Chapter 12: Fuchsia

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It was Monday morning when Tom was back in the office. He was working on the papers the new Head Accountant wanted him to do.

What happened to the old one? Well, Tom told Pat about the errors in the paper work. This resulted in Pat telling Paul to look over the paper work before it was sent to Tom. Come to find out, the old Head Accountant was embezzling money from the kingdom before Tom worked for them. The only reason why no one noticed it was because he would make careful errors that was easy to miss.

Now, the job should have went to Tom but, it went to Ashi. She was the one who would make sure Tom's work was correct on top of handing it directly to Paul who was in charge of financials. She was also second in line for the position because of her work ethic. This would've made Tom happy.

But, it didn't.

Ashi was a nosy woman who looked like a Goth. Her hair was black with hints of green and fuchsia. She had green eyes and freckles that dusted her pale skin. She wore black and had black makeup on. The one thing he didn't like about her was that she would faun over Tord and speak ill of his future spouse in front of him.

While he was working, he subconsciously took out the rings. He put one on and looked at it with a glint of longing in his eye. He even took it off to see the inscriptions on the inside. One side had 'red and blue'. He turned it a little to see 'Commie'. Then, he looks to see Tord's birthday in there too. He started to laugh at the fact he put his nickname and his birthday on the ring. I guess he wanted Tom to remember him when he left for business. He would have to ask the Commie about his rings too.

As he looked at the rings, he didn't notice the knock on the door. In came Ashi with the look of boredom and agitation. She looked over at Tom with annoyance, as if he was a requirement. But, she knows that Tom might be the one who could tell her some information about the Red Leader. She just looked at him with a bored, irritated look on her face.

'Who hot sauced her dildo?' Tom thought. He kept looking at her legs when she came in. It looked like she had something really hot up her snatch.

"What's up miss?" Tom was polite to her. In reality, he wanted her gone. She looks at the rings before speaking.

"I didn't know you liked rings." Tom remained silent for a while before saying something.

"Yeah, I spent some money on them. I was thinking about an old friend when I got them. He left a long time ago and I wanted something to remember him by." He wasn't lying. Tord did leave for a while before returning into his life as a different person.

"Word on the street is that you might know who his future spouse is. After all, you was seen close to Red Leader Friday. Then again, so was the Manager of Robotic Design and Repair and the Manager of Media and Communication Arts."

"We were having fun with an old friend. He didn't talk about his future spouse unless it was to stop any information about them. "Tom replied to his boss in a monotone voice. He didn't care about her snooping until Paul knocked on the door.

"Red Leader wants to see you..."He looks at Ashi before finishing the sentence. "Alone."

"What did I do wrong this time? Damn Commie, always finding fault in everything I do..."That's when Ashi shot him a nasty look.

"You always have a nasty thing to say about our boss and leader. I don't get why he keeps you employed. If I was him, I would fire you on the spot for saying one bad thing about me. I guess he keeps you around for a fight given that you have bruises on neck. Maybe his future spouse will get you fired if they heard the crap you say about him." She gave a smug smile while he walked out the door.

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