~Chapter 3~

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'Ugh its so cold. Well it is my fault for not having any money to buy warm clothes. Wait! Silver can you get me warm clothes? its snowing and I need to be warm,' you ask Silver and soon enough you had UGG boots, a warm coat, a scarf, a hat and warm trousers. 'Thank you Silver. Aren't you cold?' You asked Silver and she just shook her head.

By now you already knew that Silver had magical powers and she could get you clothes, make you invisible BUT she couldn't get you money or make them leave you alone. Silver would always stick with you and would catch her own food but sometimes you would have to steal some or buy some depending on how much money you had. You also must be wondering how she and Silver get clean. Well its simple you just break into a house and use the shower. OK ok you actually don't but you do use the public shower. You did buy yourself some perfume and stuff but not to much. Also in those 6 months you noticed that strange things have been happening to you, like when someone was about to kill you you put your hands up in defence and there was a shield around you and the murderer couldn't kill you. You punched him and it was so strong he flew far back so you ran away with Silver. Afterwards you asked Silver if she did that but she shook her head.

It's around 10pm and you are outside playing in the snow because you couldn't sleep and neither could Silver. Suddenly a black van pulled up beside you and you quickly called Silver over to you and to protect you if anything happens.

 Suddenly a black van pulled up beside you and you quickly called Silver over to you and to protect you if anything happens

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Quickly 7 men dressed in black got out and one grabbed hold of you and the rest tried to grab Silver. Suddenly the man holding you put something over your mouth. You knew exactly what it was because you saw them using it on your family so you didn't dare to breath.

'She is well trained,' the man said. He seemed distracted so you elbowed him in the stomach and then backwards kicked him in the crotch. He fell to the floor in pain. The others stared at you and then you saw that someone was about to give Silver a needle so she won't move. You ran over to Silver and punched the guy in the face and then kicked him in the stomach.


'We don't want to hurt you or your pet. We just need you to get into the van and go with us, so we were going to knock you both out so you wouldn't hurt us, but I guess trying to knock you out is trickier thane thought,' The tall one said and you saw him signalling to someone to do something. You quickly turned around and tackled the guy to the floor, took his needle and broke it. You then punched him again and stood up.

'I see you have been trained. Well done but we still need you to go into the van,' the shortest said.

'I'M NOT GOING INTO A VAN FULL OF STRANGERS! YOU GUYS COULD BE ONE OF THEM! AND IF YOU ARE THEN IM DEFINITELY NOT GOING INTO THE VAN! and what you said about me being trained, I was never trained. I just enjoyed watching people fight so I always watched shows and practiced in my room. And I learned from... Never mind,' You didn't finish your sentence because you didn't want to tell them and you were already crying thinking about what happened to you.

'What do you mean one of them?  Also we really don't want to hurt you so if you could please just go into the van and get going. I see how you are so good but no-one can be that good and stop that I was signalling someone to knock you out with a needle unless you were trained and with the mouth thing, only people that were trained can get out of there without breathing in. And you say you weren't trained, that is really strange,' the tall one said and again he signalled someone to get you but this time you used the guy behind you to do a backflip and grab the needle and then inject it into him.

'Yeah I wasn't trained. Now if you would please stop signalling your guys to get me and maybe make it less obvious that would be helpful,' you said stroking Silver and telling her to calm down. You looked up and you could tell that they were shocked even through the masks. 'Ok ok fine I'll go into the van only because Silver said it would be better if I did. BUT don't you dare try and knock me out! I'm tired anyway so I'll fall asleep,' you say pushing them away and going into the van.

'Did you see that V?' the small one said.

'Yeah I did see that. And she even knocked out Suga. She is really talented. Don't you think Jimin?' V said.

'Yeah she is. Now lets get into the van before anyone sees us. Jimin, V and Jin grab Suga and put him in the back of the van. J-hope, you and Jungkook make sure the Y/N doesn't touch anything,' the tall one said.

'RM? shouldn't you help carry Suga? I need to drive the car. and Jimin wants to look after Y/N,' Jin said.

'OK. J-hope help carry Suga,' RM said. 

They finally finished and you were already asleep hugging Silver.


"Y/N is so cute. I'm glad we finally found her. We have waited years to find her and now we finally have her."

Woah there Jimin! I only knew her for a few minutes well not really, But you can't be thinking about that! I think I'm already in love with her.


You arrived at a huge mansion. You were fast asleep still hugging Silver. Jimin offered to carry you to your room. He picked you up and you immediately hugged him. He started smiling, then his smile faded once he noticed that you were crying. He wanted to stay with you, but he couldn't.

'Jungkook?' Jimin said.

'Yeah?' Jungkook replied.

'Where will Y/N's pet stay?' He asked.

'Her pet will stay outside,' Jungkook said while pulling on Silver's leash, but she didn't want to and tried to go to you but Jungkook pulled her away and tied her up.

After everyone was in their rooms and asleep, Silver freed herself and grabbed her collar in her mouth and found a way into the mansion. She wanted to explore the mansion so badly but she knew she had to get to you and soon enough she found your room. Once she got into your room she jumped onto your bed and lay super close to you.

A/N Pls comment on what I can improve and how you like it so far.

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now