~Chapter 1~

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!INFO ON WRITING STYLES! There will be POV changes throughout the story(the rest you can figure out)

This is adding more info about you or anyone else 

"This is yours or whoever's POV thought"

"this is whoever's POV dream"


You are walking through the streets at night trying to find a place to sleep. You kept walking down the alley when you heard footsteps. You quickly pulled your hoodie further over your head and hid behind a bin that you saw, and waited until the person was gone.

You didn't hear anymore footsteps so you looked to see if anyone was there, and there wasn't. you kept walking for about 2 more hours looking for somewhere to sleep, but as usual you couldn't find anywhere to stay. You've walked for about 6hours now, but didn't find anywhere to stay.

You might be a bit confused onto why you are looking for a place to stay. Well you have been homeless for 5 1/2 years and still didn't have enough money to get a house or at least a flat to live in even tho you have been working the whole 5 1/2 years with no break, but the thing is is that all the jobs u have had only payed a bit in a day. Yes you only had a job for a day, not because u get fired but because you have to move from place to place so that they don't find you. You've probably been all over Korea just by walking but the only place you haven't been to is Seoul, and that is where you are aiming to go because you could get a job that pays you better in a day. You are now in Incheon. I will not tell you what happened your family, you'll have to find out for yourself throughout the story. The only thing I'll tell you about you is that you were 14 when you had to run away from them and your home town. You don't have anymore family members that is why you have to find money to feed yourself so you have energy for travelling.

Soon you were to tired to walk so you looked for a bush where you could hide and sleep. Eventually you found one and made yourself comfortable. You soon fell asleep

"Someone has been shaking you for 5 minutes now and you still didn't wake up 'Y/N! WAKE UP! it's time to go to school!' your little sister shouted while trying to drag you out your bed, which she succeeded. You landed on the floor face first. You let out a groan of pain and sat up. You looked at your sister and gave her a glare. 'Sorry eonni  I didn't mean for you to fall on your face,' your sister said while pouting and looking at the floor. 'It's okay sis. I know you didn't mean it. But next time don't pull out of my bed please,' you say  and then giving your sister a hug. 'Ok. I promise I won't drag you out your bed eonni,' your sister said before running downstairs to eat breakfast." 

You were woken up by something licking your face.


You quickly sit up and look for what was licking your face, and find a puppy laying next to you in the bush you were hiding in.

You quickly sit up and look for what was licking your face, and find a puppy laying next to you in the bush you were hiding in

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You see that the puppy doesn't belong to anyone so you decide to look after it. You look around trying to find something that you could use as a leash but didn't. You walked a bit and turned around to see the puppy following you and when it saw that you stopped, it stopped and sat and looked at you waiting for you to walk on. You decided to walk backwards to see if it will still follow you. When you looked at again you had to laugh.

'What are you doing? why are you walking backwards like me?' you asked it and all it did was let out a small growl. You were a bit confused to why it didn't bark like normal puppies but u ignored it. You were walking when you felt something pulling on your trousers. You look down to see your puppy pulling at it.

'What do you want? Wait I still need to think of a name for you and what gender you are,' You say while bending down to stroke your puppy.

'Hmm. I'll try this. Are you a boy?' you asked and your puppy tilted its head. 'I guess you are a girl then?' this time your puppy stood up and tried to lick your face but you didn't let her. 'Ok OK. You are a girl. now we need to think of a name for you,' I say while trying to think of a name.

"Should i call her Midnight, Crystal or Silver?" you were thinking while looking at your puppy. You kept looking at her and you realised that the more you looked at her the more she didn't look like a puppy anymore. You also noticed that she had different colour eyes. One was blue and the other was brown. 'Should I call you Midnight?' she didn't respond, 'How about Crystal?' she looked at you but nothing else happened, 'OK this is the last name I have. How about Silver?' this time she turned fully around and again tried to click your face. 'Ok your name is Silver from now on, but I have one more question. Are you a dog or a wolf? if your a dog look left but if you are a wolf look right,' you said to silver while pointing left and then right. you waited and then silver looked right.

"WHAT SILVER IS A WOLF?! I'M FREAKING OUT!! I HAVE A PET WOLF!! It's cool and all but doesn't she want to go back to her family? and why is she so obedient?" You stood up and started walking around again looking for a job. You did look back to see if Silver is still with you and sure enough she was with you all the time and fought off anyone or anything that got near you, which you found adorable. You were walking until you stopped at a shop which had a sign on it saying they needed help. You were about to enter when the person inside started talking,

'Hey you! Yeah you girl. Is that your dog?' the ajosshi asked.

'Yeah thats my dog. Why are you asking?' you asked him.

'Because we don't allow dogs in here,' he said.

'But I don't have a leash to put her anywhere. Please can I bring her in here. She won't destroy anything. Oh and I was going to ask if I could work here and if yes if I could get the money at the end of the day?' you say looking at him with puppy dog eyes. this always worked.

'Ok ok you can bring her in here, but I'm giving you a leash to put her on. Yes you can work here and I can't say no to that face so ok I'll give you the money at the end of the day. Also the amount of money you get is the amount go help you give and the things you sell,' he said while you walked in with Silver. she was about to touch something when you told her not to and to not touch anything. The ajosshi was a bit surprised to how obedient your puppy is considering that she was still quite young.

He explained everything you had to do and then told you to start while he gets you a leash and collar for Silver.

After an hour he came back with a leash and collar with Silvers name engraved at the front and yours at the back. And of course you didn't tell him your last name. You thanked him a lot and even hugged him. You called Silver over and showed her the collar. You held it out so she can slip it on herself. She did and you tightened it a bit so it won't slip off that easily.

It was the end of the day so you asked for the money.

'Here you go. You worked very hard so you deserve it,' he grabbed your hand and placed the money in your hand and then pushed you out the door. 

A/N Hi guys I hope you'll enjoy this storyˆˆ This is my first story that I'm not writing for my best friend. I hope it will turn out good.

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now