~Chapter 4~

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You woke up to someone screaming. You looked around and found a maid standing in the door way with a tray full of food that was now on the floor. Silver was about to walk over to her and eat everything but you told her not to.

'I'm sorry for Silver,' you say.

'Oh no it's fine. I was just surprised why she was in here when I was told she was outside. I guess you got her this morning,' the maid said

'Huh? I didn't get her. I was asleep until you screamed. Also why was she outside? She isn't allowed to leave my side,' You say walking over to the maid and helping her clean up.

'Miss. You don't have to help me,' she said.

'I was brought up, in my 14 years I was with my family, to be kind and help,' you say then realising what you said.

'What do you mean in my 14 years i was with my family? Did they leave you?' she said confused.

'Doesn't matter. I don't want to talk about it. Also what is your name?' you ask the maid now finished with cleaning up.

'My name is Hyun-Ae. What's yours?' Hyun-ae asked.

'My name is Y/N. Nice to meet you. Now you can call me by my name and not 'Miss' I don't particularly like it,' you say holding your hand out. Hyun-ae gladly took it and shook your hand.

'Nice to meet you too Y/N. I have to go and get your breakfast again and then go and buy you new clothes,' Hyun-ae said about to walk off but you grabbed her wrist.

'No need to get my breakfast again, I don't eat much anyway. I usually eat one small meal a day and that is for dinner, and with the clothes, you don't know my style or size so I'll go with you,' you say now excited to go shopping.

'But mi- Y/N you have to eat! My boss said to make sure you eat! and I don't think it is a good idea to go shopping with me,' Hyun-Ae said worried.

'Don't worry. I'll just tell him I ate. Also who cares what he says! I'm going shopping with you!' you say dragging Hyun-ae with you out your room. 'Oh also can you give Silver a big piece of meat?'

'Sure. I'll go ask the cook now,' after she said that she was off to the kitchen.

'SILVER! COME DOWN HERE!' you shout up the stairs. Right after you said that Silver was next to you.

'SILVER! You need to be more careful when you use your powers! we don't want anyone to find out!' You shout whisper at Silver.

'Find what out?' someone said. A manly voice. You tensed up and slowly turned around.

'N-nothing,' you stutter.

'Btw my name is Yoongi, the one you knocked out. Did you eat?' Yoongi asked looking you dead in the eye.

'Yes I did. Now if you would excuse me, me and Hyun-ae are off to go shopping,' you say pushing past Yoongi but he grabbed your wrist.

'I know that you didn't eat. Go to the kitchen and eat, the rest will be there waiting for you. For the shopping? You are not going ANYWHERE! You understand? You are not going anywhere!' Yoongi sternly said giving you a glare that could kill someone.

'OH HELL NAH! YOU CAN'T CONTROL ME! YOU'RE NOT MY DAD!' you shout at Yoongi pulling your arm free from his grip and running somewhere in the house, crying.

"WHY IS EVERYONE SO CRUEL?! WHY CAN'T THEY EAVE ME ALONE?! WHY DO THEY CARE IF I EAT OR NOT?! WHY DO THEY CARE IF I GO SHOPPING?! I WANTED TO GET AWAY FROM THIS! NOT BE DRAGGED INTO IT ALL AGAIN!" You looked around the room you ran into and it looked like a dance studio. You explored the room a bit and soon enough you found a speaker, so you decided to play some music. Loudly so you can block out any noise and just be free. You started dancing to the music and soon enough you were lost in the music, not caring about anyone or anything around you anymore. You just danced and danced.

When you were younger you always loved dance, music and art, so you took extra lessons after school with them and when you got home you would always dance or draw in your room

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When you were younger you always loved dance, music and art, so you took extra lessons after school with them and when you got home you would always dance or draw in your room. You were the best student in your art, dance and music lessons and the teachers once told you that you have a natural talent for those subjects and that they have never seen someone so good that young. 

Once the music ended you were about to put on another song when someone started clapping. Not just one person but multiple people. you looked at the door and saw 7 guys there and standing with those 7 there was Yoongi.

'Well done Y/N! You are really good in dance, but it would be easier to dance in more comfortable and more dance-ish clothes. Don't you think?' A tall guy said.

'Thanks? and if you would let me go shopping I would be able to wouldn't I?!' you scoffed while looking at Yoongi.

'You can't leave the house. We are protecting you,' the small one said.

'Fine! but you don't know my size or what I like!' you say.

'We do,' the broad shoulder guy said.

'TF! YOU PERVERTS!' you shout now walking over to them fuming.

'We are not perverts! Silver told us,' the guy that was very excited said. This made you stop in your tracks and stare at them with wide eyes.

'What? Silver told... you?' you asked looking at them for an explanation.

'We know that Silver is a wolf and that she has magical powers. So we asked her for your clothes size,' Yoongi said.

'How do you know?' you asked.

'Because we sent her to you. And somehow she forgot us,' Yoongi said.

'Eh? you sent her to me? and she forgot you?' you asked and they nodded.

'Well then that's confusing. Also You asked for my clothes size right?' they nodded.

'So you know my bra size?' they nodded.

'Ok then... When will Hyun-ae be back? And what are your names? and if you're gonna tell me line up in age order please,' you say.

'She'll be back soon,' Yoongi said before telling them to get in line.

'My name is Kim Seokjin and I'm 25 years old,' Jin said giving me a hand kiss which you rejected.

'My name is Min Yoongi and I'm 24 years old,' Yoongi said making a finger heart which you also rejected.

'My name is Jung Hoseok and I'm 23 years old,' Hoseok said full of excitment.

'My name is Kim Namjoon and i'm 23 years old,' Namjoon said.

'My name is Jimin and I'm 22 years old,' Jimin said making a finger heart which you didn't reject because you feel like you know him from somewhere and you want to know why.

'My name is Taehyung and I'm 21 years old. Turning 22 soon,' Taehyung said giving you a huge smile.

'My name is Jungkook and I'm 20 years old and I'm the maknae,' Jungkook said giving you a small smile.

'I'm Y/N and I'm 20 years old,' you say smiling.

A/N I'm gonna try and make the chapters a bit shorter. I noticed that they were quite long. How do you like it so far? pls tell me. 

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now