~Chapter 24~

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Don't tell them anything! Go to your room and leave them! Don't make them worried about your stupid existence!

'I'm sorry guys. I don't want to tell yet. I might tell you in a few days. But only maybe. It's not a definite answer,' I tell them and go to the stairs. That's when I remembered that I can't walk.

'UGH! STUPID LEGS! JIMIN! CAN YOU CARRY ME TO MY ROOM?' I shout. He immediately came to me and carried me upstairs.

'Can you tell the boys that they really need to make me a ramp. I don't always want to disturb you,' I ask Jimin.

'Sure. I'll tell them. And you don't disturb me. I'm happy to help you. You know that i'm always here for you when you need help,' he says giving me his cute eye smile.

Jimin put me on my bed and then left to get my wheelchair. I decided to lay down and sleep for a bit. I lifted my legs onto my bed and then laid down. I heard the door open and I knew it was Jimin. After a few seconds the door closed again.

I was alone in the room.

Silver was with the boys and I was here staring at my ceiling.

I felt my eyes get heavy and soon enough I was asleep.

"I was silently studying in my room when my brother, Mark, barged into my room.

'What do you want Mark?' I ask him, still looking at my homework.

'Dinner is ready. Eomma and appa said you need to come down now and eat and stop studying so much,' he says taking my pencil out of my hand and pulling me away from my desk.

'YAH! I was in the middle of an equation!' I shout at him. I pull my wrist from Mark's grip and walk downstairs to the kitchen. When I arrived my looked at me happily. It was weird because they don't usually look that happy. And as usual Tae was not there for dinner. I never asked why he stopped eating dinner with us but now I'm extremely curious.

'You two look very happy. Also why has TaeTae stopped eating dinner with us?' I ask taking a seat next to Mark.

'He's really busy and he'll eat later. We also need to tell you something,' they say overly joyful.

'...Ok... I'm listening,' I say grabbing food to eat. I know it's rude but I don't care. I want food. My parents have given up on telling me off so they just accept it.

'Well. You'll be getting a little sister,' they say at the same time and I choke on my food. Did I hear that right? I'm getting a little sister? Should I be happy? annoyed? excited? I wanted a little sister to teach her how to dance and everything. But then its also annoying because she'll steal my stuff and I'll have to deal with a crying baby.

'Cool. A little sister... Can we eat now. I'm hungry,' I say before scoffing down my food. I could tell that my parents were rolling their eyes at me and Mark lightly punched my arm.

'What?'I tried to say but it sound more like 'whoth?' with all the food in my mouth.

'Be a little more excited,' he whispers to me.

'I'm here for the food. After I eat I'm studying again or do you want me to fight you again?' I say glaring at Mark.

'Honey. We like you studying all the time to get good grades but you need to have some fun. Why don't you dance a bit or draw?' my mum said. I needed my maths done because I didn't do it when we were meant to hand it in.

'Fine. I'll finish my maths and then I'll do something fun,' I give in.

I finish my food and go up to my room to finish my maths. When I enter me room there was someone laying on my bed. I walked closer and it was Tae.

'Hi TaeTae! Why weren't you at dinner?' I ask jumping onto my bed.

'I had to study. I'll eat later. Also keep it down. I don't want Mark hearing me in here and then trying to kill me,' Tae says sitting up now and looking at me. I never felt like Tae nor Mark were my brothers. I always thought of them as friends that live here. I also don't know why Tae is so worried about Mark.

'Why are you so worried about Mark finding you here?' I ask getting up and putting on some music to dance to.

'He hates me and I hate him. He is always protecting you from me and so the only time I can talk to you is after you eat because you always eat the quickest and you always want to study after eating. So when eomma and appa are downstairs with Mark, I'm here with you,' he says joining in with my dancing. He wasn't as good as Jimin but he was definitely better than Mark.

'Oh btw we are getting a little sister,' I say.

'I know. I can finally have a little sister that I can protect from Mark, like he protects you from me,' Tae says now hugging me. It shocked me but I hugged him back. I always liked Tae more than Mark. I felt more comfortable with Tae than Mark. He always gave off this weird vibe that I don't like. Maybe thats why I always like fighting him and dancing with Tae.

'Why couldn't you be the one protecting me from Mark...' I quietly mumble into Tae's chest.

We heard a knock on the door and then Mark asking for me to turn down the music. I push Tae away and then push him into my wardrobe so that Mark doesn't kill him. I remember when Tae was in my room dancing with me Mark came in and he looked really angry seeing Tae there. he walked up to him and punched him in the face. I stopped them from doing anymore harm to each other.

'Sure, I'll turn it down. Also what do you want?' I ask opening my door after making sure Tae was securely in my wardrobe.

'I just wanted you to turn down your music and tell you to get ready for bed,' he says leaving my room. I made sure he was in his room before closing my door and telling Tae the coast is clear.

'I'll go now. I still haven't eaten. Goodnight Y/N,' he says before leaving my room.

I get changed and ready for bed. I finished my maths and then went to bed."

I wake up and looked around my room confused.

'That was a weird dream. It felt so real but also so fake,' I say to myself.

My door opens and Tae walks in.

'We need to talk...' he says before sitting down on my bed beside me.

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now