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Okay guys, I know this has been way too long since I updated last and I'm really sorry for that. At some time, I also deleted the app and didn't even check in at all because I was so busy with school and stuff. But fortunately I graduated school in March and the stress is gone. But there is still the problem that I don't really know how to continue this story. Sure I got the plot of Teen Wolf itself as inspiration but I also want to include some ideas of my own... and there's sadly a lack of :(

Anyway, here's the new chapter.
I can't promise that my English as well as my imagination isn't a bit rusty.


After we stopped at my apartment to get me a more appropriate outfit for a night club, we have finally arrived in front of Sinema and Theo gets his car slowly to a halt.
"Come on." Theo says while he is already hopping out of the vehicle.

It doesn't take me long to follow him out of the appreciated warmth and into the night.
In the distance, I can hear a door being opened and snapping shut a few seconds after. Theo is leaning against the hood of his car, watching a boy approaching us energetically, as I can tell by hearing his way too rushed steps. Obviously, that must be Josh. I'm really excited to meet him and finally satisfy the curiosity within me, since I got the feeling there's more behind all this but it doesn't quite ring a bell.

"How much did you take, Josh?" Theo addresses the boy.

"A lot."

I follow Theo's gaze and when my eyes land on Josh's face, I'm certain my heart has skipped a beat.

For sure it has to be THIS Josh. The same Josh, who's got ripped out his throat by Theo himself.

Why can't people in this city just stay fucking dead?

Because clearly, that boy is just another evidence for originally dead or at least I thought of being originally dead people walking around like they never got harmed a hair on their head.
And I thought I leaved that problem behind in Mystic Falls...

A buzzing sound and a definitely not human scream rips me out of my thoughts. How's it came to this situation, I don't want to know. Sure thing I certainly missed something while being abstracted.

Blue and white sparks swirl around Josh's appearance and don't even get me started with his teeth having transformed into ones of a monster.

"How does that feel?" Theo asks, looking smugly proud of himself.

Like it couldn't get any worse, I notice Liam sneaking around. Not only because of his clumsy way of insinuating, but also because I got a whiff of his smell, which can be straightaway associated with the Beacon Hills High locker room.

Thanks to the benefits of being a werewolf, I appear in front of him in less than 10 seconds.

"Liam, listen to me." I say seriously, palms up, conveying that I mean no harm.
"You can't talk to the others about this. I mean it. I'll take care of it, I promise."

Liam looks back at Theo and Josh, who's still in his delirious state caused by electricity running through his veins, before talking to me again.

"Scott has to know about this." He clarifies while pointing over at the two boys. A look on his face, whereby a stranger could tell that the boy is definitely not happy about what he has witnessed.

"What's the point of this? It won't make a difference! They already hate Theo. Scott probably knows about this pack anyway, so what were you going to tell him? That Theo and Josh are playing a bit with electricity?"

Liam opens his mouth but is at a loss of words.

"That's what I thought." I state, arms crossed over my chest.
"It's okay if you don't trust Theo or any member of his zombie-pack, well, except for Hayden I guess, but I promise you that you can trust me."
I step forward, closing the huge gap between us and grapping him gentle on his shoulders.
"I tell you again, Liam. You - can - trust - me. We're friends. Got that?" I ask while searching for eye contact.

Liam looks back and forth between me and Theo. You can tell a mile off that he's pondering over my words. Challenging my words as well as raising to question if he can still trust, which kind of hurts.

"Fine. But get them under control." His jaw is clenched so much, I'm afraid we have to pick up his teeth of the bottom at any second.
Without sharing more words, Liam disappears behind some cars and blends into the darkness.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

That was a near miss.

"Are you actually out of your fucking mind?!" I snarl, ripping the jumper cables out of Josh's hands, being careful enough to not getting grilled myself.

Theo pushes himself off from his relaxed position at front of his car and plants himself infront of me.

"What the hell is going on with you?" He curses.

"You're asking me? That's funny because you're the one who exposes a supposedly 'normal' boy to a voltage that would burn off any human's flesh of the bone and that in generell public. So tell me, what would be your excuse if someone walked out of this club right now, seeing beside the sparks which are flashing all around Josh's body also his murderous teeth and glowing eyes? I'm curious."

Theo is staring into space, realizing that I'm right. His fists are clenched though, his knuckles already turning white, angry with himself that he didn't elaborate his idea to the end on his own.

"Fuck what she's saying, Theo. Let's continue." Josh says eagerly, getting ready to grab the jumper cables on the floor but before the words can proberly leave the chimera's mouth, Theo has seized him by the throat and pushes him to the external facade of Sinema next to us.

With amber-glowing eyes, Theo bares his teeth at Josh, which have also transformed into large canines and only a few centimetres away from the chimera' throat.
What an ironywould it be if Josh finds his end the same way he did in it the first place.

"Don't you talk to her like that!" Theo snarls. "One more time and I will make sure it's the last words coming from you ever again."

He releases his grip around Josh's throat who instantly falls huffing and puffing to the ground.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2019 ⏰

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