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I'm driving through the streets of Beacon Hills which I still remember from the years ago. While beholding the houses around me, I haven't even noticed that I'm in front of Beacon Hills High School but when I do, I bring my car to an abrupt stop.

Scanning the school building with my eyes, a small smile sneaks onto my lips since it's one of the few places to which I have a positive memory, a happy one actually.

I remember that Aunt Talia brought me here as often as possible to watch one of Derek's basketball games. Nowadays I think I quite embarrassed him by being the loudest one on the stand to cheer, but what can I say? I was his biggest fan.

I get ripped out of my thoughts by the sound of growls and screams and my smile fades

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I get ripped out of my thoughts by the sound of growls and screams and my smile fades. I decide to follow the noise and voices. It's not that I would have something to fear, I mean, I'm a werewolf and I know how to fight. Derek and Uncle Peter secretly teached me when I was younger and to this day I always maintained training to be prepared for situations where fighting skills are necessary. By the sound of it, it might be just a situation like this.

Being lead by the sounds, I reach an underpass located on the school grounds. I keep a few metres distance since there's like a 6 feet tall man standing in front of a mop of teenagers. But that's not the only intimidating thing of him. His talons, they're like freaking 10 centimetres long. Out of his looks he seemed to be a werewolf but his talons obviously tell otherwise. I know that Beacon Hills has got what it takes. But such creatures are too much of a good thing - even for this town.

Nonetheless I decide to watch the scenerio from where I'm standing, at least for now. There are three werewolfs down there, an alpha included. They should be able to beat him. Additionaly, I can see a girl who waves a sword. Now I'm 100 percent sure that this guy won't have a chance.

But I'm proved otherwise. The way things are going, only the alpha remains standing but the rest got tackled to the ground. I think now would be a good time to interfere. Since I'm not really interested in being stark naked if I shifted into my wolf form, I'm going to attack that hulk of a man with my claws and fangs.

I leave my hiding spot and take aim on the attacker. He stands in front of the alpha and it seems like he's too focused on him to even notice me. I take that advantage as a hint to make a charge. When I'm close enough, I kneel down and pull away his feet with my leg. But my victory is brief. As fast as he fell to the ground he stands up again, which takes me definitely by surprise. He already has my head in his big hands before I even can react and nonetheless how deep I dig my claws into his hands, he strikes my head against the concrete.

Although it will heal, it hurts like hell and I instantly feel dizzy. What happens next I can only realize in broken bits. Anyhow the only thing I can notice is someone new appearing. Then I see black again till I hear some muffled voices and bones cracking.

Slightly the ache in my head faints and I can feel hands supporting my body. After a few seconds, everything is back to normal and I can see and hear clearly again. I recognize the alpha standing in front of me and quickly retract from his grip. I don't like it being pitied. I look at the people's faces who were all involved in this scenerio till my gaze suddenly stops at one certain face. Probably staring too long at this perfectly structured face I notice the boy is looking back at me and I advert my gaze as fast as I can.

But the actual question in my mind is, what is going on with me? Why do I have these thoughts about a boy I just looked in the face for like three seconds? Okay, maybe it weren't three seconds, more like a minute but that's not the point. The point is I never really been in love and for God's sake haven't planned to fall in love here in Beacon Hills. In the end, a relationship only distracts you.

Again, I got ripped out of my thoughts.

"You don't remember me, do you? I think I look a little different since the fourth grade

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"You don't remember me, do you? I think I look a little different since the fourth grade."

"Theo?", the alpha asks back with a shocked look on his face.

Then the girl with short hair chimes in as well. "You know him?"

"They used to.", responds Theo.

'Theo'. I repeat his name in my head. Suits him. A nice name for a nice guy as well - okay Alessia, stop it! Just focus back on the conversation.

"Trust me I never thought I would see you guys again. A couple months ago I heard of an alpha in Beacon Hills. When I found out his name was Scott Mccall, I just couldn't believe it. Not just an alpha, but a true alpha."

That's enough! Do they still remember I'm standing here as well? And doesn't anyone question that creature we were attacked of any further?

"Hey stop it, just for a second.", I direct at Theo. "You can celebrate your little friend reunion later but now I would suggest we talk about that hulk with claws triple as long as mine or did you already forget what have happened here, which was like five minutes ago?".

After my little speech, twelve eyes are directed at me. I guess they really only now remembered that I'm still present... Well, thanks for that.

"Ahem, who are you anyway?", another boy of the group with dark brown hair asks and a suspicious look clustered to his face.

"My name's Alessia Hale.", I answer in a duh-tone.

"Wait, hold on! Did you just say 'Hale', like being a relative of Derek and Peter Hale 'Hale'?", he questiones again.

I cross my arms over my chest and shoot him a glare.

"Never mind, I already know the answer."

"You know what? Just forget it. I don't feel like going any deeper into conversation." I say while messaging my temples. Then I take a few steps into the direction of my car but I turn around once again. "I'm going home now, but thanks for the lovely welcoming committee. My head appreciated it as well." I add with a fake smile.

And with that, I'm starting my way once again and disappear in the dark of the night.

In the background I can hear that Theo says something else, but that's none of my business - for now.

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