Chapter 20: Rose

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Tom wakes up early when he has days like this. 

It was still dark when he got out of bed to go take a shower. He gently kissed his partner next to him as he dressed himself. He had the week off so why not make a nice cup of coffee to get him in the mood for some time traveling. 

Making coffee from scratch is a work of art and Tom loved it. He used to make batches of fresh coffee to brew for the customers who came into the cafe daily. He knew how to properly roast the beans thanks to his boss who not only taught him the tricks of the trade but how to flirt with the ladies. 

Sometimes, he would flirt with her for fun. 

He pulls out the bag of green coffee beans from his secret hiding space. He hates when the chefs get a hold of it because they throw them away on the assumption of them being bad or not knowing how to roast them. He also pulls out his coffee making kit. When he gets everything together, he gets to work. 

First, he sorts the green beans so that they're all the same sizes. He places the uneven ones back in the bag for later. Then, he sets the roaster up on one of the burners while pouring a small batch of  beans carefully into the roaster. 

Second, he cleans the coffee machine out. He makes sure to wash the coffee machine of mineral deposits before he starts roasting the coffee. Luckily, Tord drinks filtered water so, it was easy to mix a solution with the filtered water. He uses half of the solution to clean it the first time, adds the other half of the solution the second time before running clean filtered water through. 

He turns around to turn on the burner he set the roaster on. Grabbing some oven mitts, he starts to spin the roaster wheel. When he hears a second crack, he pulls the coffee off the stove. By then, half of the staff is up. 

They watch him shaking something in a closed meshed container. By then, one of the chefs walks in to see the bag of green beans. Before the chef could touch them, Tom spoke. 

"I hope you're not tossing those beans. They're still good." The chef scoffed. 

"Coffee beans should be brown not green. Why would you bring green beans into the house?" That's when Tom opened the contain up to reveal freshly roasted coffee beans. 

"Those are raw coffee beans. You have to roast them first to the desired color and flavor. Then, shake the chaff off of the beans. This is all done before grinding them down." He took the bag from the chef before he pulled out a coffee grinder. He placed the cooled beans into the grinder to grind them down in to a coarse power before putting them into the coffee filter. 

He poured filtered water into the machine and started it while cleaning up the mess he made. The chef watched as the coffee brewed. The aromas of the bean hit his nose hard with an energetic punch. The pot quickly filled up. The chefs were curious because it took time for the coffee pot to fill up. Tom poured the chef a small cup while he heated up some milks and whisked themseparately to make several cups of coffee. 

He made his first while getting the cafe syrups to make the rest. By then, Annie and Maple came in to see the staff in a happy mood. Tom handed the ladies their cups of coffee. They found out why the staff was happy. Even surveillance was hyper after the first cup. 

"Tom, did you make this?!" Annie beamed. She never had a real chance to taste coffee from scratch. 

"Oh me? Whatever do you mean~!" Tom started to tease. That's when he felt a few hands slip behind him to grab the last three cups of coffee. 

"Morning gents." He said to Red Leader and his two commanders. 

"Morning sir..." They almost dropped their cups at the taste. The coffee was delicious with so many flavors dancing on their tongue but they could tell which was which. The smoothness went down their throat that they felt like the were drinking a liquor than a cup of coffee. The milk was heated well and whisked into a cloud like foam that had small hints of flavors. The syrups didn't over power but gave support while it wasn't too sweet. 

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