~Y/N's life pt. 2~

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'I was laying on my bed starring at my ceiling waiting for my parents to come home.

I heard the door creak slowly open and I quickly but quietly jumped out of my bed and opened the door.

There were my parents walking quietly into the house. I was about to walk downstairs to greet them but then the door got slammed open and these two men walked in.

My little sister woke up and wanted to go downstairs but I pulled her into my room and told her to be quiet and hide. She did as she was told.

I opened the door again and what I saw made me cry.

!!WARNING!! THERE WILL BE A BIT OF GORE(Not that well written because I am not that into gore but if I don't write it it won't work with my story line)

The two men tortured my parents. The taller man was slowly cutting my mums collarbone all down her chest and to her stomach. I could see in how much pain my mum is. He then grabbed her neck and i could tell he was chocking her because she was having trouble breathing.

My dad was knocked out what that thing you guys tried to knock me out with.

The man then when to my mums face and cut her cheek so deep that the blade went into her mouth. And for some reason I could taste the metal and blood in my mouth by just looking at what was happening.

I could now see the flesh from my mums cheek hanging there. I could see inside her mouth. There was blood everywhere now.

He grabbed an axe and started hacking at my mums leg. There was flesh everywhere on the floor. It was even on my dad and the other man now. Her leg was now detached from her body. I could see that her bone was shattered and I could see her muscles and all the blood that was gushing out of her leg. The man didn't stop. He broke her arm and the bone was sticking out. She was now screaming in pain.

My little sister got scared but I told her to calm down and not make a sound.

When I looked back to what was happening I could see that they were now hurting my dad. They broke his leg and I could faintly here the crack sound. The smaller man got a knife and started cutting along my dads chest. There was flesh hanging off his body and it hurt me seeing this happen. Then out of nowhere the taller man stabbed the smaller man and my dad at the same time. He then called for someone and That person was quite small. He was a bit smaller than Tae. The boy grabbed the man and dragged him out the house.

The man then knelt down the my dad and cut him open. I could see all his organs. The boy came back with glass jars of different sizes. The man cut out each organ that was still in tact and placed them in the jar. I felt like throwing up watching this but at the same time I couldn't look away.

He turned around and went to my mum. My mum was struggling to stay alive. He went up to her and slowly cut her stomach open and took her organs as well. She lay there helplessly next to my dad.

I didn't notice that my sister saw what they did. She pushed passed me and ran towards the murder scene. I tried to grab for her but I was to late. I was to late to save her. She was gone. I watched in horror as they grabbed her and started hurting her. They slowly slit her throat making her screams fade away. I didn't know I was crying until I felt my trousers getting soaked and my vision becoming blurry.

That's when I called you, Tae. I told you about them and everything but then I also didn't tell you what they did or who they have killed, except that they killed our parents.

After a while I heard footsteps approaching. I hid in a corner hoping that they won't find me, but I was wrong. They found me quite quickly. The scream you heard, Tae, was not our little sister but me. The older man grabbed hold of my shirts collar and pulled me close to his face until I could feel his breath on my face. It stank of alcohol. I tried to avoid his face but I couldn't really. I looked at the boy behind him and who I saw angered me. It was Mark. He looked happy with everything. At that moment I wanted to kill him with the knife that he was holding but I couldn't move.

I looked back at the man and then I realized that it was the man my mum divorced. I was happy she divorced him. He was a psychopath! A drug addict! A monster who wanted to ruin our family!

These were his exact words before he killed me

"This was all your mothers fault! If she hadn't left me she wouldn't be dead nor would you be alive! I will find your brother and kill him so he can join you all in hell!" after he said that he spat in my face and then stabbed me in the stomach.

He wasn't satisfied so he stabbed me again, and again, and again until I was coughing blood and there I wasn't breathing anymore.

I couldn't move. Everything was black. I felt the pain in my stomach. I saw all my memories skip through my head. I saw how happy I was. I saw how my life went down hill. I saw my parents murder again. Everything. I saw everything.

I saw eomma and appa in front of me. Smiling. I walked up to them. I couldn't hug them.

Appa told me this, "Live your life to the fullest. Be happy. Protect yourself. Find Tae and his friends. They will protect you and help you. We know your life was horrible, but we want you to be happy now. Live on. Live until you die of old age, not murder. Now go. You are on your own but we will always be with you in your heart."

They slowly disappeared and then I woke up. I looked around and I was still in my room. I looked at my stomach and the wounds were gone.

I climbed out my window and ran away.

I didn't feel like myself. I felt like something was wrong. Thats when I realized that I could only see normally through one eye. If I tried to look with my other eye I would change. I would see everything else different. I had the desire to kill everyone I see. I tried to look with the other eye and tried to stay like that forever.

I could control it but sometimes it just changed and I had to try and not look at anyone. I put my hood up to stop myself seeing anyone.

I would always cut myself when I was alone or when it was night time. I soon became addicted and I enjoyed being in pain. I enjoyed the blade tearing at my skin.

Everyday for 5 1/2 years I always had that one question in my head about why my parents saved me and not my little sister. They never told me and I want to find out why.

That was my story. Are you happy now Tae? I told you ever single detail about that night,' I say to him and when I looked at him he started crying. I looked at the others and they were crying as well.

'Why are you all crying?' I asked confused.

'Because we are sorry you had to experience all that. It must have been terrible,' Jimin says and then hugging me tightly. I don't know why, but seeing him cry made me cry. I didn't want him sad. I wanted him happy.

Then why don't you just die? He'll be happy then

"Oh just shut up you! You already have given me trouble by possessing me and trying to kill him, Tae, Jungkook and many more people!"

W.... uh.... THIS WON'T BE OVER!! I WILL WIN!!

"Yeah definitely. As long as I have them to help me I WILL get rid of you and I will be able to live happily!"

A/n  Another update. I tried my best to write the gore part but its not really good. My body felt so weird while writing it.

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now