~Chapter 28~

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After Y/N told us her story we all began to cry. She looked confused but we told her that we were crying after what happened to her was horrible and that we are sorry that happened to her. She told us not to cry because it was from the past and its over.

I could tell that she didn't want me crying so I tried not to. I just hugged her because I felt so sorry and mad at myself for not being there for her.

'I'll go to my room now. I want to draw for a bit,' Y/N says.

'Um... Y/N?' Chae-yeon asks.

'Hmm,' Y/N replies not turning around.

'You should take a bath. You need to get clean...' she says nervously. She is really trying her best to get closer to Y/N.

'Yeah sure, I'll take a bath. I'll be there in 5min,' she says and then leaves. Chae-yeon really looked upset that Y/N is being so cold hearted towards her. I felt kind of sorry for her but I can understand why Y/N is so cold hearted to strangers.

Chae-yeon looks back at us but we just shrug and give her the thumbs up.

'I didn't expect her life would be like that. I didn't expect all that to happen to her while I was gone. I'm such an idiot for leaving,' Tae says annoyed.

'Tae, if you were there you might have been killed!' Kookie argues.

'So what?! I would've rather died than have Y/N experience such a life!' he shouts and then storms away. He probably went to his room.

'Jungkook! Stop just thinking about Tae's life! You need to know that Y/n is special to him and that she is his only family member left that he can trust and left at all. They only have each other now!' Jin replies annoyed/angrily.

'Am I not allowed to worry about the person I love?!' right after Jungkook said that his eyes widened and he ran off.

'Wait? Jungkook likes Tae?' I asked confused after what just happened.

'Y-yeah. I guess he does, and I think he wasn't meant to tell us...' Namjoon says still in shock by the new information.

'I'm going to my room. This is enough drama for me,' Yoongi says and then leaves followed by Hoseok.

'I'm going to go calm down. You coming Namjoon?' Jin says. Without letting Namjoon answer, he left. Namjoon looked at me and then left. I was left here in shock. I didn't know how to react in this situation.

So much happened in such a short time!

Firstly: Y/n's life,

Secondly: Kookie turned out to be gay,

Lastly, everyone got angry at each other.

What is happening to us?

I went back to my room, aid down on my bed and starred at the ceiling questioning everything that is happening.

My eyes slowly got tired and then everything went black.


I really don't know why I'm so mean to Chae-yeon. She seems nice.

I went to my room and looked for some clothes. I couldn't find any good ones so I just grabbed my pyjamas.

I got to the bathroom and Chae-yeon was already there checking the water.

'Is the bath ready?' I ask.

'Yes. Do you want me to help you get out your clothes?' she nervously asks. Damn it! I forgot that I would need help getting undressed and dresses and to a lot more things.

I'm so shy and I don't like showing my body. Especially because she doesn't know I cut... and still do. I have a few more fresh wounds on my arm.

'Are you ok?' Chae-yeon asks.

'Yeah yeah I'm fine,' i say. I start taking off my shirt but I leave my bra on.

I look at Chae-yeon, and she has a worried/caring face.

'So this is what the boys didn't want to tell me,' she mumbles.


I finished my bath and and now just starring at the ceiling. I didn't talk much to Chae-yeon. I felt so awkward and I just wanted to leave.


I grabbed my phone to see who texted me.

It was from Tae.

|Hey sis. Can I come to your room?


|Ok. Omw now

The door opened and Tae walked in. He laid down next to me.

'I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when all that happened to you,'

'No no Tae! Don't be sorry. It's not your fault it happened. And you were in school so you couldn't have been there,'

'I wasn't in school. I came to visit that day. I heard them in the van and I got scared and I wasn't thinking properly because I could've saved you all but i was an idiot and ran away. I'm sorry,' Tae says while crying a bit.

I hugged him and let him cry on my chest.

'Shhh. Shhh. It's ok Tae. I would have done the same. Don't blame yourself,' I soothingly say. We stayed like this for a while until Tae broke the silence.

'One question,'


'Who actually is the voice in your head? I know it's not your own voice. Who is it?' Tae asks breaking the hug and looking me dead in the eye. This was the question I was trying to avoid. I couldn't keep it a secret from him anymore. He knew that it wasn't my own voice. He knew it was someone else trying to control me and take revenge.

'I was trying my best to avoid this question because i didn't want anyone to know yet. But I guess I can't keep it a secret from you. You know that it's not my own voice.

'The voice in my head is my...'

A/N Another cliff hanger^^ While I was writing this chapter I was listening to this one song and it gave me a small idea for another story^^ I hope you guys will enjoy that story as well once I make it.

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now