Chapter 19: Maroon

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Warning: Contains smut. 

It's a beautiful day.

The birds are chirping. The sun is shining. The crew for the mansion is busy cleaning, cooking, and doing deliveries for the day. That includes a giant, important package for the Red Leader.

If he wasn't almost on the floor due to splitting his bed almost in half after a night of wild, animalistic sex.

Tord wakes up to the creaking of his bed and his alarm going off. He looks down at his newly bonded mate curled up in his bed. The claim mark on his mate's right shoulder was slightly leaking blood. It made him gently lick his mate's shoulder so that the blood didn't stain the sheets.

Or what's left of them.

The bed was a disaster. Everything was either torn or broken. The mattress was the only thing salvageable in the hot mess of what monster love making. The sad part is that he liked his bed but, it was time for a new bed.

It's time to start a new  life.

Tord decided to get out of bed before he felt something wrap around his leg. He started to hear a gentle, low purring noise from the other side of bed. He turns to see an arm wrap around his chest and a louder purring noise coming from his lover.

"Oh? Is my little hell beast waking up?" He purred in to the floppy ear of his pet. The male opened one eye and looked at the demon hybrid.

"Nope..." He tried to close his eye again while gently purring. Tord decided to get up when he felt the object move from his leg to his waist. 

"Nooooo...My heat source is leaving..." That's when Tom felt his tail being yanked. He looked up to see a demon sadistically smile at him.

"Heat source eh? I'll give you a real reason to sweat then." A gulp escapes the Brit's mouth.

An hour later...

An old maid decided to check up on the lord of the household.

Normally he's up early and out the door within 20 minutes. Even on the weekends, he doesn't sleep in much. The only time he rarely does so is when his special guest is here. The maid thought about the guest a lot. She had one thing to say about him. 

She doesn't like him. 

She slowly opens to a disaster of a bed. It was falling apart. Even floor had debris from the bed frame. She wonders how the bed was destroyed in the first place. That's when she hears moans from the bed.

"Relax a little. You're getting a bit too tight..." She almost recognized her boss' voice. She steps into the room to get closer. The moans get a little louder. 

"N-Not so rough! Ah~! Fuck!" The second voice was deeper. She wonder if it was the male guest her boss invites over. Soon, she get to the bed to see a show. 

A demonic creature feeling up a smaller black-eyed monster with floppy ears claws and mult-colored skin. He was wearing a school girl outfit with black cat like stockings. By the look on his face, he wasn't just getting felt up. 

He was getting fucked.

"But you like it rough~." Said the demon. His hands living scratches on the male's skin. 

"S-Shut up b-baka!" the smaller monster said. He chin was lifted to met the glaze of the demon. 

"How cute my tsundere." He kissed the male before he could resist.

"I think someone is in the room and it's not Annie or Maple." The monster said. 

"Then let us give them a show." The demon pushed the monster to the mattress. 

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