~Chapter 16~

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'My little sister is Y/N,' Tae says looking straight at me. I couldn't believe my ears. Tae was my older brother. But how?

'Y/N is your... sister?' Jimin says.

'Yup. She is my little sister, half sister, and Mark is our step brother,' He says. I was so confused I just stared at Tae. He looked at me but he looked kind of worried because I gave no reaction. I did forget that they still don't know that I haven't forgotten them.

'Um guys. I need to tell you something,' I say. they all looked at me and signalling to me to continue speaking.

'Well I actually haven't forgotten anyone of you. I was just joking around because I wanted to see your reactions. And as the doctor said I might remember the things I have forgotten, which is true, I have remembered everything but I didn't know that Tae was my half brother. I didn't't remember anything about you being there at home,' I say. They all looked at me with blank faces except Chae-yeon.

'So you just pranked us?' Jungkook says. I nod. Right after I nodded they all ran over to me and hugged me. Usually I would hug them back but they where pressing my arms to hard which hurt, so I pushed them off me.

'You usually accept our hugs. You are changing since you got into a wheelchair,' Yoongi says. I give him a "Are you being serious" look and then looked at my arms and he understood immediately.

'Ah sorry,' He apologizes.

'It's ok. Just watch out next time,' I say forcing a smile.

BITCH HOW TF DID YOU SURVIVE! YOU TRIED KILLING YOURSELF MANY TIMES BUT SURVIVED! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE! Oh also you are dragging more people into your ugly mess. You are now more worthless and useless than before. It's gonna be harder trying to kill yourself seeing as you are in a wheelchair you worthless piece of shit!

"Right when I thought you left me. You came back. You know what! I'm just going to stab myself seeing as you won't disappear! Will that satisfy you?'

Well you thought wrong. And yes that would satisfy me. Finally you will do everyone good by disappearing!

"Good! Then I can finally get rid of you!"

'Y/N? Are you ok? Why are you crying?' Jimin asks which brought me back to my senses. I touched my face and he's right, I'm crying.

'I can't do this anymore. I have to go,' I say before turning around and going to the dance studio.

I looked around the studio remembering when I ran into here and danced to get away from everyone. I won't be able to do that anymore. One of the things I love doing I can't do anymore because of my stupid legs.

I went over to the music box and grabbed a microphone. I put on "As if its your last" by Blackpink and started singing.

I sang and rapped all of the song.

I love Blackpink's songs. They are all so good. I'm proud of Jennie and the other girls. I was always the one that got to listen to some of it before it was released but after we lost contact I didn't get to hear them anymore.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I looked up to see who was there I got shocked. I didn't know who it was but he didn't look like a good person.

'Who are you?' I ask moving away from him.

'I'm the man who your mother left for that other bastard,' he says through his teeth. I could tell that he was boiling with anger.

'So you are the guy who killed Hyun-ae,' I say angrily.

'That's right. I've come for my revenge on your mother. Killing her and your dad wasn't enough. She also kept my only son, Mark, who then helped me with the murder but now that he has been killed I have to do this on my own. I will kill you and your brother, Taehyung,' he says staring straight into my eyes. I could see him pulling out a knife. I didn't bother defending myself seeing as it was already my plan to kill myself.

'Kill only me. Don't kill Taehyung. My mother was more attached to me than Taehyung. She always protected me from you. She never wanted you near me. Kill me,' I say.

'If I only kill you then there still is something left of your mother. I want everything gone that has a relation to her,' he says before raising his hand with the knife. I closed my eyes waiting for the knife to pierce through me but it never came. I slowly opened my eyes to see that he was dead on the floor. I grabbed his knife ready to stab myself wanting to end this hell but a hand stopped me.

'Don't do this Y/N! Please. You don't know how much it will hurt me knowing that you are gone. I love you Y/N,' Jimin says crying and then hugging me. I dropped the knife on the floor and hugged him back.

'I love you too but I can't deal with this hell anymore. The voice just won't leave me alone. I try so many times to ignore it but I can't. I just can't deal with it anymore,' I say while crying.

'We will help you through this. We will make sure you are happy for the rest of your life. We will do whatever makes you happy. We will help you,' Taehyung says.

'One request. Can each of you tell me about your life. I want to know more about each of you,' I ask. They all nod. 

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now