Chapter 7: Gold

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The one thing you never want to do is spend your Christmas at the hospital but, here, the gang is doing just that. Tord was by Tom's hospital room door. He was waiting for the doctors and nurses to come out. The rest of the gang was sitting in the lobby chairs with sadness in their eyes.

They had to spend Christmas Eve here because they couldn't get Tom to wake up. He was still breathing but, it was scary when he collapsed and worse when he was running a fever without saying anything. Tom was literally sick but, wanted to give everyone a good Christmas. When everyone thought about it, they bow their heads down.

Each one of them knew he was off but thought it was nothing. Sometimes, one of them would approach him to see if he was ok. Tom would say he was alright but, really wasn't. They should've watched him closer instead.

One of the doctors came out to the crowd with her dianosis. She looked over at Red Leader who had a sad look on his face before facing the sad crowd. Whatever she said regardless would not force them to leave the building. She coughed before speaking.

"He just overworked himself. He's a little dehydrated, fatigued, and running a fever. He needs to stay overnight for rest and monitoring." The doctor told them.

Everyone but Tord was relieved. Tord, on the other hand, slammed his hand against the wall. Everyone jolted but the gang knew why he did that. He was afraid he lost his beloved only to find out it was exhaustion.

"That idiot...Why didn't he tell anyone he wasn't feeling well? We could've waited the next day..."He growled.

"Maybe he wanted making it special just in case he or anyone of us had to leave. Besides, we need to call at least Tamara to tell her that he's in the hospital." Edd had Matt call her.

A restroom door slammed open to Tamara coming in. "Alright, where is he?! We are supposed to spend Christmas together this year!"

"That was fast." Edd said to Matt as his finger was near the call button.

"Asleep in that room. I did not know he was going through with his plans..."Tord mumbled. Tamara gave him the stink eye. 

"He did invite you come with him but, you declined." Tamara retorted. Tord slowly growled at her. 

"I was going to take him to the village." Before they could fight, Tori chimed in.

"Darling, it's important that your brother chooses who he spends Christmas with." She kissed Tamara's cheek.

"I wondered why he had the party before Christmas. That's so sweet...Wait, he has a sister?!" Annie asked.

"Yes, his other siblings are waiting for him on the other side. We were going to spend Christmas day opening gifts. When I go to get him, he's going to the damn hospital." Tamara puffed her cheeks and pouted. 

'That's his twin alright.' Everyone thought.

"Well, he'll be out of it for a few hours but, he can go with you. I'll take him later then."When Tamara heard that, she pulled Tord into Tom's room.

"I saw what caused this mess. That was a huge feast for a small group. I also saw the box and what was inside. Are you serious about that? I want my brother to be happy." She looked over at her slumbering brother. He knew the two where in room and smiled because they're not trying to kill each other.

"He knows we're here. But, again, are you serious about that?" She looks him straight in the eye. He takes off his eye patch to return the glare.

"I'm serious." Tamara smiled. Her brother found someone who loves him. 

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