Chapter 29: Rainbow

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Twenty years into the future...

"Tom! Thomas! Where are you?!" A voice echoes through the house. It was thick, husky, and deeply accented. 

The man he calls for doesn't respond yet. 

Instead, Tom looks out at the vibrant village below him as he sips on an iced chai latte. He sees his son and daughter playing with the kids in Tord's childhood village. He gets up to water the growing garden on the deck of Tord's childhood home. He laughs at the whining he hears from the house and waves at their children before turning to the open but, curtained door. 

He walks into the house to look for the man calling for him. He walks up against a flight of stairs with a smile on his face. After all, he and his soulmate have the house to themselves for the next hour. 

Why not have some fun. 

He watches his beloved struggle to get a shirt on. Before he could move to help the man, he hears a voice.

"Tom! There you are! Can you help me with this shirt? For some reason, I can't get it on." Tom smiled devilishly at the opportunity. 

"Let me help you then." Instead of helping to pull the shirt down, he pulled the shirt up and push the man on to the bed. 

"Thomas! What are you doing?!" Tom put his finger to the man's lips before smiling. 

"We have two hours before the party. Remember what you said the day before Christmas Eve man years ago, Tord? A quickie is a quickie." Tord smiled. 

"You're right, we do have some time." He purred while nuzzling Tom's neck. 

An hour later...

Tom looks at his hand.

He looks at the chessboard wedding ring with so many thoughts. 

For years, he fell for the man next to him. He was afraid to say anything at nine years when his beloved left the first time to Norway. He didn't say anything while they were in high school. Not even when they were living together. Had he said something then, it would be different. 

It took him more than twenty years for him to say something. During those twenty years, he's been with the one. The one he fought with, only to have a movie night later.  The one who would be there when he friends weren't. Hell, the one he came out to before Tord left. He never asked Tord if he had the same feelings.

Then, he feels another hand brush his hand with a purple checkerboard wedding ring on. He looks over at his immortally handsome partner. His demonically, silver eyes glowed the most beautiful in years. Even with most of the scars gone, there were still a few on his face. Tord eyes grew wide and he scrambled to get his phone. 

"Hold still!" He quickly took a picture of Tom, making the man freak out a little. 

"What was that all about?!" Yelled Tom. Tord chuckled. 

"I got a picture of your eyes! Well, your irises." He showed Tom the picture. He gasped at the glowing irises. They were a sapphire blue with hints of ice blues and ocean blues in them with an interesting violet ring about the irises.

"No way! I thought I would never see this except in our son's eyes!" Tom looked up with a beaming smile. 

"Good thing I was able to take the picture then, huh?" Tom stuck his tongue out at Tord. 

"Hold still." Tom took a picture of the shirtless man. They didn't realize the door was opening. 

"Far! Poppa! Time to-OH MY GOSH!" Agatha closes the door quickly. They hear screaming on the other end of the door. Both sigh at the fact that they flashed one of their kids. 

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