~Taehyung's life~

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Now it's my turn to talk about my past life that I kept a secret for quite a while. I didn't really want to tell them yet but I have no choice anymore.

'As you all know Y/N is my half sister. I moved to Busan when I was 3 years old with my dad. My mother lived in Daegu but she past away a few years ago. My parents divorced because they always argued and just didn't like living together anymore so my dad took me to go to Busan where he then met my step mum. My dad heard about all the rumours but he didn't believe them because he doesn't have proof. He soon fell in love with her and they got married. When you were born I kept my distance from you because of Mark. He was always around you and didn't want anyone near you. He was like your guardian angel but I always hated him. Then our little sister was born and I looked after her. I didn't let mark go near her at all.

After a few years I had to leave and go to my mums house and she wanted to keep me with her but I didn't want to. I wanted to go to Seoul and become an idol. Before I went to Seoul I went to visit you again but when I did I saw a van with some people watching your house. I went closer and I could hear people talking about something. When I got really close to the van I could hear everything clearly. I heard Mark in there and his dad talking about killing your family. Mark agreed to do it and he also said his plan worked with you trusting him a lot and not thinking anything suspicious about him. He also told his dad that I was visiting that day as well so he will try and become friends with me. I didn't want to hear anymore so I ran away. I didn't go visit you. I went back to my mum and lied to her about me visiting you and stuff. I didn't know what to do about what I heard because the police probably wouldn't believe me because i was a small child and I was just making it up to waste their time.

I know it was stupid of me and if I went to the police your life wouldn't be like this and I'm sorry.

After a few years I went to school in Seoul. I always had that replay of the scene in my head and it worried me but I never showed how it worried me. I always hid it with me being crazy and happy but deep inside I was worried. I never told anyone until now.

When I got the phone call from you saying that there are murderers in your house I started panicking because I knew exactly who they were but I didn't tell you. You told me everything that was happening and I could here you crying because you were experiencing your parens death right in front of your eyes. I told you to escape through your window and I remember you screaming over the phone and then you hung up. I was scared that you were killed by them and i was just praying that you weren't. After that event it was the last time I heard from you, but I had a feeling that you would survive because of how you taught yourself how to defend so I wasn't to worried about you but I still was a bit. After you hung up i called the police and told them everything you told me. I was then informed that my step mum, my dad and my little sister were found dead in the house. They couldn't find the murderers because they escaped and they were already far away.

When you didn't call me or text me at all for the past years I thought you were dead but when we got offered the job I was so happy knowing that you were still alive and somewhere in South Korea. I convinced the boys to take up the job as well as being idols. We looked for you everywhere but you were just to good at hiding. We then sent out Silver to find you and bring you home but seeing at how attached she was to you made her forget her mission.

When we found you I was so shocked because of how well you fought against us even tho you had no training and just taught yourself and used Mark as a prop. I was always happy that you used Mark as your fighting buddy and I found it amusing that you always beat him up. I always spied on Mark and every time you fought him I could here him complaining and saying that he wants you dead. He hated that you were always the favourite because you could do so much. He wanted to be the one they loved. He wanted to be the one that they bought everything for. He hated you but he still had to be kind to you so he could kill you easily. I know it was stupid of me not telling you but I couldn't. You were either with Jimin or Mark. I was never allowed near you. Mark always made sure i didn't get near you. I always had a feeling that he knew that I spy on him but I wasn't sure.

I always that there was something wrong happening to you because of how you acted and made sure no one grabbed your wrists. You always wore long sleeved things or wore jackets all the time even when it was really warm and everyone else was wearing short things. I also noticed you came home looking like you've been crying or had bruises on your arms and legs. I became super worried about you but then as you know I had to leave.

I am so sorry I wasn't there for you. I am sorry I didn't do anything about them. I am truly sorry,' I say while crying a bit while talking about my life. I knew it was wrong of me not to tell anyone but I couldn't. I always told myself that no one will believe me or just won't care knowing it was Y/N's mum and with all the rumours. I hated myself after that because I've done the wrong thing and not tell anyone until now. 

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now