Chapter 24: White

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Every year Tom went to, it was almost the same. 

A Ridgewood would meet a Vulkan. That Ridgewood would befriend said Vulkan. Said Ridgewood would deepen their friendship with the Vulkan. Then, that Ridgewood would hide their feelings while the Vulkan would leave. 

Thomas, the patriarch, is found in each year of his clan's life. He would see the males and females forgo their feelings out of fear of something bad happening. He always wondered why. 

He never had feelings for his demon friend. In fact, he would encourage his family to either get with a Vulkan or marry someone who will love them. He watched the heirs of the demon curse more...closely. 

Every head was usually named after him. It was like a form of idol worshiping. The heir was raised to never meet a Vulkan and to rule the clan until they died. They feared that the heirs would stop ruling if the lines become entangled. It almost happened a few times. 

Luckly, nothing came out of it. 

Tom looked at this pattern. Out of all of the lines, only two lines were truly entangled. His and another Thomas from the 1980s. 

It would be nice to meet that Thomas but, his watch would malfunction whenever they came near that year. So, he stopped going to that year. But, it bugged him greatly. Why did the watch go nuts when he try to travel to that year?

Then it hit him. 

The brother.

He remembers during his travels that his parents spoke of a brother who they kept the kids from. He always questioned why they would hide his uncle from him. But, it's probably not his uncle. Rather, a cousin who past away and that the brother was a black sheep like him. 

He traveled back to the present so that he could recharge the watch. He never felt so exhausted lately. It was as if he is being drained of his life force with every trip. He looked at his phone to see at least two missed calls and a bunch of text messages from his friends. he decided to answer them in a group chat. 

Tom: Hey guys.


Tom: Still at Tord's place. Have to go home to get some things. 


Tom: Guys, calm thy breasts. I'm safe and have been in my own thoughts lately. 

Tord: Liar. You have been disappearing for the past few days. I'm coming home tomorrow after this last meeting. So, I better see you at my house. 

Edd: If I have to, I'll make sure you stay in one place. 

Matt: I'm coming to get you. Don't leave Tord's place .

Tom: I can take a speed car. 

Everyone: NO!

Tom: Fine >:(.  I'll be outside waiting if Annie doesn't murder me first. 

Tom put the watch in the nightstand to charge while he goes to take a shower. The feeling of water beating against his skin gave him some energy to deal with Edd and Matt. He came out naked and got dressed while surveillance watched the scene unfold. He knew they watched the bedroom and decided to give them a show. He swears he heard a whistle when he flexed his muscles a little. 

Tom quickly ran down the stairs before the guards could catch him. When he did hit the gate, Matt was already there with an irritated look on his face. He looked at Tom with a glare that almost turned him into stone. Tom looked away as he got into the car. He looked at anything but Matt. 

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