~Chapter 5~

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After the boys introduced themselves and you introduced yourself, you went straight to your room playing with Silver while waiting for Hyun-ae to come back.


While I was playing with Silver I couldn't really think straight. I was just thinking about that Jimin guy trying to remember why I feel like I know him and from where. I stopped playing with Silver and decided to look through my room to see if I could find anything that i could use to draw. but I couldn't find anything.

'UGH! I'm so bored. I just want to draw,' I say after I checked the last spot in my room. I lay back down on my bed looking at Silver.

'Hey Silver. You wanna help me escape this place?' I ask. She looked at me but shook her head.

'Why won't you help me? You know that I don't want to stay here, and you know that I feel more comfortable travelling than staying here,' I say.

'I know you like travelling but this place is really safe and you can trust the boys to keep you safe,' Silver said yawning and then falling asleep.

'Ok fine I'll stay here but if anything happens I'm running out here,' I say looking at the ceiling. After a few minutes there was a knock on the door.

'Come in!' I say not bothered to look up to see who was there.

'UGH! This is so heavy!' Hyun-ae said while walking over to your bed. This time you sit up and look at her and then at her hands.

'Why so many bags?' I ask.

'Because I found a lot of outfits that would suit you so I didn't hesitate to buy them. Also my boss said I can buy as many clothes as I want for you. So yeah you have a lot of clothes now,' Hyun-ae said placing all the outfits on my bed.

 So yeah you have a lot of clothes now,' Hyun-ae said placing all the outfits on my bed

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'WOW! These are so cute and beautiful!' I saw looking at the outfits in amazement.(There are a lot more outfits but I couldn't find good pictures so just use your imagination) Hyun-ae also bought me two pairs of Timberlands, original and the black ones, some pandora jewellery, some perfume, nail polish, makeup but not to much, some clothes from Gucci and Supreme, a few more formal and non formal dresses, toiletries, more shoes and a few bras and underwear which looked really nice.

'Thank you so much Hyun-ae for buying all these things for me,' I say Hugging her and trying not to cry remembering my past.

'No problem Y/N. Anything for you. Well I have to go. Oh also my boss said you have to wear a formal dress tonight, there will be a party and you have to go. I'll help you with your hair and makeup. The party starts at 5pm and its now... 1pm so you have 4hours,' Huyn-ae said before leaving. Since I had 4hours to waste i went to put all my clothes away and then have a nap.

"You woke up in a complete different place than before. You wanted to move but couldn't because of so much pain in your leg and stomach. 'Oh! Y/N your awake!' a male voice said. 'W-who are you?' you asked trying to look at the person. 'You don't remember me? Well I can understand that because we only spoke a few times. I'm Jimin, I took you to the nurse after you passed out from to much blood loss,' Jimin said. You remembered exactly what happened before and began to cry. 'Y/N why are you crying?' Jimin asked. 'I don't want to live anymore! No one wants me alive anyway! Why didn't you just leave me there to die? you said crying even more but now holding onto Jimin's arm. 'Because I care about you and I want to protect you forever,' Jimin said hugging you. Once you got home you wanted to kill yourself so badly after what the bullies did to you again. But Jimin's words keep replaying in your head making you stop your decision of killing yourself but instead give you another option... your pocket knife. You locked your bedroom door to make sure your parents or little sister comes in. You sat down on your bed and looked at your arm. You hesitated at first but then you finally cut yourself once. You weren't satisfied so you cut yourself over and over again until there were so many cuts that there was so much blood on your arm that was now dripping onto your legs. You were satisfied. You quickly grabbed some tissues to clean it up."

'AHH! JIMIN WHY DIDNT YOU LET ME DIE!' I scream so loudly that I woke Silver up. I sat up quickly and just cried. 'Why didn't you let me die? It would've been better,' I cried. Suddenly the door burst open and all 7 boys came running in.

'What's wrong Y/N?' Seokjin asked.

'Why did you shout my name?' Jimin asked. I looked at him and all you could do was hug him and just cry.

'Why did you keep me alive Jimin?' I asked.

'What are you talking about?' he asked.


'Calm down Y/n. If you keep shouting you'll pass out,' Yoongi said. I hugged Jimin again and his heartbeat helped me calm down. He kept stroking my hair which also helped me calm down.

'Ok now that you have calmed down can you tell us what you are talking about,' Jimin said. the rest were now sitting on my bed waiting for me to tell them what happened. But somehow I couldn't tell them. I didn't trust them yet. I could only tell Jimin.

'I'm sorry but I don't what to tell you guys. I don't trust you yet. I can only tell Jimin,' I say into Jimin's chest. I didn't want to let go. He was all I had from my past life and I didn't want to loose him. The boys understood so they left without a word.

'So tell me now what was your dream about,' Jimin said.

'Don't you remember me? Don't you remember that you saved me when we were little? I was 14 and you were 16 and I was at the back of the school getting bullied. Don't you remember?' I asked hoping he would remember.

'I can vaguely remember something like that,' he said. I told him about my last dream and about this one hoping he will remember.


'And I'm happy you didn't kill yourself. I'm happy you stayed alive but I'm not happy that you cut yourself,' he said before grabbing my wrist and lifting up my sleeve. I started panicking.

'Y/N... why are you still doing it?' Jimin asked looking really sad.

'B-because... I got addicted. It was a stress, anger and sadness reliever,' I said not daring to look at Jimin.

'You have to stop. Please. I'll help you. I'll give you tips,' he said cupping my face looking really sad. He cares about me. I finally found someone who cares about me.

'The only way that has helped me was drawing

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'The only way that has helped me was drawing. Please get me drawing stuff,' I say not letting go of Jimin's hug.

'I will always protect you no matter what happens I'm always here for you,' Jimin says.

A/N Guys pls don't cut yourself it's not fun it just hurts you more. I was about to cry writing this because i cut myself and it didn't solve anything.

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now