he spoke to anyone from the UK.

"I'm fine actually. I just settled in the Red Kingdom and is about start work tomorrow." She said cheerfully.

"Which division?" He knew she might be put in Arts depending on Tord.

"Oh, I'll be working in between with Arts and Robotics."

"I look forward to working with you then." Matt replied.

For the rest of the night, Matt chatted with Laurel until they got off the phone. It was going to be a great day for Matt.


This is one of my shortest chapters to date. I don't know why but, I didn't have it in me to keep going as this was supposed to be Matt centric but, it stayed Edd centric. 

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