~Chapter 34~

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Today was the last day I can hug Y/n. This was the last day I'll see her until she gets better. I hope it doesn't take to long for Y/n to get better. Maybe a few years, but I hope I can see her again sometime in a few years.

I went to Y/n to see what she was doing. It was in the afternoon already so I wanted to see what she was doing. As I walked to her room I could here music playing and as I walked closer to her room the music got louder.

As I opened the door I could see her sitting at her desk writing something. A letter I think. I'm not sure.

I decided to leave her alone. I went downstairs again and went to the dance studio where the rest of the boys were. We were practicing for our new song and I didn't want to keep them waiting.

We danced and sang for hours on end. I was so exhausted and I couldn't continue otherwise I would pass out.

'Ok lets take a rest. Everyone take a shower and them come to the kitchen to eat. I'm guessing Y/n won't want food,' Jin says.

We all went out the studio and went to take a shower.

When we arrived at the kitchen we saw Jin running around the kitchen looking for something.

'What are you looking for?' Yoongi asks.

'The kitchen knife.'

'Don't we have like ten?'

'No we don't. We only have one for special reasons. And I am to lazy to go get the others. Has any of you guys taken it and forgot to put it back?' we all shake our heads.

'Maybe Chae-yeon took it?'

'She isn't here. Remember she had to go somewhere because of something. It couldn't have been her. Also the knife was there yesterday after she left so I don't know where it has gone.'

'Maybe Y/n took it for something,' I say.

'The last time I saw her was in her room so I don't know. She could have it.'

'Let's just look around the house,' Namjoon says. We all agreed. Tae and I looked around the back of the house, Namjoon and Jin looked around the front of the house, Kookie and Yoongi looked upstairs and Hoseok looked just everywhere else.

Tae and I couldn't find anything at the back. I decided to go look outside around the back.

I looked at the time and it was actually meant to be the time where we take Y/n to the airport.

'Hey Tae. It's time to take Y/n to the airport but she is nowhere. What do we do?'

'Just go look outside. She might be outside and forgot what time it was.'

'Ok,' I say and then go outside.

I looked around but she was nowhere. I then remembered her favorite spot to go to when she likes to think or something.

I went to the rose bush garden thingy.

I don't know why but I was scared to go there. My heart is saying not to go there but I have to. I have to check if she is there and if she is then take her to go to the airport.

I started walking slowly to the garden. 

As I walked closer the more my heart kept saying to go away.

I have never been this scared to go somewhere. I also don't know why I am so scared. There is nothing scary there. It's probably just Y/n sitting there looking at the flowers.

Once I got there my heart sank and shattered into millions of pieces.

I was completely wrong about what I thought I was going to see.

Y/n's wheelchair has been pushed into the far corner and Y/n was laying on the floor.

She looked like she was sleeping but her chest wasn't rising and sinking. It was just still.

She was holding a red rose over her chest and there was a knife lying next to her.

There was blood everywhere. On the floor, her clothes, her arms, rose. Just everywhere.

I walked closer to her and I saw that she stabbed her heart.

Not far from her there was a letter. It had my name on it. I took it but I didn't want to read it yet.

I put the letter in my pocket and looked at Y/n again. I started crying and realised that this is what she meant with moving on and starting a new life. She didn't mean go to another country and start a new life. She literally meant stat a new life.

'Hey Jimin hyung where are you? Why is it taking you so long to get back?' Kookie asks.

'I'm there where the roses are,' I reply still crying.

'What are y- Oh... I'm sorry,' he says and slowly walks to me.

'So this is why you took so long? You found Y/n... like this?'

'Yeah. I did. This is what she meant with starting a new life Kookie. Why didn't I notice before?'

'She was a good lair. She was always good with hiding something hyung. I'm sorry that she left.'

'Kookie! Where have you disappeared off to now?' Yoongi says.

Kookie stood up and went to Yoongi. He probably told him what happened and probably told Yoongi to tell the others.

Not long after Tae came running to us.

'This can't be! Why did this have to happen? Why her?' he said while crying.

'Hyung? Is this what she meant? Is this what she meant with moving on?'

'I think so Tae. I think that's what she meant. But all of us were oblivious to it.

After about 2 hours or so I went to Y/n's room and the first think I see are her two drawings. First it's the one with the girl lying on the floor and then the other one.

I look at them both and then realize something.

The picture where the girl is lying on the floor is Y/n and me. That scene was the scene that happened before. The girl in the picture is holding the rose over her chest and so did Y/n. The boy is me. The boy that looked at her lovingly was me looking at Y/n lying there on the floor. Lifeless.

The second picture is also us. She is in heaven where it is bright and happy but she isn't because she can't have her happiness without me who is still on earth which is dark and said and I am lighter. I am happy and I am the source to her happiness but she is happier up there. She is just waiting for me.

Now I understand the meanings of these pictures fully.

I stared at them for a bit longer and as I put my hand in my pocket I felt some paper there.

I take it out and it is her letter to me.

'Dear Jimin,
Read this alone in your room.
Don't let anyone else see it. Please'


Three chapters. Wow I didn't expect to get this much motivation today.
Next chap will be the letter and the last chap.
Hope you enjoyed the story^^

As you can tell from the last few chaps I love roses. Also I didn't know what else to put for the pic xD

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now