~Chapter 6~

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You looked at the time audit was 4:30pm. You only had 30min to get ready so you quickly got up and looked through the clothes Hyun-ae got for you. 

You found three dresses and didn't know which one you should wear because they all looked so cute&sexy.

You found three dresses and didn't know which one you should wear because they all looked so cute&sexy

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You decided to call Hyun-ae to help you with your choices.


'HYUN-AE I NEED HELP!' I shout while standing infant of the mirror trying to see which dress i should wear. It didn't take long for Hyun-ae to get to my room. I guess she ran here.

'Wh-what do y-you need help wi-with?' She asks while trying to catch her breath.

'Help me choose a dress. I found these three dresses but I can't choose which one,' I say while kinda pouting. She walked up to me and lightly hit my arm.

'Y/N! I thought you were in trouble! You know I've never ran that fast in my life! My bosses were so surprised that i ran off that fast!' she says while still kind of outta breath. i guess she ran up the stairs.

'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Now please help me choose a dress and help with my hair&makeup,' I say turning around to the mirror again. 

'Hmmm. You can't wear the black dress, it's a bit short. The blue dress is a bit to Puffy so I would go with the red dress,' She says while grabbing the other two and putting them away and then goes to the makeup to look at what she can use that would suit me and what would go with the dress. i go change into the dress and when i come out Hyun-ae looked shocked.

'What's wrong?' I ask worried.

'You look beautiful!' she says exited and them puts me in the chair and starts to do my hair and then my makeup. Its been a few minutes and now she's finished and its now 4:55pm.

'Finished just in time. Thank you so much!' I say hugging Hyun-ae.

'WAIT! What about your shoes?' She says.

'Silly me. You have does for me right?' I ask.

'Of course I do,' Hyun-ae says before going to get shoes for me. i look in the mirror admiring how I look. I then realised... My arm! i need to get it bandaged so Jimin doesn't see that i did it again. You quickly got your bandage and put it around your arm before Hyun-ae comes back.

'I'm back and i found the perfect shoes,' Hyun-ae says passing me the shoes. I go to the mirror and I look so pretty.

I'm not that tall(You are 157cm and these shoes make you 162cm) so these shoes are are good

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I'm not that tall(You are 157cm and these shoes make you 162cm) so these shoes are are good. 

'You better get downstairs and go to the ballroom. You don't want to be late,' Hyun-ae laughs while pushing me out the door.

I get to the ballroom and I'm nervous. I open the door and all eyes were on me. I looked around to see if I can find Jimin. Soon enough I did. While I was walking to where Jimin and the rest of the boys were i noticed that one person was staring at me and it made me uncomfortable because I feel like I know him.

'Hey Y/N! You look amazing!' Taehyung says before hugging me. I didn't hug back because I felt uncomfortable here and I don't know him as well as Jimin.

'Y/N? You seem worried. What's wrong?' Namjoon asks.

'I just feel a bit uncomfortable. Please stick around me and don't leave me,' I say looking around and hugging Jimin's arm.

'Why do you feel uncomfortable? Are you afraid of crowds?' Jungkook asks.

'It's just that I feel like there is someone here that I know that isn't good.  Jimin knows what I'm talking about,' I replied holding onto Jimin's arm tighter.

'Don't worry, we'll keep you safe,' Jimin softly says while stoking my hair. 'Oh and what's with your arm? why is there a bandage?' he asks holding my arm. I don't respond and just look down. 'Did you do it again?' he asks whispering in my ear. I nod in response.

'Sorry Jimin. You know I got addicted, I can't stop,' I say looking at him and the rest of the boys. They looked confused but didn't question it well at least 5 of them didn't.

'What's wrong with your arm?' Taehyung asks. I decide to show them so I undid my bandage and showed them. They looked shocked and I bandaged my arm again.

'Ok stop staring at my arm. Let's get on with the party? What am I supposed to do here anyway?' I asked.

'Well we are just celebrating that we are now singers and rappers. We are going to be famous worldwide from now on,' Seokjin said.

'That's cool. Well I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be back soon,' I say walking off to the bathroom.

Once I was close to the bathroom someone grabbed and pulled me somewhere else in the house. Once we stopped I pulled my arm free and turned around to face the person.

'What do you want from me?' I ask sternly.

'I want you dead and I won't stop until I killed you. I'll give you one clue to who I am.. "It would be much better for this world. Or maybe your whole family should." You know who I am now? I hope you know who I am and I hope you get ready to get killed soon. I'll give you a week to get ready to say goodbye and then I'll send you the location you'll go to so I can kill you. You got that? And you better not tell anyone about this otherwise I'll give you a slow and painful death and I'll make sure the people here don't live a happy life,' He said walking forwards the whole time he spoke until my back hit the wall. I was scared with what he might do to me. He held onto my wrist son wouldn't escape while he texted someone and soon enough  the rest of them came and walked towards me and gave me an evil smirk. Luckily what they didn't know is that I was recording their voices the whole time.

'You look scared Y/N. Why are you scared?' the tall one asked laughing a little. I don't know their names and I don't want to anyway.

'Oh look. We have a surprise for you. You are going to love it. It's our old friend,' He said pulling out a knife and looking at it evily and then looking at me. One of them tripped me so I fell to the floor. One of them took my bandage off and started cutting over my old cuts. I didn't dare scream. I was to scared to scream, I just cried. Another one started cutting my legs. Deep cuts all down my legs. And He went up to my face with his knife. He slowly cut my cheek and then he slowly went down my face and neck and cut my collarbone.

'Let's go guys. This was such a fun party but now it's boring,' He says while walking off the other two quickly cut me one more time before going away... leaving me alone on the floor like last time.

I decide to call Jimin. He picked up right away.

'Y/N! Where are you? We are worried!' Jimin says sounding really worried and sounds like he is panicking.

'H-Help me... I don't know where I am in the house but it's dark. Come quick!' I say before I black out.

A/N How did you find this chapter? I'm sorry I updated a bit late but i had a few things on my mind. I'll try and finish another chapter today.

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now