~About the organs~

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One of my friends wrote to me after they finished the story and asked about the organs from a previous chap and I'm so sorry! I completely forgot about them!
So in this chap I'll write about why they wanted their organs and stuff so you understand the story a bit more. I'll write it as a letter form tho^^


"In this letter I'll tell you boys about why they took my families organs. I didn't want to tell you guys yet and not in person so I decided to write a letter.

As you might have noticed my family isn't a normal family. My mum had special powers which were quite powerful and each of her organs has a small bit of that power. They took her organs because if they got any stronger that person could get out of control.

They took them because they will investigate them and see how they could 're-use' them but what they didn't know was that they can't re-use them. Only that persons children would be able to have the powers. I was one of them. The only one. Well except my sister but she didn't know about them until after she died and then tried to take over my body.

I don't know why they took the organs of my step dad and younger sis. They didn't have the power so I don't understand why they took them.

Because I was the only child to get the powers they also tried to get my organs but they didn't know that I had them until they found out that none of them had the powers. That's when they started looking for me and that is why I had to travel from town to town.

They wanted my organs because they found out that I had the most powerful powers any of my family members had which made me a lot more dangerous if the powers got out of control.

My sister tried to take over my body which is why I started not being able to see out of one eye and would get 'mood changes'. She found out that I had powerful powers so she wanted to take over my body to take revenge but I tried everything to stop her because I found out that they were so powerful.

And because of these powers I couldn't be killed easily. I would have to be stabbed in my heart. No one knew that because they didn't know about my powers. So there wasn't much point in saving me because I can't die easily.

I killed myself because I knew that if I did these powers would finally be gone from the world and no one can use them for the evil of the world. These powers are gone forever. I was the last one on earth with them so I did the right thing and stopped them spreading.

It doesn't matter anymore if the people take my organs because they won't be able to do anything with them. They'll just be normal organs. Nothing special about them.

I know I should've explained all this earlier but I just couldn't. I should've stopped all this earlier but I didn't because I didn't really know that I had them. I knew that there was something different about me. I knew I wasn't a normal person. I was always different from everyone else.

I hope this clears things up.


Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now