~Chapter 29~

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'The voice in my head is my... twin sister. She died a horrible death and wanted revenge on everyone. Before she died her last words were to take revenge on everyone in this world. Of course I didn't listen to her. I always saw the good in people and I didn't want to hurt anyone. Yes even though I got bullied and hurt I wouldn't want to hurt them because I don't want people feeling what I felt.

She was the complete opposite of me. She hated everyone. I never knew the reason why she wanted revenge. She just did. So when I got killed and brought back she took the opportunity to get inside my body. She is the voice in my head. She is the one who sometimes takes over me,' I explain to Tae. (^Her twin sister. Not exactly. she looks a bit different^)

'How come I never met her?' he asks.

'She didn't want to live under the same roof as everyone in our house. She decided to go live with her friend. We always met at school but she hated, but also loved me and pretended like we weren't related. She knew I got bullied so she tried to avoid me but she would secretly bully them. She died at 13,' I say to Tae, now looking at the ceiling.

'How did she die?'

'I don't know. She just texted me to come outside our house and I found her there bleeding to death,' I say with no emotion.

'Oh... How do you plan on getting "rid" of her?' he asks. I wasn't going to tell him my plan. He will find out in a few days or so.

'I don't know. I'll find one,' I lied. I had the exact layout to my plan.

'If you want I can help you figure out a plan,' he says now hugging my again. I suddenly became second thoughts on my plan.

Should I go through with it? Or should I give up on the plan. I loved the boys and I didn't want to leave them but I had to if I wanted to get rid of her. I had to leave them all behind, forget about the, leave my past behind and start again. Or continue my life but better. I had to leave them all.

'I looked at Tae and saw that he fell asleep.

'Silly Tae. Always falling asleep on my bed,' I laugh slightly.

'I'm sorry Tae, but I'll have to leave you and the other boys soon,' I mumble before also falling asleep.


I was falling asleep on Y/n's bed, like I always did when we were younger, and I heard her mumbling.

'I'm sorry Tae, but I'll have to leave you and the other boys soon,' she mumbled which confused me.

Why did she say that she had to leave us soon? Was she deciding to move away and try and move on and leave everything connected with her past behind to move on?

I didn't want her to leave me. She was the only person I had left. I missed her and love her, but if she wants to leave to move on then I'll let her. It's her choice if she wanted to go and move away.

I laid with her for a few more minutes before I got up to leave. I tucked her in before leaving.

I went to my room and laid on my bed. I kept wondering what Y/n meant before.


I woke up to my phone ringing. I picked up.

'Hello?' i say sleepily.

'Hello V. Could you please tell RM to call us after he woke up please. We tried calling all of them but no one would pick up. Tell him it's urgent,' our boss said.

'Yes. I'll tell him you called,' I say and then hanging up. I wonder what's so urgent.

I got up and went to check on Y/n.

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now