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Today is the day of the super moon. I have never witnessed one before but apparently it makes us werewolves strong. Strong but also very aggressive.

I don't know what to expect, but I can already feel its impact on me.

I am all churned up inside and I feel like slapping everyone across the face who even looks a little askant at me.

I have tried to call Stiles, wanting to meet up with him but by the looks of it, he is ignoring my calls.
I understand that he probably needs some time after the argument with Scott, but what has that to do with me?
I am always there for him of which I'm sure he's aware of, but when I'm in need of a friend he leaves me in the lurch.

Lucky me.

Okay, it's probably the super moon talking.
What is the saying? 'Children and fools tell the truth.'
Maybe we should add the super moon to it.

Boredom getting the better of me, I have also tried to call Derek. We haven't talked to each other for a while, so I've thought it's a good idea to check up on him now that I have some free time after that turmoil in the last few days. But like before when I tried to call Stiles, I only reach Derek's mailbox.

What's up with all of them not answering their phones?

Scrolling through my contacts, Lydia's name catches my attention.

Thinking back, I'm sure we have never met before ... in private I mean, just to keep each other's company.

I press the call-button and put my phone to my ear while the number dials.

After just a few rings, Lydia's voice sounds through the phone.


"Err.. Hey, Lydia..." I answer insecure. "It's me, Alessia."

Is it to late to hang up?

"Did something happen?" Lydia questions in panic.

I let out a nervous chuckle.
"No, not exactly ... I was just ... ahem ... wondering if you free today? If not, that's totally fine." I ramble.

"Oh" Lydia exclaims surprised. "I'm with Jordan at the police station."

"Who's Jordan?" I ask while knitting my brows.

"I meant Deputy Parrish." Lydia corrects quickly.

"Well, can I come?" I question eagerly.

"I guess so."

"Great. I'll be there in a few."

I hurry out of my apartment and into my car, making my way to the police station.

Arriving there, I step through the door and look around in search of Lydia.

"Excuse me, sir, have you seen a girl my age with red hair?" I ask another deputy with blonde hair.

"You mean Lydia?"

"Yes." I answer warily.

"She's at the cells, visiting Parrish. You have to go this way." He points sideways at some hallway.

"Alright. Thanks."

I follow his instructions and reach my destination.

"Hey Lydia." I greet when I see her leaning against the bars. "Jordan." I nod slightly, then winking at Lydia to which she reacts with slightly blushing. "What are you up to?"

"We talked about the night of the storm. The Wild Hunt." Lydia informs me.

"The what?" Parrish asks.

Attraction | Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now