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I'm awakened with a start, gasping for breath.

I wipe down my damp forehead, breathing in and out deeply in order to calm myself down which seems to work.

I sit there for another few minutes, trying to order some of my thoughts when a howl resounds. A howl so powerful that it pierces right through me. I wonder why the others aren't awakened by it, espescially the werewolves inside this room but without questioning it any further I rush to the front door and open it, feeling the urge to follow the wolf's cry although I don't know what it's supposed to mean yet.

"Where are you going?" Theo asks while going downstairs.

"Didn't you just hear that?" I question back confused.
I mean, he had to considering the power behind the howl.

"What are you talking about?" He tilts his head to the side in curiosity, approaching me slowly.

Just as I open my mouth in order to tell him about what I've heard, another howl rings out.

Almost like guided I run and aim for the woods. Loosing more of my orientation with every step I take further.

I don't know for how long I was running but I come to a sudden halt, looking around for any indication which could tell me where I am.

The sound of a snapping branch engages my attention and causes me to spin around.

I squint my eyes, hoping to see better in this way. Making sure that I'm not mistaken.

I close my eyes for three seconds and open them again.

Nope, that's not working. The black wolf is still standing there, eyeing me.

The wolf's eyes light up in a glowing red. A red only alphas are worthy enough to possess. I don't know how I know it, but the wolf wants me to follow.

"Talia?" I burst out in disbelief, but run after her nonetheless until we find ourselves at our old house or at least the place where it was built.

That's the trigger for my memory to surface and I remember everything like it was yesterday.

I feel a sudden pain, more intense than anything I've ever felt and my breath is stuck in my throat. It doesn't take long for the sound of bone cracks to follow the pain, started with my knee which now stands in an abnormal direction to the side and causes me to fall on the floor.

"MOM!" I manage to cry out between the screams of pain.

My mom rushes out of the house and to my side, embracing me in her arms.
"Shush. It's okay sweety. It will get better." She says while holding my face in her hands, tears flowing down her cheeks.

But the bone fractures continue.
I shut my eyes tightly, hoping desperately to make the pain somehow bearable. But that's not the case. I didn't even notice that my aunt has approached us meanwhile.

"What happens to me?" I screw out through gritted teeth.

"You're transforming." 

"Talia, how's that possible? She's too young to transform into her wolf form. She only 8 years old." My mother questions frenetic.

"You knew it would work out that way, Theresa. Her father is a strong wolf, and an alpha at that. Just because he has been replaced by another man as her father, with who she should grow up in belief is her biological dad ...  doesn't change the fact whose blood flows through her veins."

Talia's words are echoing and reechoing in my mind.

The pain is not gone but kind of like stifled. My whole concentration is focused on Talia's statement.

My dad ... is not my dad? Is he aware of that or did my mother betray him the same way she betrayed me?

It's like the world is collapsing on me, which fuels my rage to the climax.

Suddenly, everything proceeds in a matter of seconds.

The conversation of my mum and aunt only reach my ears in blur but I can pick out one thing, a name to be specific which I understand more clearly than everything ever before.

Paws greet me instead of hands and feet, my skin is covered by fur and my face has transformed into a snout.

My vision gets blurry, which causes me to blink rapidly. Once it's back to normal, my mum and Talia are gone as well.

I can't believe I forgot about that.

The more I think about it, the more tears well up in my eyes until a sob escapes my lips.
Just when I thought my past can't be more traumatic, 10 years later and I find out how wrong I was.

"There you are." Theo lets out a sigh of relief "Feels like I searched the whole forest to find you."

"Leave me alone." I snap angrily.

I don't want anybody around me. I can't guarantee anything in my condition right now.

"Hey, you can talk to me. Why are you crying? Did you remember anything?" He approaches me nonetheless.

Definitely bothered by the too many questions of him, I let out a warning growl.

"I said leave me alone!" I yell at him and I can feel my fangs scratching my bottom lip.

This is not good. This is not good AT ALL.

I was never good at controlling my shifts anyhow but in my current turbulent condition, I can't control anything. Neither my feelings nor my shift.

The oh so familiar sound of cracking bones rings in my ears and I find myself in my wolf form.

I bare my teeth at Theo and take a few steps towards him while he's pulling back, arms up in humility

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I bare my teeth at Theo and take a few steps towards him while he's pulling back, arms up in humility.

"Listen. I'll always have a sympathetic ear for you but first calm down. You know where you can find me." With words being spoken, he disappears in the darkness of the forest.

My rage still got the better of me so I sprint through the woods aimlessly.
Additionaly my primal instincts gain the upper hand and my human rationality and mind are stifled.

I don't know what I have done that night but I find myself smeared in blood and in front of Theo's house.

Even transformed back to human form, the blood still sticks to my skin.

I don't care about being naked right now, I just don't want to be alone after what I experienced.

I knock on the front door and it doesn't take long for it to be opened.

"Alessia." Theo states surprised but can't withhold himself to let his eyes wander over my body.

My eyes well up with tears again.

"I-I.." I don't know what to say, so I guess my stuttering is the only thing leaving my lips.

"You don't have to say anything. Come in." He says while scooting to the living room about to grab a blanket before putting it around my shoulders.


Who do you think could be Alessia's father?

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