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Stiles has let me know that he and Lydia are in the hospital in order for Lydia to find out about her memory or more like her 'banshee-senses', how it has turned out.

So after I've picked up my belongings at Scott's after school, I'm once again on my way in the direction of the hospital. I wonder when there's the time again to just lay down in bed and take a good ol' nap. I'm desperately in need of one.
Why exactly have I decided to come back to Beacon Hills? Well, that's the question, my friend.

Negativity put aside, I step into the elevator of the building and push randomly the button for level 5, but the elevator has already stopped at level 3.

Looking up from the screen of my phone, I watch the doors open slowly.

"Found you." I grin at the boy, who I consider as my best friend.

"Glad you're here. The lights don't work, so this floor is operated by backup-lighting. I wanted to check on it, see if I can do something." Stiles sighs and the doors are closing again.

"Okay." I agree but notice nonetheless that Stiles' thoughts are elsewhere. Additionally, his heart beats like crazy.

"You okay?" I ask him while touching his forearm lightly, trying to get his attention but it's pointless. Instead, he ignores me and steps out of the elevator as soon as the doors have opened.

I watch him in bewilderment but don't hesitate to follow him. I have no clue where he will lead us but I also don't want to leave him alone. Whatever it is, it will be a surprise.

We end up on the roof of the building. Definitely a chilly surprise but I try to suppress the goosebumps caused by the cold and catch up on Stiles.

"Okay, who's this?" I ask more to myself, clearly confused by the unexpected company we have up here.

While I stop dead in my tracks, Stiles approaches a boy which I think is not the best idea.

"Mum? Mum, what are you doing?" He calls out.

I could literally facepalm myself. Why the bloody hell didn't I think of that before?

His memory was triggered. He is hallucinating.

"Stiles. This is not your mum." I approach him slowly, not adverting my gaze from the boy who looks quite sanguinary to be honest. "I can tell not only because of the lack of resemblance."

But I still get no reaction. It's like he can't even hear me.

Suddenly tears start to run down his cheeks. It's hard to look away and I'm curious which memory caused him to cry but in the twinkling of an eye, my attention diverts because of the sound of hissing. Hissing of electricity.

Just as I was about to curse this damn world, the boy lunges forward and attacks Stiles before I can pull my friend back

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Just as I was about to curse this damn world, the boy lunges forward and attacks Stiles before I can pull my friend back.

It doesn't take me long to react so I yank the chimera away by the collar of his shirt. Landing on his back a few metres away from us, I take to opportunity to get Stiles back on his feet.

We run back to the door but before we can reach it successfully, I feel an immense pain in my back which causes me to let out a gasp. Just a few seconds after it, my body is flooded with electricity, nearly unbearable to stand and before I can realize properly what happens, I'm heaved through the air until my head collides roughly with concrete.

Although my field of vision is blurred, I can see the silhouette of the chimera dangerously approaching me. Expecting further strikes at my head, I shield my face with my arms but it never comes to any hits.

Before I can even see him, his heavenly scent reaches my nostrils. Theo, he's once again here to save our lives.
I let my guard down and spot him in a dangerous fight with the current-carrying chimera.

All of a sudden, Stiles is next to me and this time helps me to get back on my feet.

Slowly recovering, I try to extend my claws but fail. Seems like I'm still affected by that bitch's electric shock he has send from my head to toes but apparently my help isn't necessary anymore. Theo has him in a death grip by his throat.

"Just knock him out." I suggest exhausted.

He doesn't even look at me, before he rips out the chimera's throat with his claws.

Theo looks at us after the boy has taken his last breath.
"You can't say anything." He addresses at the both of us. "Please, don't say anything."

"Why not?" Stiles croaks out.

"Because I never said anything about Donovan." Theo adverts his gaze from Stiles and onto me, which makes my breath stuck in my throat.

He turns back completely to his human form before making a clear statement.
"I know what happened to Donovan. I know everything."

I give short shrift and grab him by the collar before slamming him against some fence behind us.

"You don't know anything." Stiles says next to me while I still hold Theo in place.

Theo changes our positions quickly, holding onto the small of my back but watches out that I don't collide with the fence roughly. He stares into my eyes for a few seconds before letting go of me and turning back to Stiles in order to continue their argue.

"I was there! I was there at the library. Malia found the book. She texted us to see where you were. She said she left you at the library. I told her I was close." He informs us with a certain tone of aggressiveness in his voice. "When I got there, I heard the scaffolding come down."

"You saw him." Now it was my turn to croak out.

Flashbacks of Donovan spiked by that bar come back into my mind.

"Just the body." Theo's voice now soft again.
"I watched the both of you come out. I was gonna say something, but then I saw the cop car. And the body was gone."

"I don't know who took him." He continues. "I only saw what you saw, and I didn't say anything because you didn't."

Suddenly the sound of sirens catches the attention of us all.

"That's not an ambulance, is it?" I ask, already afraid of the answer.

Because of all the fuss, my hands start to tremble which doesn't go unnoticed by Theo. I'm taken by surprise because of the feeling of Theo's touch on my hand but I don't recoil. Instead, I allow him to intertwine our fingers.

"We should get out of here." He says to Stiles.

"You killed him." Stiles states still in disbelief.

"In self-defense! He was going to kill you, me and her." He emphasizes.

"What do you think?" Stiles addresses to me.

"About what?" Not quite sure if he meant what we should do with the body or that whole self-defense-theme.

"The body."

I think for a moment.

"Someone's steeling the bodies anyway. This would be a chance to find out who." I suggest objectively.

"If we stay, we're either have to tell the truth or we're going to need a pretty convincing story." Theo pushes Stiles forward to decide.
"It's your choice. I'm not going to ask you to lie to your dad."

"Don't worry. I've had plenty of practice."

And with that, the decision's been made.

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