~Chapter 9~

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You just stared at them as if you've just seen a ghost. 

'Y-You sound l-like B-BTS,' you manage to say. You then noticed that one of them was filming you and that pissed you of right away. You facial expression went from shocked to super pissed real quick.

'Oh no. She's pissed. We gotta blast and run away and if she finds us and catches us we go to the living room. Oh also we ARE BTS!' Jungkook says about to run away but got stopped with you right in front of the door.

'Not so fast Kookie! You and the rest of them stay here! I want answers!' You say giving Jungkook a death glare. He quickly went to where the rest of them still were then quickly telling Tae to go to the door and then run away with the rest. 

'Oh and just saying I Locked the door so you can't escape,' You say not looking at them.

'Ummm. Y/N you're scaring us. What did we do?' Yoongi asks.

'You filmed me without my permission. I. DON'T. LIKE. BEING. FILMED. You got that?' You say glaring at them all. They quickly tried to grab for their phones and hide them so you couldn't get them but their phones were nowhere.

'Y/N? Where are our phones?' Jimin asks kindly trying to calm you down so you don't faint. You already looked really pale.

'Oh you mean these?' You said chuckling a bit while holding 7 phones.

'How did you get our phones?' Tae asked confused.

'Easy. I just said "Bring me all their phones to my hand" and pop they were in my hand. Want me to demonstrate?' you asked.

'Wait what? How does that work? And yes show us,' Hoseok said.

'Ok I will have Jimin's rings on my hand now,' You say holding your hand up showing them and you did have rings on your hand, 'Now look at Jimin's hand and you'll see that he doesn't have rings anymore.'

'Whoah you're right he doesn't have anymore rings on his hand,' Seokjin says astonished.

'Now tell me everything because I want to know everything. Oh also I deleted the video of me on every phone it was on,' you say still pissed. BTS told you everything about this plan and that they have been BTS for a long time and that they were shocked that you didn't recognised them by their voices.

'SO YOU PLANNED ALL THIS!? YOU PLANNED TO FILM ME? YOU PLANNED THIS ALL!? WHAT DOES THIS WORLD WANT FROM ME?' you shout and now feeling a bit dizzy from all the anger that was building up inside you. Soon enough you blacked out and fell. Luckily Jimin grabbed you so you didn't fall on the floor. They noticed that something strange was happening to you but they didn't know what. 

Suddenly the door flung open and everything went black. After about 30 seconds the lights turned on and the boys seemed confused with what just happened.

'GUYS!' Jimin shouts in panic.

'What Jimin?' Jungkook asks.


'WHAT? What is happening?' Namjoon asks now running towards Jimin. 'OH MAN!! He's right!'

All the boys were around Jimin and in shock.

The door flung open again and it went dark again. Then the lights turned on again and the door closed.

'Ok there is now a dead man in Jimin's arms. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?' Jungkook said looking around the room confused.

'G-guys t-turn around,' Jungkook stutters. They all turn around and gasp.

'Um guys I still can't move,' Jimin exclaims.

'You might not want to turn around anyway,' Taehyung says worried. This is making Jimin more interested to what they saw.

On the wall there was you... hanging from the roof full of blood and next to you it says, in blood, "She'll be dead soon. Better hurry up."

Hoseok fainted after he read that. The rest just couldn't believe their eyes.

The door flung open and it went dark but instead of the light turning on they heard footsteps... a lot of footsteps.

The boys were scared.

Slowly the man in Jimin's arm was lifted up and said, 'Look after her. Don't let her out your sight. She is dangerous, so be careful around her. She is not like everyone else. Don't let her get pissed again. Get to know her and do the right things otherwise it would end worse than this. One of you could be lost if you're not careful.' With that the man disappeared and someone else was in Jimin's arms.

The light turned on again and everything was back to normal. You were back in Jimin's arms and he could move again.

'Guys. We need to talk,' Jimin says before walking out the room to bring you back to your room.


What happened a few minutes ago was strange and scary.  The message that was on the wall wouldn't leave my head

"She'll be dead soon. Better hurry up."

What did it mean? How did this happen? Who did this?

I'm worried. I don't want anything happening to her. We didn't want Jimin seeing that because we know how much he likes her. We all know what will happen to him if he saw that.

A/N This chapter is a lot shorter than the other ones because I didn't have many ideas for this chapter. There'll be more explaining next chapter(I hope it'll fit into the next chapter. If not then maybe the next chapter or so) I'll try and add info each chapter.

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now