Chapter 17: Aquamarine

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It was a nice morning when a certain chestnut cat opens the door to his guardian's room. He hops onto the chair before jumping on to this guardian with claws out. He hits the butt with such force that the claws break skin and wakes the sleeping man.


The cat runs out the room and dodges a stuffed animal just in time. The man grumbles profanities at the door before getting out of bed. He walks over to the bathroom to do his daily routine with medical treatment in mind for his butt. 

He walks down the stairs to smell the sweet scent of breakfast in the air.

'Matt probably broke into my house and made breakfast again. He does know how to make a mean stack of flapjacks' the man thought.

Instead, he is greeted by his personal maid and fiancé.

They were trying to make breakfast before the man woke up. It was a funny sight to see as one was trying to work his fancy coffee machine while the other was trying to cook everything on a griddle. The man didn't say anything while the two talked about him.

"You know he's going to be down soon!" Said the maid. Her large top was slipping off the shoulder as the man to the right was trying to flip flapjacks, eggs, and sausage patties on the griddle.

"After hearing that yell, it might be a minute before he comes down. He was hit pretty hard on a soft spot. I'm guessing his ass." He smirked a little.

"I'm guessing the back. He sleeps shirtless sometimes. I love his detailed ankh tattoo. It looks like a spell in ink form."

Where is this tattoo you speak of? I haven't seen it yet." The man ask as he was pouring batter for another batch of pancakes on the griddle while frying bacon this time. The smell almost made the man speak but, he remained silent.

"Near the top of  his left shoulder, almost on his shoulder joint. It's pretty small but, was difficult to do. He told me he got it when he went out drinking with Laurel and Eduardo once. They were such cool people that Tom would leave Edd and Matt to hang out with them. It was funny to me that he was hanging out with his friend's enemy." The girl nearly snorted.

"Not really." The man said. He was careful to make sure the bacon didn't burn while the girl was chopping the fruit.

"Lovely weather this morning~!" Tom chimed in. He made the other two jump as he was already looking at them with a calm smile on his face.

"How long have you been there?" The woman nearly cut herself.

"Long enough to hear you talk about my tattoo. I'm glad you didn't talk about my piercings too." He looks at his fiancé. The man nearly blushed at the thought of it. 

"Well, let's eat quickly people! Annie, I have to take you back home before I take Tom to work." The man was already dressed but, he was cool with the maid staying in her pajamas.

After breakfast, Tom grabbed one of his amethyst bracelets from the bowl on the front door table. He placed it on Annie's wrist with concern. It had ancient symbols carved into it with silver wrapped around it. The bracelet alone would make anyone rich. 

"I want you to hold on to it. Today is going to be interesting for all of us. I also want you to pack a bag of clothes for Tord. He's going to need it today." Tom whispers in Annie's ear.

"Need what today?" the two jumped at the sound of the man behind him. He noticed that Annie had a bracelet on.

"When did you get that?" He was curious at the new jewelry his maid is wearing.

"Tom got it for me. He was concerned that I needed healing for today." She smiled at her boss. Tord started to walk to the door.

"Come on you two. We still have jobs to do!" Tord yelled.

At work...

Tom stood near Tord the whole time.

Now that he was outed as the fiancé of the Red Leader, he was given a variety of looks. It didn't bother him because he was used to it. He was also used to catching flying objects and throwing them back at the person with full force. 

For some reason, he was used to a lot of things now.

He was used to the visor he wore every day. He was used to speaking Norse, mostly, and English when he can. He was used to being with Tord and his lifestyle. He was used to his job when he wasn't back then.

He was even used to his monster half.

He walked into the office while chatting with Tord but didn't notice Matt running to him.

"Tom! TOM! I got a package for you-!"


"Matt! Seriously?! Be careful around here and what do you mean by pack..." He looked down at the box. "I'll take that." He picked up the box and Matt from the floor. He quickly ran into his office before the two could say anything.

"What was that about?" The both said as they saw the door close quickly.

Tom opened the box to reveal the journals of his founding patriarch. He started to read the first journal quickly while taking notes and working on paperwork. He didn't want miss anything while he was multitasking.

The first journal consisted of the man's childhood. How he was named after an archbishop who fought a lot and was smart about it. About his parents being supernatural and his father teaching him to summon creatures. Even the one time involving a school, spirits, fire and other things that should not be mentioned.

Tom could not believe it was over a teddy bear. Then again, he started a lot of shit over Tommie Bear.

As Tom was reading the second journal, he heard a knock on his door. It was Martha who brought in a small gift box with her. She handed it to Tom who opened the gift while dealing with everything else. He smiled at the aquamarine guitar pick with a sapphire blue circle in the middle. He looked at it with tears in one of his eyes.

"Thank you for giving me Tomas' pick. He wishes to thank you for giving it to me but, it would be hard to do so."

"Well, it had to be returned back to the family and I thought it would be a good time to do so. Besides, what are you doing besides work?" Martha sat down while looking at the old journals. She started to read the first journal while he was on the second one.

"I'm trying to find out about my family's history through these journals. That one is both interesting and disturbing at the same time." He puts down the second journal while grabbing the third one. That's when Martha picked up that journal and started to read it.

"Hey, did you read this part about blood bonds?" Martha pointed to a part in the journal. Tom looked over and replied.

"Yeah, that's how the deal was done. Right now, I'm reading about how our bloodline intertwine with each..." Tom dropped the journal when he got to a certain part. 

"What's wrong?" Martha asked. She was not pleased with Tom's scared look right now.

"Martha, what do you know about the Vulkan bloodline?" That's when Martha tensed up.

"The Vulkans used a certain bloodline to activate their demonic side. Apparently, it doesn't matter if the Vulkan is half-human. If they get a hold of the blood from said bloodline, they can use it to unlock their demon form..."That's when Martha's eyes widen.

"Tom, what did you do?" Tom looked down.

"I think I know who's bloodline they needed and right now, something bad is about to happen." That's when Tom's office door was slammed open.


That's when they knew there was a monster in power.


Sorry for not updating much. Here's a new chapter for you guys! :3

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