Chapter 21: Ultramarine

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Tom decided to jump into his own past. 

After a good night's sleep, he decided to get something to eat. How long has he been out, he doesn't know. Tom walks downstairs to be greet by the chefs who make him a light breakfast. He quietly takes the meal outside to bask in the sun. 

That when he thought about his life.

He was mostly kept in the dark about his life. When he did get a chance to live it the way he wanted to, he drank it away. So, most of it was a blur until he changed his life around.

Then, he ended up in a coma for about a year and a half with a few months of living in the hospital. 

Tom got dressed before looking at the watch. He was going to explore Tord's past some more but, the last parts tied into his life. So, it was useless to that right now. Maybe when he had more time to do so, he would. 

But, again, time was not on his side. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Tomas asked from the mirror. He was more concerned about seeing Tom's real father again.

"What are you a monster or a chicken? We have already seen most of Tord's past, I want to see my own." Tom stuck out his tongue at Tomas who rolled his eyes. 

"Fine but, you might not like it. Remember, you were drunk for a good chunk of it." Tom scoffed.

"Only to keep you at bay, remember?" Tom sneered. 

"You only did that of your own accord. It took twenty plus years for you to accept me. It's sad when you could've done so in your late teens, early twenties. I would've taught you so much by then. You could even have my powers to boot."

"At a cost. My mother died thanks to our blood. I was afraid of ending up in the same fate. Can you blame me for doing that? I couldn't do that to my friends or family." That's when he felt a pat on this head. 

"In your mother's case, she was voluntarily made into a monster. She was a beautiful, human woman who life was cut short due to your father's sacrifice. She could've lived her life raising her pups but, instead, she wanted to protect you guys. That is what I admire in her..." Tomas trailed off. Tom questioned why he was speaking as if he knew her. Then again, him and Tomas are two separate beings who share a body. 

"Anyways...Let's go before someone gets suspicious of my disappearance. I only have a week before you-know-who comes back. If I'm gone that long, he'll send out a search party. Remember the last time he did that? Remember when he caught us?" 

" Don't remind me..." Tomas rubbed his butt. 

"Lets go!" Tom yelled before hitting the button. They traveled to when he was born in June of 1992. It was hot to say the least as the gentle breeze hit the woman in the bed while she fed the two bundles of joy. 

"It's sad that I lost one but, that's fine. At least I have a pair of beautiful twins. Are they not beautiful Anthony darling?" The woman said to the man holding their two year old. The man looked at both of the kids.

The twins look almost identical despite being fraternal. They both had black scleras and a gentle personality like their mother. From their father came their hair, the violet blue eyes and the olive skin. He also notice that the boy looked like his brother. 

"Thomas..." He whispers only to hear the baby boy giggle. He smiled at the name. 

"I guess Asta was right..." He murmurs. 

"Maybe. I just hope he doesn't share the same fate." Tomas clenched his jacket after hearing that. He felt a tight pain in his chest when he heard the woman talk about it. 

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