~Chapter 30~

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Edit: Wattpad won't let me change the texting parts. The ones with "|" behind them were supposed to be right hand aligned but somehow it won't publish like that(even tho it did before)


I couldn't believe that they were working with Y/n step father. I cant believe that they used us to make Y/n trust and then tell us to kill her. What has she ever done to deserve all this?

I just sat there starring at my wall.

I can't kill her.

How am I meant to tell the others? Especially Tae. He won't be able to kill her nor could Jimin. None of us could.

Why do they want her dead anyway? She never did anything to that man. Why did he want them all dead? Why didn't he tell them to kill Tae as well? Didn't he say he would kill them both? If Tae can survive why couldn't his dad? Was is because she fell for him? Was it all because she left him for not being a good husband? Was it seriously just because of that?!

I sometimes don't understand this world.

Come to my office. All of you|

|Tae: I'm in the middle of doing something. Is it that important?

|Jin: Yeah. I'm in the middle of eating

|Yoongi: Coming

|JK: I was going to go to the gym but I'll go to you now

|Hoseok: I have to stop dancing for this. Omw

|ChimChim: Let me just tell Y/n I'll be coming to her later.

Tae and Jin, yes it is very important|

|Tae: Fine. I'm on my way

|Jin: Ugh. Fine. I'll have to eat the rest later

Luckily it didn't take long for them to get here.

'So? What was so important?' Jin says right when he entered the room.

'Everyone is here? Ok good. Lock the door please. Jimin and Tae this might be very hard to take in, so be prepared,' I say to them. They nodded their heads showing me that they understood.


Ugh! Who is texting me now?!

Oh.. It's them.

|Make sure to kill her in a way that her organs are still in takt.

|We'll tell everything once you've done.

What is so special about her? What makes her and her family a target? Why did they take her| parents organs? What has she ever done to deserve this?|

|There is a lot you don't know about her and her family. She is dangerous. And we need to find out everything about them. We don't know if there are more of them out there but we need to |be careful. We are only protecting everyone.

But she is perfectly normal! I don't see the point! She already has a difficult life because of| everything that has happened to her! She already tried leaving this world many times but we saved her!| 

|YOU SHOULD HAVE LET HER GO! SHE IS TO DANGEROUS! I thought we hired the right people for this job. I guess we didn't. We hired you guys because of what you all are capable of but I guess I |should've known that you all would get attached to her. Especially V, seeing as they are siblings.

So you all planned this? You are all disgusting! I can't believe you are all so heartless!|

|Suit yourself. But I'm warning you all. You won't have a wonderful life anymore. You guys might even get fired from being musicians. I always get what I want. I'll give you guys a week. Then its |over!

I'm scared. I don't know what to do. Why was this happening? What is it that Y/n has that they want to badly? What do we not know about her? Why is she so dangerous?

'Namjoon? Hello? Earth to Namjoon,' Yoongi says while waving his hand in front of me.

'Huh? Oh sorry. I got a text from our boss. I then just started to think a bit. sorry about that,' I apologies to them.

'So? Tell us everything now,' Tae says impatiently.

I told them everything. I told them every single detail.

Once I finished I looked at Tae and Jimin to make sure they were ok. They weren't.

'Why is this happening to her? There is nothing wrong with her. Why do they need to more about them? Who are they anyway? What do they know that we don't about her?' Tae asks. He was on the verge of crying. 'Is it to do with the voice in her head?' he keeps asking questions that non of us know the answer to.

What was he even talking about with "the voice in her head"?

I need some answers.

'Tae? What are you talking about? What do you know that we don't?' I ask. I need to know.

'I don't know if Y/n will be ok with me telling you guys without her permission...' he says.

'Come on! Tell me!! If you don't tell us we might not be able to save her or ourselves,' I say wanting desperately to know so that I can help her stay alive and keep us from loosing the one thing we all love to do.

'Ok. I'll tell you. But please don't tell her that I told you guys,' he explains. We all nodded our heads.

'Y/n has a voice in her head that has been telling her what to do and also telling her false things. The voice says all those thing to put her down and drive her to kill herself. The voice inside her head is her dead twin sister that is trying to take over her to revenge on everyone. She doesn't know why, or how her sister died. Her sister was the complete opposite of her and she decided to live with her friend so that's why I never met her. Also she always told  people that they weren't related or something. Her sister apparently bullied the person that bullied Y/n...' he told us everything. I was really surprised to here all this.

Now everything connected. When Y/n acted in a strange way it was because of her sister. I really hope she can get rid of her. But I don't know how. There is only one possible way to get rid of her but I hope it's not her plan. She did say to Tae that she wanted to move away soon and move on, forget everything in her past.

I do hope she gets better. I will not go through with this plan from our boss. I don't care anymore. I'd rather have Y/n happy than killing her and living with the guilt.


Another update. The story is slowly finishing. Only a few more chapters left. I really hope this story isn't boring. I know the first few chapters were a bit boring but as you know I'm not that good of a writer. I am trying to improve a lot by reading a lot more stories.

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now