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I'm awake but I don't want to open my eyes. Am I dead? Is that how it feels?

Feels comfy though.

I open my eyes slowly to get adjusted to the light but I am still alive, that's for sure. I remember that I passed out but I have no clue what happened after that.

My pupils get used to the change in light in seconds and I find myself in a bed. But it's not mine. Where the hell am I?

I get out of the foreign bed and look down to my stomach where Tracy hit me. What immediately catches my attention is my shirt. It's not the one I was wearing. I slightly start to panic. How would you react if you woke up in someone else's bedroom? And then again someone changed my clothes.

"How are you? Do you feel better?" 

I turn around fast towards the direction the voice came from.

The confusion and panic might be writ large in my face, what Theo probably notices as well.

"Yeah, it's me. I brought you to my house. You were still passed out but your wounds started healing so I thought I spare you the questions of the EA if they would have seen that. And I wouldn't have felt comfortable with leaving you alone."
He says while approaching me.

I look down my body once again.
"You changed me." I say, actually more as a statement than a question.

Theo scratches the back of his neck nervously.
"Um, yes. I did. Your shirt was blood-stained. I thought you would feel better if you woke up in a clean one."

I touch the side of my head slightly. Trying to figure out everything that has happened in the last few hours. I'm kind of taken aback a little by the whole situation.

 I'm kind of taken aback a little by the whole situation

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"I understand you're confused. Just sit down and I'll explain to you."

I stumble a few steps backwards until I can feel the bed frame behind my legs and sit down onto his bed again. Theo then takes his desk chair and sits down in front of me. 

"Wait. Before you gonna start, is Lydia okay?" I ask him worried.

"Yes. She's in hospital, probably in surgery right as we speak." he assures me with a smile on his face.

"Okay. That's good." I let out a sigh of relief. "Go on."

"After Tracy hit you and Lydia, she fled to the basement and Malia went after her. She was able to get Tracy shift back but then.." he pauses and shakes his head slightly while facing the floor.

"Then what?" 

"It sounds crazy." Theo laughs in disbelief. "Malia said that three guys with masks suddenly appeared in the basement too and- she said they killed her. They killed Tracy."

"Three guys in masks?" 

"I told you it sounds crazy."

"Well, I think it's not as crazy as all that. Beacon Hills is full of different kinds of supernatural creatures, masked guys sound quite usual to me to be honest." I touch my temples once again, inwardly trying to order my thoughts.
"Okay, so we know that Tracy wasn't affected by Mountain Ash. But it affects every supernatural-being unexceptional, so Tracy can't be bitten by a werewolf. Being born as one can be excluded either way. That means-"

"She was created." Theo completes my sentence.

"Seems to be. But how is that even possible?" 

"You've got me there." he sighs as well.

Silence arises between us.

"What time is it by the way?" I question while searching for my phone. 
I can feel it in my pants pocket so I pull it out and check the time. 

12:11 a.m.

Woah. How long have I passed out?
Besides that, my phone's display is full of messages from Stiles, asking how and where I am. I will answer him when I'm home but first of all I have to get there.

I clear my throat.
"Theo. Um, would you mind driving me home?" I ask him a bit uneasy.

"Sure. I'm gonna get my keys." 

"Wait!" I call before he gets through the door. "Your shirt."

"You can keep it. It doesn't fit me anymore anyways. I searched out the smallest one for you." he smirks before finally leaving the room.

I rummage for my belongings and leave his room as well. It isn't too difficult to find the front door since you just have to go straight to reach the staircase where the door is in front of. Theo is waiting there already. 

We get to the car and set off.


Theo parks in front of the building my apartment is in but we remain sitting in his car for a little longer.

"Thank you Theo. You know, even though my memory is a bit blurred I remember you saving my life. I'm really thankful for that and I owe you." 
I get ready to open the car door but then I turn around once again and I hug him. Not only that but I give him a kiss on the cheek as well. 
Don't ask me what's going on my mind, I don't know either. It just feels .. right. 

He seems to be a bit taken aback by my action but before he can say anything to it I get out of the car. 

I actually don't want to admit it, but that boy is getting under my skin.

Attraction | Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now