Chapter 9: Scarlet

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Tom ran.

He didn't care where or what floor, he just ran.

He ran from the angry mob of his patched up family. What he did made them run after him. He kept running until he looked behind him to saw two people getting close to him. He ran faster than he ever could to deter them. Why was he running from them?

It wasn't the fact that he made the tables and chairs move. It wasn't the fact that he accidently hit Edd and Matt with trays. It wasn't the fact that the chair he was force to sit in knocked his sister back. Oh no, it wasn't that at all.

It was the fact that he used the commotion to run from them.

He ran to the elevator while they were occupied with the scene. By the time they realize he left, he was on the third floor trying to get back to his room. There, he could lock himself into bathroom and not have to deal with them. The problem with this plan? His room is on the fifth floor.

So, he had to run to the nearest elevator on the other end of the third floor before they catch him. If they do, he's in a world of hurt. Especially since he hit his sister with a chair. Oh this is going to be great exercise for him.

He starts to lose them, when he sees Commander Ethan coming out a room.

"Slow down Tom! Where are you going?!" He made Tom stop in front of him.

"Hide me quickly!" He squeaked. That's when Ethan pushed him into the room while making sure no one was behind him.

The room he was pushed into was big and pretty. He looks to see the various congratulations and get well soon balloons around the room. Near the window, a cradle was snuggled close to an occupied hospital bed. It had baby blue and purple blankets inside. On the night stand was a bouquet of flowers, cards, and other trinkets. Tom walked over to the person in the bed. He recognized the person holding a baby in her arms.

"Martha?" The woman looked up at him wide eyes and smiled.

"Tom! How are you?! I was wondering why you were here. Did you come to visit?" Martha's eyes shown the most beautiful blues ever.

"I was wondering why you wasn't at work. I didn't know you was Ethan's wife." He smiled at her.

You see, out of everyone in the office, Martha was the one person Tom could tolerate. She was a dark haired, olive skinned woman with the prettiest blue eyes that lit up brighter when she smiled or got excited. He would sometimes talk to her because, like him, she was quiet. The day he got off of work, he didn't see her and thought she was sick.

"I was going to visit later since your husband told me about the baby. I guess it would be nice to see the kiddo now." He wasn't lying. Ethan invited him to see the baby during their talk. He agreed to visit later without the gang on his back.

"Ethan gave me the weirdest name but, I like it." She let her accent out.

"Do you speak Norwegian?" Tom asked. He noticed that she had a book in Norwegian next to her

"Selvfølgelig. Jeg er Norsk. (Of course. I am Norwegian.)" So that's how she's able to help him with some of the paperwork. Then again, most of the office is filled with Norwegian Red Army personnel.

Tom decided to have a conversation with Martha. They would talk about various subjects while the big guy was getting her something to eat. She had to correct his Norsk but, it was fine for a moment until she asked.

"Er du et monster? (Are you a monster?)" That's when Tom tensed up. How did she know?

"Because I had a feeling and now, up close, I can smell it off of you." Tom laugh.

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