Chapter 5: Indigo

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Tom woke up to the light shining in his room. It usually woke him up before his alarm did but, he wanted to stay in bed a little longer. He turned his head over to his lover and petted him gently. This was the reason why he wanted to just call in sick but knew he couldn't.

The man will have to leave for work soon.

He out of bed to go take a shower. It was usually his morning routine that started his day. When he walked in, he noticed a bag on his desk. It looked like it came from an expensive jewelry store. He didn't noticed that the man in his bed was going. Otherwise he would be quick to move as he felt something hard against his back.

"Good morning." The voice cooed at him. He almost purred at the voice. It was thick, accented, and hoarse from last night.

Before he could move, Tom was trapped between two thick arms and a face buried into his neck. His head was lifted by one of the hands to see devilish smirk on his beloved's lips.

"You didn't peek into the bag, right?" Tom was close to lying but told the truth instead.

"Nope. What's in there?" He asked playfully. He was curious about what was inside as something blocked him from looking. He looked into the other male's eye with a curious look on his face.

"You can see it on Christmas Eve. For now, we have fifteen minutes and don't have any pants on."

"You're right about the pants part but, time is not on our side." He knows this for a fact as Edd has become more of a mother hen again. Fifteen can turn into five quickly.

"A quickie is a quickie." Tord said. A smirk formed on his lips.

"Let's go then." Tom smiled.

As predicted, Matt came into his house thirty minutes later. He notice the cat laying down so, he knew Tom wasn't up yet until he saw him come downstairs with his hair still damp. He also heard a pair of footsteps walking around the top floor. He already had an inkling of who it was.

"He's still here Matt." Tom said. Matt had gotten used to Tom reading his mind. Edd on the other hand did not know what he meant.

While, everyone was waiting for Tord to get finished dressing, Tom made them breakfast. He made eggs, bacon, sausages, oatmeal, hash browns, and pancakes. He placed the plates of food on the table with maple syrup, butter, a carousel of spices, and various sugars on top of a pot of freshly brewed coffee. Edd's mouth watered at the meal while Matt made a plate. He placed a cup of coffee near each chair with a cup of juice and a small pitcher of half and half in the middle.

When Tord came down, everyone was chatting and serving themselves while they waited for him. When he did come, he tug on his black jacket with dark grey pants and red shirt with a black and purple tie on. He wanted to look good for today's meeting. Everyone stopped while Tom whistled.

"Looking good dear. Any important meetings today?" He smiled. When Tord dressed up like that, it was usually a meeting of some sort.

"Yup, and I need you to dress up for it." Tom's 'eyes' widen.

"But, what about work?" He asked.

"That's why you're getting to leave an hour early. I look forward to seeing you there~!"Tord replied. He didn't want to ruin the surprise.

Everyone jumped into their cars and drove off to work.

Later in the day...

Everyone was rushing to the meeting area to set up for the event. It was one of the few times besides the bi-annual meetings that the Red Leader called for a meeting. Tom was already there due to Tord ordering a speed car for him. He wore his business attire over his formal as Tord wasn't dressed up either. He looked around before sitting down near the stage.

'What was this meeting about?' He thought. It was unlike him to be at one of these meetings but, it could be important.

As everyone gathered around the stage, the most of lights dim down. The only ones that didn't was the stage lights. On cue at five pm, Red Leader came on the stage to the podium. He looked down to see Tom in the crowd up front. He smiled at his love before starting.

"Ladies and Gentleman, as you are here today, I have an important message to tell you all. I am no longer a bachelor. In fact, I am getting married!" He smiled while everyone gasped. The Red Leader is getting married?! Everyone murmured. Even Tom was shocked.

"I know, I know, shocker isn't it? But, no, I decided to settled down and get married to an old childhood friend of mine. Before anyone ask, I'm not going to reveal their names for personal reasons." He wanted to look at Tom but didn't want anyone to catch on. Besides, Tom decided to leave quickly anyways.

He sat out in the hallway while the meeting kept going with his head on his knees. All this time, he thought they were in love until that happened. He felt so humiliated from the meeting.  He decided to call Matt to pick him up and take him home. While he waited, he heard Paul and Pat's voice.

"Tom?! Are you ok?!" They both asked while hugging him. It was a shocker to them too that their cousin would do that on live TV.

"I wish I was but, no. I'm having a party tomorrow if you guys want to come." He smiles while trying not to cry. Paul wiped away his tears while Pat agreed to go to the party for the both of them. They stayed behind while Tom left with Matt so that they could "talk" to their cousin.

When Tord came to the backstage, he was greeted by his cousins with angry looks on their faces. The grabbed him before dragging him to somewhere private.

"Mind explaining what was that all about?!" Pat said sternly. He looked at his cousin with venom in his eyes.

"How could you do that to Tom of all people?!" Paul started to yell. Tord stood his ground and asked.

"Where's Tom?" The man disappeared on him before the meeting ended. He was worried that he disappeared on him.

"He left with Matt after what you did!" They both yelled at him.

"What?! Propose to him?!" He retailed. They both looked at him shocked.

"You were proposing to him? Uh oh..." They both said.

"What?" Tord cock his head to the side.

"He thought you were proposing to someone else..." They both said in unison.

It was at that moment Tord knew, he fucked up.

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