Chapter 8: Yellow

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Tom didn't tell anyone he was leaving his room to eat.

'Why should I? They'll just keep me in bed. Besides, I need to move around.' He thought to himself.

As he went down to the second floor, he didn't realize that Tord was a light sleeper when it came to weird places. He didn't know that the man woke up after he hit the second floor. The only thing he was worried about was his tummy getting some nourishment.

In the hospital room...

Tord woke up to an empty bed with a heart monitor clip attached to his finger. He didn't know when Tom did that or if he's still in the room. He thought that the shorter man was in the bathroom. It wasn't until ten minutes later that he realized it.

 Tom wasn't in the room.

He checked everywhere before rushing out the room. Without realizing it, he woke everyone up when he slammed into the receptionist's desk. Everyone was confused about the whole ordeal until Tord asked about a short man with spiked brown hair wearing sunglasses. That's when everyone jolted up. 

Tom went missing under their noses.

"I believe we saw someone similar going to the cafeteria. He was sweet too." The receptionist giggled.

That's when Tord said thank you before heading over to the elevator with everyone.

In the cafeteria...

Tom was looking over the choices in the vending machines before heading over to the food line. Nothing seemed appealing to him for some reason. Maybe it was because he had a bad feeling in his gut to hide soon. He already knew why and quickly moved through the line so that he could disappear.

Tord is up and pissed.

He didn't tell him anything about going to eat. The problem is that Tord would keep him in bed while he had the nurses deliver th food. The last thing he wanted was hospital food. Don't get him wrong, the the dietary food at this hospital is great but, limited. To get a better variety, he would need to go to the cafeteria. 

Tom sat down at a small table far away from the elevator. He had the Christmas special with two different puddings.  While he was eating, a big shadow cast over him. The man spoke up before he could say anything.

"Tom?! Is that you?!" The man smile down at Tom while he returned the gesture.

"General Ethan! How are you?! Better yet, why are you here?!" He remembered General Ethan Brackman from the England branch. He was one of the few who talked to him while he was getting ready to leave the base for Norway.

"It's Commander now! I got promoted two weeks ago! Besides, my wife just had our baby boy! I wanted to name him but, my wife wants a Norwegian name. I was thinking Thomas but she insisted on Tord. It means thunder and reminds her of an old friend." Tom laughs at the name. Tord would love to hear that he's going to have a baby named after him.

"Tord is a lovely name. Besides, if the kid has a loud voice, he can command like his dad." He heard a hoarse, loud laugh from the man.

"I doubt it. He's a smart kid like you, Tom." Tom blushed at the compliment. It's rare for him to be called smart. Sure he has a high IQ but, not that high.

"Besides, what brings you to the hospital? You should be at home with family." Tom looked away when the man said that. He should be with his family instead of here.

"I overworked my body trying to cook a feast for today and collapsed. Scared a lot of people in the process. I just woke up and left them to eat with hope they don't try to find me." Ethan patted his shoulder.

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