Chapter 30: Clear

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Everything was clear on the Norwegian beach. Tom looks at Tomas in his indigo eyes while his sapphire blue eyes glistened. They looked at the two men talking to each other. Tord never got to meet Thunder alive. He only seen pictures and maybe met him a few times. Other than that, the spirit was his silent guide, unless spoken too. 

"Tom, you know after they finish talking, we'll have to go," Tomas said sadly. The words hit Tom hard. 

He never figured this day would come when he would say goodbye to the best friend he got a chance of meeting a millennia ago. They stuck by each other when the world started to crash and change around them. 

They traveled together with their significant others for a little over one thousand years. Tom couldn't believe it has been that long. He couldn't believe Tord would stay with him for that long either. 

But, they were both tired. 

Tom looked at the four graves overlooking the beach. The first two was Tomas and Thunder's grave. After finding Tomas' grave in England, Tord had the body exhumed, redressed in Tomas' favorite clothes, and re-buried. He did the same with his uncle's grave. They needed to be together for once in their life. Tom made sure they had their tombstones placed correctly and their rings buried with them. 

The other two were their graves. 

The two grew tired of everything. Of finding and learning new things. Of traveling the world and several other worlds. Hell even meeting new people became a chore. Tom and Tord knew how their patriarchs felt after two hundred years. But, they chose to leave the land of the living for Hell. 

Tom and Tord took each other out of the land of the living. 

They remember that day too. They dressed up in their favorite clothes with their hair done and faces shaven. They gave up their worldly possessions to anyone they could find. They made sure to have the couple's coffin in the hole and the robots to do the rest before vaporizing themselves. 

As they stood by their graves, Tom took off his visor as he raises the gun to Tord's chest. Tord took off his eye patch as he does the same. Their eyes never faltering from the other's face. 

"Remember the promise?" Tord asks. 

"Why do you think we're here?" Tom laughs. Tears in both of their eyes. 

"I love you!" Tord said first. He looks into Tom's eyes when he said it. Smiling as he wanted the last memory of them being together to be a happy one. 

It was the most sincere I love you Tom has ever heard. He never wanted this day to come but, it was time. They couldn't do this anymore, even if they try. 

"I love you too!" Tom yells as he starts to cry. He made sure to smile as well so that Tord knew he didn't regret his decision. 

He made sure to look Tord in the eyes when he said it. He never felt a true pain as he said it to the one he loved. He wants it to be just as sincere as the one Tord gave him. This was going to be the end of it all. Why should he not make sure it was worth every memory of their lives together. 


The last thing the two saw before they fell into the coffin was a smile on each other faces. Tord went first, still smiling before Tom died. Then, darkness consumed the smiling Tom as he felt his hoodie get soaked with blood and his body give up one last breath. 

"Tomas! It's time to go!" Tomas looks at Thunder as he held his hand out. Tomas hugs his nephew as he shed a few tears. This was their goodbye until they crossed over as well. 

Tomas got up and ran to that hand. He didn't grab that hand at all. No, he did something better. 

He flew into Thunder's arms. 

He missed his hugs, his kisses, his laughter, his warmth. He missed it all. He never wants to leave those arms. Tomas kisses Thunder as they stay together for a minute. Tord beacons Tom to come over. 

"Do you want to say goodbye together?"Tord says. Tom nods. 

"GOODBYE, YOU TOO! SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE!" Tord and Tom yell together as the couple laughs. They decided to return the favor. 

"GOODBYE, YOU TOO AS WELL! THANK YOU FOR GIVING US A HAPPY LIFE!" Tom and Tord stand strong as they see the couple get ready to leave. 

They held and kiss each other until they fade away. It was beautiful to see the two leave together. Even in death, they did not part. Neither did Tom and Tord. 

"Well, what are we going to do?" Tom asks. This is a new experience for him. 

"We can cross over ourselves," Tord replies. He looks at the blue-clad male as he said it. Tom looks away when he said it.

"Where will we go through? I mean, you're part demon and I'm part hell beast. Plus, we were married in life and death doesn't stop us from parting." Tord shakes his head. 

"We can go to either paradise or purgatory. Either place is beautiful and we can see our friends there." Tom's eyes widen. 

"How-" Tord placed his fingers on Tom's lips. 

"Tomas told me that monsters like us will end up in purgatory. I have a feeling our friends are there as well. Besides, we can go there or Hell. I recall our patriarchs giving us a place to stay on their land. 

"In the afterlife, we can be together and have a chance to be reborn. I don't want to though if it means not seeing you." Tord said. Tom just laughs. 

"When did you become the cheesy romantic?" Tord stuck his tongue out. 

"Being around you for so long made me a cheesy romantic." Tom made a face.

"Anyways, I think we should get going. There is literally nothing left here for us here." They both agreed. 

The world they had no longer exist. It was different. The only reason why their graves were there is that they found a protected area to place the graves in. Other than that, they saw everything, did everything, even learned most of the knowledge of the world. 

It was time to go. 

As Tom walks with Tord on the beach one last time, He looks up at their graves. He realizes that one day their graves will be moved and that was okay as long as they were together. 

"Are you ready to go?" Tord asks Tom when they stop. 

"Yeah, I'm ready," Tom said as he faces Tord.

They held each other as the sun sets. 

They kiss each other as passionately as they could.

Then, they fade away smiling as they still kiss each other. 

This is the end of their story.

They preferred it this way. 

As they enter the afterlife together, they both say this to each other with a smile on their faces, their hands held tight with the other, and a fluttery feeling in their hearts.

'I love you, asshole, and never forget that.'

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