Chapter 18: Burgundy

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Tom pushed Martha out of the room so that he had time to get dressed in to something else. When he left his office,  he was wearing his overcoat and his vans. Martha wanted to question it but, just walked into Red Leader's office with him. While he slipped in with Martha, he made a phone call to someone. 

"Where are they?" Tom asked Paul as he saw no one in the office.

"Behind the desk but,  why is Martha here?" Paul replied as he looked at Martha with a curious glance. 

"She's just here to make sure things go right. In other words, she's going to help me out with your cousin's transformation." Martha waves at Paul.

"Oh, okay...Wait, TRANSFORMATION?!" Paul yelled. He heard a roar from the other side of the desk. 

"Is Tom here?!" Pat yells as he looks up to see the person in question at his cousin's side. 

"We have to get him out of his clothes." He pulls a camcorder out of the desk and hands it to Pat. 

"What's this for?" As he turns it on.

Tom takes Tord's shirt off to reveal a pair of wings.  Pat was shocked at what was happening. 

"We got to keep record of this moment. " Tom smiles. 

As Tord was morphing, he ripped off his metal arm. In its place, grew a demonic arm. It was a blood red color with small spikes on the shoulder. That alone calm the Norski down.

"This fucking hurts!" He yells. He touches his head to feel horns. 

"How do you feel?" Tom asks. He motions Paul, Martha, and Pat over. Martha rubbed his back while handing him a glass of water. He gulped it down quickly before coughing.

"The usual, as in,  I usually feel like someone beat the shit out of me. Besides,  what's with the overcoat?" Tord asked Tom.  That's when he took off his coat show them his outfit underneath. 

It was a dark blue tank top with matching blue shorts.  When they question why,  he transformed into his monster self.

"So that I can get comfortable too. " Tom said as he pulls his blue tablet out to work on. 

When they settled down,  Paul heard a knock on the door.  He opened it slightly to let Annie and Maple in the room along with Edd and Matt. 

"I knew you were a demon but, holy shit dude. " Edd joked as Tord sneered at him. Tord glanced over at Tom.

"Apparently, my true nature came out painfully. " That's when Tom jolted his head up.

"You knew this would happen and you didn't tell me?!" Tom almost yelled. 

"Because I was transforming at a slow rate.  Before you ask, it was due to the small amount of your blood when you tried to use it to save my life. 

The transformation started to speed up and I had to rely on your blood to control transformation. Once the transformation ends, It'll unlock my demonic side. Now, I'm stronger than ever and I owe that much to you. " Tom looked away. 

"I guess it means you don't need me any more." That is when he was pulled into a tight hug.

"I need you more than ever. This is one of the many epochs of my life. The ones I regretted was leaving you." Tord said. 

That's when Tord started to sing.

"Everyone makes mistakes
I've had more than my share
But it's ok 'cause I'm gonna repair it~!"

Almost everyone was amazed by Tord's voice. To Tord's surprise, Tom chimed in.

"They say there are no retakes
But I just don't agree, no, this show
Is of my own making~!"

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