~Chapter 13~

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^Just pretend that is you^


Jimin burst into my room absolutely terrified and I don't know whats going on. I asked him what happened and all he said was Y/N's room. I ordered him to go with me to her room and show me why he is so freaked out.

'Namjoon,' Jimin says.


'I don't know what's going on with Y/N and I'm scared,'

'I don't know what's going on with her either, but I will make sure she doesn't get out of control,' after I said that we entered Y/N's room. What I saw was horrifying. There was blood everywhere and above the head board there was something written in blood. Now I understood why Jimin was so scared when he ran into my room. I took a photo of the whole room so I can analyze it later in my room.

'Should we investigate the room?' Jimin asks.

'When the others are awake yes we can. I don't want to investigate this room at night and with only us two,' I say taking a last glance at the room and then leaving to go to mine.

'You're right. Also can I sleep in your room tonight?' Jimin asks.

'Sure,' I say back then jumping onto my bed. Jimin went over to the closet to get a pillow and blankets and then went to sleep on the floor.

I got woken up by someone screaming. When I ran out my room I could see that everyone else was about to go out and see what that was. Jimin bumped into me and I fell to the floor.

'Sorry Joonie,' Jimin apologizes.

'It's fine,' I say getting up. I could see Tae and Kookie slowly walking towards Y/N's room. Once we all were about to walk into her room, Y/n started walking out backwards completely terrified and covered in blood.

'W-what a-are you d-doing h-here?' she stutters looking into her room.

'Please leave me alone. I haven't done anything to you,'

'When did I do anything to you?'

'What you did is worse that what I have ever done to you,' Y/N says not daring to look anywhere but her room.

After a while Y/N looked over to us and she looked scared.

'What's wrong?' I ask her.

'It's nothing,' she replies.

'There clearly is something wrong because we were there the whole time you were talking to someone in your room,' I say.

'I-I can't tell you right at this moment,' she says then walking past us and downstairs.

'What just happened?' Tae asks.

'I really don't know. let's check out her room for starters,' I say before walking into her room. Surprisingly it was all clean. We all went to different parts of the room and explored it. There was nothing suspicious in here but that's what is making me curious about the room, Y/N and much more. I need to find out what's going on.


I woke up at 6am and I noticed I was in Joonie's room and not mine. I quickly got up and noticed there was blood all over me which made me confused. I didn't know how I got so bloody or why I was in Joonie's room when I fell asleep in my room. I got up and went to my room and what I saw shocked me.

'What happened in here? and why is that written on my wall?' I ask myself.

Omg! Do you seriously not remember what you did? You really are stupid just like everyone says.

'Yes I don't remember what happened. Can you tell me?' I ask.

Ugh fine. So yesterday you were in your room because the poor boys had to carry you, you piece of shit, from a house to theirs so that they can look after you, I really feel sorry for them. You woke up around 1am and were a better person than now, they say you are possessed I say you were a better person, and you started cutting your arms, legs, collarbone, stomach and ankles, which was so much fun to watch, and with your blood you made the room like this and the writing you wrote you somehow predicted would happen, and I feel sorry that the Jimin boy had to kiss you. What I'm saying is you tried to kill yourself again but somehow survived.

'Wow. I did a lot. I'll clean it up now,' I say trying to act as if I don't care even if I really do.

I kept cleaning and cleaning until most of the blood was gone and then used my powers to clean it properly. Right after I cleaned my room my brother appeared. I screamed. I walked away slowly.

'W-what a-are you d-doing h-here?' I ask him.

'I am here to take you with me for what you have done,' Mark says.

'Please leave me alone. I haven't done anything to you,' I say.

'Oh yes you have,' Mark says with an annoyed tone.

'When did I do anything to you?' I asked him a bit more confidently but still scared.

'Hmmm lets see. You kept using me as your "fighting buddy" where I was always the one getting hurt, you were mum and dads favourite child and you always got everything you wanted even tho I was the oldest, and you did a lot more!' He says getting angry. I could see the boys next to me so I really wanted my brother to go. To be honest I don't know if I can even call him my brother anymore, even if it seems like I love him I don't. I don't know why i cried when they killed my brother. I hate him for what he did.

'What you did is worse than what I have ever done to you,' I say not taking my eyes off Mark.

'Well this was a lovely chat, but I will come back for you. I'll be off now as seeing that your "friends" are here,' he says before leaving. Finally he's gone. I turn to look at the boys and they all look at me in shock. Joonie asks me if everything ok and I say yes but he still wanted to know whats going on so I just told him i can't tell him now and with that I left the boys to go downstairs.

Remember what I told you? You go sneak out this house and find a street and wait for a fast car to come and you'll run towards it, Ok? Got it?

'Yes, Yes I know what to do,' I quietly say and sneak out the house.

I put my hood up and walked around to find a street where there weren't many people. I soon found the perfect street. I got my phone out and decided to text Jimin.

I'm at XXX street|

I quickly checked and there was a car coming so I sent the message and ran onto the streets.

I could here the car coming closer and closer, people shouting and my phone ringing. Everything happened so fast. I heard the car skid and then I blacked out.

Good job

A/N I'm running out of ideas to write. I'm going to take some time off writing so I can get some ideas. I'm also writing a short story for school and its interfering with the ideas to this story. Hope you like it^^

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now