Chapter 6: Silver

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It was Christmas Eve when Tom was in the kitchen, whipping up the last of the feast he was making. Tired, he placed the last pie on the counter before sitting on his couch. He hasn't been sleeping lately and the one time he did was a few hours while his lover or should he say ex-lover was here.

He heard a knock at the door before deciding to answer it. In came Edd, Matt, and their cats. Tom was surprised at the cat Matt was holding but, Matt beat him to the question.

"Remember when I had four bowls out and asked you to fill two? Well, it was for my precious Anastasia! She's shy around new people but, slowly got used to you. Sometimes it would be her cuddling up to you instead of Ringo."

He should've known it was not Ringo. She was too fluffy like his cat. But, it didn't cross his mind. In fact, a lot of things were foreign to him lately. Like how Edd was growing a beard and Matt was returning to his old, less narcissistic self.

He yawned quietly before walking back into the kitchen to get some drinks. A tall glass of milk for Matt with a silly straw, cola in a big mug for Edd, and a cup of filtered water for him. He placed each drink in front of his guests before settling down in a chair with a blanket wrapped around his waist.

"A little too early to be drinking Tom." He chuckled. Tom sighed before laughing.

"Edd, Tom doesn't drink like that anymore. In fact, he rarely drinks now. How's the water kind sir?" He looks over to Tom who raises a pinkie in return.

"Only the finest filter water for me gentlemen!" He drank it like a classy gentleman with his pinkies raised.

Edd scoffed at both them. "It's been a while." He mumbled.

"I know Edd and I apologize. I have been trying to stay healthy for a while now. Sometimes, I do drink. But, it's starting to get easier to stop now." He smiled.

'He wasn't lying.' Edd thought. He had seen Tom's improvement before the cancer and saw it when he got out prison. Minus the scars, he was lean and healthy looking. He no longer looked like death was haunting him and he was happy about it. He wasn't happy with the dark circles around Tom's eyes though.

Tom decided to turn on the TV to a Christmas show they all liked. He looked over at the two acting like kids on Christmas while their eyes perked up and smiles formed on their faces. It wasn't surprising to Tom as he rarely celebrated Christmas. It was his hatred that made the holidays unbearable.

Around two hours later, when the last show turned off, Tom heard a knock at the door. He got out of his chair to open the door. In came Tord's gang with Tord following behind them. At first he was going to un-invite Tord but, decided to let him come to the party to give him his gifts. It was slightly tense after yesterday when Tord spoke up.

"I'm sorry Thomas for not telling you. I wanted it to be a surprise." He looked down. He didn't want to look at Tom's face when he said it.

"Murdering you on Christmas would make me a bad host. Be lucky that the people here will hesitate to lie for me." His voice was laced with venom.

"Besides, it would shorten my lifespan but, so worth it." Tom said. Tord retorted at Tom's threat.

"Remember, you kill me and I will do the same to you."

"Hey guys, how about we eat and open presents early?" Annie replied. She knew he messed up but, the last thing they need is a crime scene.

"Fine!" They both said.

Everyone grabbed a plate and started to pile up their plates with food. Even Tord was impressed with the spread as he recognized some of his favorite dishes. He wanted to kiss Tom for it but, stopped himself. It wasn't the time or place for that.

After everyone ate, they started to open gifts. Even Tom took off his shirt to put on a blue Christimas sweater Edd got him. It end up with a few stares and whistles. Well, one of whistles came from Tord while he put on his red Christmas sweater too.

When everyone was enjoying their gifts, Tom walked over to Tord and handed him his gifts. It was a body pillow of his Anime waifu, a box set as well as the latest issue of his favorite hentai, and a hand carved wooden box with Tord's village symbol on it. Tord opened the box to smile the biggest smile on his face.

"My favorite special reserve cigars! How did you get them?! Shit, I have difficulty getting them!" He nearly shouted. He looked like a kid that just got his favorite video game for Christmas.

"I made a few calls." Tom replied. He wanted to smile but, it would hurt him.

"I got something for you too." He smiled while handing Tom the jewelry bag. He fished out a beautiful gift.

It was a jewelry box made of the finest rare mahogany. Beautifully hand carved by a master wood smith with red, blue, and purple semi-precious stones carefully placed on the box. It also had a lock with the words change on the bottom of the box.

"Try to open it." Tord said.

Tom tried to open the box with the hint in mind. He tried everything but realized that the date the hint was referring to was the night he pulled that prank and ended up in Tord's bed later on. When he put the date in, he was shocked. He opened the box to something even more beautiful.

Inside were two sets of wedding rings. One had a chess board border containing, red, blue and white stones. The other was the same but the white was replaced with purple. They even had everyday bands in the same colors with two silver and white gold chains on the side. Tom hands shook the box before he spoke.

"Is this some kind of sick Joke?" His tone darkening to the "gift". He didn't realize that everything Tord did was for him.

"Tom, I-"He was cut off by Tom.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! THIS IS THE WORST THING YOU COULD DO!" Tom yell. Tord decided to stand his ground.


"This must be karma for something I did." Tom started to blabber on while Tord tried to get his attention.

"Tom!" The man didn't listen but kept going.

"TO THINK I ACTUALLY LOVED YOU! THEN, YOU FUCKING HURT ME?!" Tord almost flinched at Tom's words but got angry.

"THOMAS!" Tord yelled.


"OH FOR THE LOVE OF-THOMAS, WILL YOU MARRY ME?!" Everyone went silent except for a whinny dammit coming from Edd.

"Oh." Tom stopped. He put the black and white ring on to see that it fit his finger. He looked at Tord and realized that the meeting was actually a way of telling Tom he was ready.

Tom smiled the biggest smile before saying something.

"I-"Before Tom could finish, he collapsed to the floor. Everyone rushed to him when he hit the floor. They tried to wake him but, he didn't move. That's when Paul put his hand on Tom's forehead.

"He's running a fever! Someone call medical, he's not waking up!" Pat was quickly calling an ambulance to take Tom to the hospital.

That night, everyone spent Christmas Eve in the hospital. 

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