Chapter 2: Blue

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Back in Norway...

In a separate place near the Red Kingdom is the Elite Gardens. It is a heavily secured place that holds all the elites that the Red Leader placed in charge of his system. Unlike the Red Leader, all higher ups had to stay there. But, enough about them. We're going to focus on three, well one, elite houses.

Lined up on one block are three houses. The house to the left was painted green, the house to the right was painted purple, and finally, the house in the middle was painted blue. Each house color is based on the owner's favorite color and each house was remodeled to fit their needs. But, we're going to focus on the middle house.

In the middle house lived a man and his cat. The cat was big, fluffy and had black eyes like his guardian. He was smart and usually wanted to lay by his guardian's side when he was in his room. The cat found out as he raced up the stairs that the door was closed.

So, the cat used the footstool to open the door. He looked over at his guardian in his bed, asleep. It was almost routine for him if he didn't have to leave to meet with the man who had a red arm. He like the red armed man as he played with him for hours while his guardian was well, busy. He observed the person who was taking care of him.

He was a man who was thirty. He was lean with long brown and dark brown to black hair that was styled funny. His body was covered in not only scars but, the skin was different colors. Some areas was dark, some were light, and some had black and purple splotches that were not bruises or hickeys. His long ears twitched a little when he heard the tag on the collar. The man's snoring was less human and more animalistic.

He had shifted a little while he slept.

It wasn't that he shifted randomly, it was that he was away from his bonded companion. It put him on edge until he was given a red hoodie to cuddle up with. It calmed him down but, not enough for him to start shifting. If he kept going, he would wind up naked in a broken bed.

The fluffy kitty decided to calm his guardian's nerves by jumping into his bed and lay next to him. He noticed that when he did that, the man slowly shifted down a little. It was okay as long as he didn't shift into full form. Snuggling in the blankets, the kitty fell asleep.

One hour later...

The cat wakes up to a knock at the door. He knows it is probably the tall, orange haired man his guardian calls Matt. He always wakes him up to go to this place called a store to get food and other things. He nudges the man until he sees movement.

"Lil Tom, stop it~!" Whined his guardian. "I'll play with you later~!"

'WAKE UP!!!!!!' Thought Lil Tom angrily. This caused his guardian to jolt up before falling back to asleep.

"He's probably asleep again." Matt said to someone. Lil Tom nudged harder at the sleeping man until the man opened one of his void like black eyes in irritation.

"What do you want fur ball?" That's when the door opened up to Matt coming in. He was wearing his purple hoodie with green jacket, blue jeans and a pair of snow boots. He looked at a semi-nude man with a cat sitting in the bed. But, what got Matt was that his friend looked irritated and monstrous.

"Tom, Edd and I was wondering if you want to go shopping and grab a bite to eat." Matt said calmly. He didn't want to piss Tom off to the point of him turning full monster. He heard a low growl before noticing a red hoodie on his pillow.

"You miss him?" Matt smiled at Tom. That's when Tom turned away before replying with a small, sad chirp. He just wanted to sleep the day away but, that's not going to happen any time soon. Matt walked over and sat on his bed. He made sure not to sit on his tail. The last time was scary.

"How about you go buy some food and make him a meal? I bet he would love that." He heard a happy chirp before the door opened. In came another tall man with dark brown and eyes to match.

"Hey Matt his he asleep or-"The man grew silent when he saw Tom.

"Oh, uh, sorry." Before he could leave, he felt a small invisible tug at his body. He also heard a whimper from the smaller male who was now sitting up but, covered.

"It's alright, give me a few minutes and I'll go with you. Also," He handed Lil Tom to Matt. "He needs to leave as well."

The two males left with the cat while the owner of the house got dressed. By the time he was done, he looked over to the red hoodie and folded it up after sniffing it. He started to question a lot of things while he walked down the stairs to meet his friends.

"You ready to go Tom?" His friends said in unison.

"Hold on." He shifted back into his human self before putting his visor on. The three locked up their homes before hopping into Matt's car. They headed to the multi-store in the Red Kingdom. 

-Time skip-

Tord was at the airport with his cousins. He decided to call Tom to tell him he was back but, kept getting his voicemail.

"Huh, he must be asleep." He said to himself.

He wanted to go to the store before he went home to gather a few things. Most of the time someone does that for him but, he was feeling up to it. That's when he remembered why he had someone else do it.

He, again, was still a bachelor in the world's eye.

He was being stopped by women who wanted to talk to him. To give him their numbers in hopes to be his girlfriend. Some even walked with him. He was not in the mood until he saw him.


He was walking with Edd and Matt. He was bundled up with a little cat hat on. It made him so cute that Tord blushed and ignore the girl next to him. That was when Tord decided to take a picture of him with his smartphone. He looked up to see Tom looking at him with wide 'eyes'. A loud "Ah shit!" escaped his mouth before Edd and Matt looked over at Tord.

That's when the three started to run. They looked back at Tord running behind them. It wasn't fact that they were running for fun. It was the fact that Tom didn't answer his phone and was trying to keep the meal a secret.

The two men heard a yelp and looked back to Tord holding Tom at the hip with one hand. He was trying to gain his breath back while looking at the two before looking his mate in the eye. A low growl escaped his lips as he started to speak.

"Care to explain some things Thomas." He heard Tom gulp when he said his full name.

"Heh." Tom started to panic a little before trying to get out of Tord's grip.

"You do realize not answering has unsavory consequences~." Tom purred at the consequences he was talking about.

"Sorry, I was busy." He started to sweat a little. He didn't realize that Tord was close enough to whisper something close to his ear.

"I hope you're not busy for tonight then~." He made Tom hide the blush on his cheeks. Tord set him down before winking at him.

"Let's finish shopping!" Tom said happily while watching Tord walk away.

He doesn't realize his life is about to change.

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