Chapter 22: Lilac

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Warning: It gets twisted at the end.

Tom woke up in one of the guest rooms.

He didn't mind the lilac sky until the lovely sun hit him in the face with such force that he fell out of the bed.

"Ow what the fuck?!" He yells as he grabs for his visor. He puts it on along with his clothes. He puts on the watch too. He had a bad feeling today.

He walks out of the room to see a frantic group of people running around the mansion. They were either looking for something or cleaning up. One of the maids bumped in to Tom as he walked to the main area of the place.

"Oh I'm...Oh my gosh! Someone get Annie!" The maid yelled. The rest of the house keep surrounded Tom so that he couldn't move while one of the guards ran to get Annie.

"YOU GUYS BETTER NOT BE JOKING ABOUT FINDING HIM!" Annie looks at Tom with pure furry as she whips out her phone to call someone.

"We found him and yes, he's surrounded. No, I didn't see where he came from but, it's probably one of the guest rooms. Yes, I know what to do when I give him the phone." She walks towards him.

Tom tried to run but, realized he was in a circle. He turns to see himself hit a wall. He looks up to see a pissed off Annie with a phone in her hand. She slams the phone into his chest before walking off. When Tom looks at the phone, his face pales. On the phone was the one number he did not want to see anytime soon.

His fiance's phone number.

He wanted to hang up but, knew better. Not only would he get a pissed off call but, Tord coming home in a few hours. Tom would literally have to run home then leave the country. Not worth it unless he could find an island somewhere to hide out at.

"Hallo?" Tom tries to say causally as he walks up to Tord's room. He knew that he wouldn't be bothered by anyone.

"When I leave you in my home, I expect you to keep your word and stay put. Understandable if it's my room. But, not understandable when Annie is calling me because you went missing for two days. " Tom stuck his tongue out.

"I was masturbating for those two days." Tom heard laughter on the other end. He had a feeling Tord is in an occupied room.

"That's almost impossible unless it was in my room." Tom rolled his eyes.

"Says the guy who nearly did it for two days." He heard the elevator door open.

"Yeah but, I wasn't doing it as much." Tord almost chuckled.

"Yeah because you were molesting me in the process..." Tom flopped onto the red covered bed.

"In my defense, the first time, I didn't know I had molested you. Besides, why didn't you stop me?" Tom could hear a purr on the other end.

"Because I passed out...I think I remember some parts. Plus, I had fallen for the monster." A silence lingered through the two as Tom heard Tord walk around his room. It was the usual penthouse apartment floor all to himself. He flopped his butt on one of the couches.

"Tell me about that day." Tord said. Tom sighed and started to tell the tale.


Tom, Edd, and Matt was in the kitchen eating breakfast.

Tord stayed in his room while they ate. It is usual for the Norski to be in his room for several days. But, he usually came down for breakfast. Instead, he has been cooped up in his room lately. Tom starts to worry but, doesn't show it. He finishes his meal before the two and heads upstairs.

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