~Chapter 7~

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'What's wrong Jimin? What did Y/N say?' Jungkook asks.

'We need to go NOW!' I say walking out the room followed by the rest of the boys.

'Where are we going Jimin?' Hoseok asks.

'Find a dark room in this house. It will be on this floor. Yoongi and Jin go look together. Namjoon and Hoseok look together and us three look together. Look for Y/N and once you found her text the rest of us and if anything else is wrong with her call the ambulance straight away. Got it?' I say and the all nodded before going their separate ways to look for Y/N. 

We looked everywhere and still haven't found Y/N. I'm getting super worried now. That's until we came across the room we never go in. The one room everyone is scared of going into. 

'Guys we need to check in here. Turn on the lights Taehyung,' I say and once he did my eyes widened. My heart broke seeing what was in front of me. I didn't realise i was crying while walking towards her. 

'GUYS GET TO THE ROOM EVERYONE IS SCARED OF NOW! TAE ALREADY CALLED THE AMBULANCE!' I heard Jungkook say over the phone. I picked up Y/N and hugged her. How is this possible? Who did this to her. I then saw her phone and it was on voice recorder. She is so clever. I took her phone and turned off the voice recorder.

After a while I could hear the ambulance and then Y/N was put onto the hospital bed so they can take her to the hospital.

'Who wants to go with her?' The assistant asked.

'I'll go with her. Guys continue with the party and once its finished come to the hospital and tell Hyun-ae to come as well,' I say before leaving. I hope she doesn't die. Please Y/N I know you are a fighter and that you won't give up that easily.


We've been waiting for ages for the doctor to come and tell us about Y/N.

'Who is here fro Y/N?' the doctor asks.

'All of us,' Namjoon says.

'I have some good news and bad news. The good news is is that she is ok and recovering but for her to recover fully I need one of you to donate blood. She has lost a lot of blood over the years as she has been self harming herself and hasn't been eating properly and doesn't have enough nutrition to keep her alive and make more blood. I advice you to make sure she eats all three meals even if she refuses and to put all sharp objects away from her as it looks like she is addicted to cutting. The bad news is is that she can't get angry or cry a lot otherwise she'll faint easily and if she keeps fainting it won't end well also she doesn't remember all of her past so she'll have dreams about it and I advice you to look after her carefully and make sure she calms down straight away and not cry to much. Ok now with that said lets get on with the blood donation, who has blood type A?' The doctor asks looking at all of us.

'I do,' me, Namjoon, Jungkook and Hoseok say at the same time.

'I'll donate blood,' I say quickly.

'Ok follow me. We'll have to test your blood to see if it is ok to donate,' He says walking off to a different room.

After they did all the testing the doctor came back and told me my blood is ok to donate.

I was now waiting outside with all the rest to see if it went well.

'OK. You can visit her now she is in room 707,' He said before walking away. We all quickly walked down the hall looking for Y/N room. We soon found it and we all entered. I feel so horrible knowing that I couldn't help her before like I promised her.

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now