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Although I didn't sleep very well last night, I agreed to accompany Scott and Stiles for dinner. To strengthen the community, like they said. They promised me pizza so of course I'd say yes. But instead of eating a big, hot and greasy slice of pizza with extra cheese, I find myself at the police station in order to build up the Sheriff's self-confidence.

We enter Sheriff Stilinski's office and I can see he's sending a quizzical look to his son before focusing back on me.

"Dad, this is Alessia Hale. She's Derek's cousin and new in Beacon Hills."

"Nice to meet you in person, Alessia.", he put out his hand for me to shake. "But you're not new here, I remember you of that time you lived in the Hale house. Even though the fire is years ago, I would like to offer my condolences to you."

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the confused looks Stiles and Scott share.

"Nice to meet you too, Sheriff. And yes, you're right. I just moved back here." I pause for a few seconds before turning to the two boys. "I guess I have some things to explain. I'll do it at diner if that's fine with you."

"S-Sure. Whenever you're ready."

Stiles questions his father further about his date but then he gets interrupted by someone screaming for the Sheriff. Leaving the office, we find a handcuffed boy, attended by deputies and a man in a suit.

"I'm gonna kill you!"

"Donovan, if you think that shocks me, remember it was well-documented in your Anger Expression Inventory. Deputies, escort the prisoner out."

"I'm not angry like I'm gonna throw a brick through your window. I'm angry like I'm gonna find you, I'm gonna get a knife and I'm gonna stab you with it until you're dead. And when you look at me and you ask me why, remember right now. Cause this is why."

Nobody dares to speak a word. It's literally that quiet, you could hear a pin drop.. if it wouldn't be for my personality.I guess in opposition to the others, I rather think that kid's pathetic, like does he seriously think he can cope with the Sheriff of Beacon County?

I try to keep a serious expression but I can't hold my laughter anymore.

I turn my head to Stiles, his dad and Scott before looking back at Donovan

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I turn my head to Stiles, his dad and Scott before looking back at Donovan.
"Wow. Congratulations! That was awesome!"
"Don't you think?" I adress to the three boys beside me.

While Scott and the Sheriff just send me a what-the-hell-are-you-doing-glare, Stiles chimed in as well.

"Yeah, I totally agree. That was great! Donovan, we do one more? Give us another one, maybe like Christopher Walken this time, you know."

It seems like Stiles and I share the same humor and I think with a little more time, we can actually get along very well.

"I would like to see that too. C'mon Donovan, show us." I added, but Donovan just looks at us like he would like to kill the both of us as well, right on the spot. "You know what? It's fine. You can leave now. Oh, and have a nice life. As nice as it can be in a tiny little cell, I guess."

Donovan has now focused his eyes only on me and I'm surprised that he remained calm. I actually thought that I could get a reaction out of him, especially when he has an aggression problem. To be honest, I'm kinda sad that his reaction is so poor. I love to tease and do it mainly because I'd like to see the person's reaction to it.
But suddenly, Donovan's veneer breaks down and he attempts to break out of the deputies' hold on him to get near me. 'Ahh, there it is.' I think to myself, unimpressed while everybody seems to be even more upset.

"Get him out of here!" Stilinski orders the deputies.


"One large margherita please" I order at the counter of the pizzeria. I'm on my own, since Scott and Stiles lost their appetite after the incident with Donovan. "To go please."
I prefer taking my meal back home where I have a TV and a comfortable sofa instead of sitting alone in a booth.

"Very hungry, are we?" I turn around to see Theo standing there with a smirk clustered on his face

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"Very hungry, are we?" I turn around to see Theo standing there with a smirk clustered on his face.

"Theo, what you are you doing here?"

Am I actually that dumb? Of course it's obvious what he's doing here. I could honestly kick myself right now.

"The same as you do, I guess.", he chuckles.

"Right." Meanwhile, my pizza is ready and the lady behind the counter hands it to me. I thank her quietly with a smile. "Sooo.. I'll see you tomorrow in school."

I head for the exit before Theo speaks again to me. "Or you just wait a second till I get my pizza, which I already ordered via phone and we could keep eachother's company. Of course you don't have to if you don't want to, it was just an idea."

I think for a moment about it. If I said yes, it would be a good chance to figure out a bit more about him. Checking if there is something to him which proves Stiles suspicion or if he's worth to put confidence in. If I said no, I could lay down on my sofa and watch some good movies. But most importantly I could walk around in some sweats and without a bra.

Although I prefered the second option I decide to give Theo a chance. He's really trying so I shouldn't decline his goodwill.

"Well, in fact, why not."

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