Part 1

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my book ( dark and wild book 1 ) is gone, I do not know why, I did not even delete it but the book just disappeared, but fortunately someone found it
Thanks to ninasalvatore1997
She found my book ( dark and wild book 1 )
She sent me a capture in every part of the book, she was very kind, she helped me, became my savior, I can not give anything for her, I can only thank her for her kindness
so now, I will republish the dark n wild book 1, for you all who have not read it, you can read it now, I hope you guys like it, enjoy

Before you read this, first i want to apologize, since i come from indonesia, and i am not good at english, so i ask you to understanding if my grammar is not good, i know i made many mistakes to write this story But I'm very excited to keep writing this story in English, so I beg you all to understanding, I'm still learning, and I want to improve my grammar, I'll try my best for make it better, please pardon me!! Thank you


I sat in the dining room, turned on my laptop, while eating the breakfast, it's very cold today, i pulled the blanket over my body, i hate winter, i hate the cold air when it was pierced trough my bones, my body freeze like hell, the streets become very slippery, annoying.

I enjoyed a glass of milk, to warmed my body
"mom.. can I have one more glass of hot milk?" I told to my mom who was heating water, making coffee for herself.
"sure baby wait" she replied and making one more for me.
"here" she said and give the hot milk to me.
"baby, we have to meet Mrs.Jeon today" she continued and take a sit beside me.
"why?" i asked curiously.

Mrs.Jeon is my mom's best friend, they live in the same neighborhood for a long time, but since my mother got married, so she live with my dad in Chicago, but we were moved back to Seoul two years ago, back to my mom's old house without my dad.
I knew her very well, she was as kind as my own mother.
"look baby, I have some business in Europe, i'll leave you for some month, so I asked her to take care of you while I was away, and she was very happy if you could stay with her" she said while drink the coffee.
"mom, please!! I'm not a kids, I can take care of myself, just go mom, don't worry about me, I'll be good to be here alone" you yelled.
"no baby, I can't leave you alone, how if your dad coming to you when I'm not here, and how if he start to torture you again" she said, looking at me, i see a tears in her eyes.

My current father is not my real father, he is my stepfather, he always drunk and very tempramental, he always tortures my mom, slaps her, punch her, that's why me and my mom decided to leave him and moved back to Seoul.

I don't know why he changed a lot, when I was kids, he always protected me, he was a good stepfather for me, but everything's changed as I grew up, he started looking at me lustfully, even one night he came to my room, sleep beside me, and start touching my body kissing my neck while his hand traveling all over my body.

I was so scared by him, i try to escape from his grip but he slaps my face so hard, my body shaking so bad, i can't hold my tears, i can't believe it, he try to rape his daughter.

I bite his ear so hard, he groaned in pain, he touch his ear and see the blood covering his hand, i run to escape while he was checking his ear.
I run as fast as i can, i run to the outside with a tears flowing down my cheek.

When i was run, suddenly someone grab my wrist, then spins me, i was so scared if that person who grab my wrist is my father, i turned my face to see who it was, and i'm so relieved since that person is my mom, i hug her, crying on her embrace.

I told her everything, the fact that he try to rape me, my mom was shocked to hear that, she hugged me, crying so hard while apologized.
After that day, we leave him, and headed back to Seoul.
"please baby, follow my order, I don't want something bad happen to you, i'm so scared if he coming here when you alone, and try to rape you again" she said and rubbing my cheek.

Her voice awakened me from my past memories
"ok mom, i'll following your order" i said and hug her.
I know she's very hurts, very sad to remembered the past, i don't want to make her sad, don't want to see her cried.
"do you remember Mrs.Jeon's son?" she said broke the hug.
"son? does she have a son? I thoughts she live alone" i frowned.
"she have one, she have a son and he's so handsome" she said while carresing my hair.
"when you're kids, we always visit her family on summer, you and him always play together, stick to each other, you always crying when we have to headed back to Chicago" she said with a smile on her lips.
"do i?? but I don't know mom, i can't remember it" i replied, try to remember it but i can't.
"so, i'll live with her son too? In her house?" i asked.
"no baby, he's not here, he live in US for study, and i don't know when he will come back" she replied, caressing my cheek and i nodded.
"ok, prepare your self baby, we have to go to her house now" she said and i nodded.
I went to upstair for take a shower and get ready to visit Mrs.Jeon's house.
"baby, are you finish?" she shouted.
"yes mom, wait" i replied and rushes go to downstair.

30 minutes later we are arrive at Mrs.Jeon house, my mom parked the car in the yard, we get out the car and walk to her house.
I knocked on the door, not to long fter she opened it.
"omg, you are here" She pulled me to her embrace.
"nice to see you, how are you?" i broke the hug and greet her.
"i'm fine sweetheart, i'm so happy to see you both" she replied and start hugging my mom.
"come in, we can talk inside" she drag me and my mom to the living room I sat on the couch beside my mom, while she went to the kitchen to make a drink for us.
"so when you will go to Europe?" she asked to my mom and take a sit beside me.
"tomorrow, i'm sorry for bothering you, but i have no choice, i have to go, i can't leave my daughter alone, you know how bad her father, i'm so scared if he come to my house and...." my mom replied.
"shhh...i know, you don't have to tell me, i know how bad he was, don't worry, i'll take care your daughter, she's like my own daughter, you know I love her, and i'm so happy if she will stay with me" she cutting my mom words while her hand holding my mom hand.
"thank you Jeon mi ah~ i'm so thankful to have a best friend like you" my mom said and rubbing her hand.
"aunty, do you have a son?" i asked her.
"yes baby, i have, you know him very well, but i don't know if you still remember his face or not" she replied and give me a bright smile.
"but why i can not see him everytime i visit your house" i asked.
"he's not living here, he study in US and i don't know when he will come back" she replied with a low voice, looking down , i don't know why she look so sad now, I don't know what happen to her and her son i just wondering, does she have a hard life too?
I just drowning on my own thoughts, why i always see the person i love to be like this, they are look sad, it's hurting me to see them for having a hard time to fight for their lives, to survive, but i also thankful, the fact is, they're take care of each other love each other, and mutually reinforce each other.

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