~Chapter 2~

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You noticed that Silver looks bit hungry so you decided to take the money out and see how much you have. You look at how much money you have and you were exploding with happiness. "OMG!! THIS IS THE MOST I GOT SINCE THESE 5 1/2 YEARS IVE WORKED!! I can't believe he gave me 73000won!!" You asked Silver to take you to a shop with what she wanted to eat and surely enough she took you to a meat shop. You decide to take a lot so she has enough for the whole journey to Seoul. You also bought a lot of water, food for yourself and a backpack to put everything in there.

Soon you you find a place to sleep. You tell Silver to go sleep near you so that no one sees her. you soon fall into deep sleep.

"You walked into school, and as usual you hide from everyone else not wanting any attention from anyone. You walk to your locker to find a note sticking on there. You grab the note and put it into your blazer pocket. You grab all your things that you would need for the first period. Once you had everything you walked to class but soon you were grabbed by someone and then dragged. "Fuck! I should have seen that coming! Oh well there is nothing i can do and stay quiet once they are done. It's not like I have any feelings and don't get hurt." You were dragged to the back of the school, as usual, and then slammed against the wall. Now your books are on the floor. You didn't bother looking up knowing what will happen to you anyways. 'Hey fatty! look at me! HEY! HEY! I'M TALKING TO YOU!' the boy shouted. You looked up regretting immediately that you did. You were now getting punched over and over again until you fell onto the floor coughing blood. They now started kicking you and one boy even lifted up your skirt(luckily you were wearing shorts underneath) and started cutting your leg over and over again going deeper each cut. The only thing you could do is cry. Nothing else. 'You fat piece of shit! why don't you just die?! It would be much better for this world. Or maybe your whole family should!' with that he left laughing. leaving you alone in the darkness. You curled up into a ball. You wanted to get up but couldn't. 'Hey Y/N? Where are you?' someone asked. It sounded like a boy. you couldn't respond so you cried. 'OMO Y/N! What happened to you?' he ran over to you. "I-is that Jim-" you blacked out from to much blood loss"

You didn't notice that you were crying until you sat up and looked at Silver who had a worried expression on her face. You wiped your face and sat up. You and silver ate before walking again to find Seoul. You knew that you were close to Seoul because you were in Incheon but you didn't know which way to go.

You decided to ask people if they could help you, 'Um excuse me? Can you he-' you tried to ask people over an over again but they ignored you. You started to cry remembering that this was just like when you were in school.

'Excuse me miss? but are you ok?' some asked while holding onto your shoulder. It sounded like someone around your age.

'Hmm? Yeah I'm ok, but can you help me find Seoul?' you asked wiping away your tears and pulling Silver closer to you.

'You want to get to Seoul? By... walking?' she asked and you nodded. 'Um well it will take you a bit but keep going that way and soon you'll fid a sign saying Seoul... Good luck on getting to Seoul on foot.' she said and you thanked her.

You walked and walked and kept feeding Silver and yourself on the way. You didn't bother trying to get a job because you were so close to getting to Seoul.


'Ok so I've been to Busan, I grew up there, and all the cities near there, I went to Daegu and the cities around there, Gwangju, Daejeon, Andong. I could go on and on listing every place I've been to, but all you need to know, Silver, is that I have been EVERYWHERE in South Korea except Seoul and it is my goal to get to Seoul. What do you say Sil- OW!! WHAT?' You bumped into something hard. You look up to see a sign which said... 'SEOUL! WE MADE IT SILVER!' you screamed while picking up Silver and hugging her and she licked your face in happiness.

You were walking around Seoul being the happiest child ever. You didn't even feel tired anymore. You had to quickly look for a job because you ran out of food for Silver an you.

It did take  you long to find a job. Once you got to a shop, you saw a flyer and it had something on there saying wanted on it. of course being the curious you you went to look and immediately your eyes widened. You grabbed to flyer and read it again and looked at the picture again. "This can't be true! How did THEY find me? How did THEY know I was here? Ugh I guess I have to find another job and get a new disguise." You pulled your hood down again and looked for another job. Silver could tell that you weren't happy so she stayed super close to you.

You couldn't find a job so you just went into a shop and took your backpack off and looked to see if there was a camera. Luckily there wasn't so you quickly packed your backpack with snacks and a few water bottles. 'Hmm. Silver what do you want? I can't go to a meat shop because I don't have money. Choose something else.' You said to Silver. You looked at silver and noticed something weird was happening. You saw someone walking towards you so you wanted to hide but then noticed that he didn't notice you. You found that strange but also not strange because you were used to it, but when you found a small mirror you couldn't see yourself, you pointed the mirror at Silver and you couldn't even see Silver. You were so confused but found it cool.

You walked out the shop and luckily the alarm didn't go off. 'Now off to the meat shop,' you say to Silver while walking over to the meat shop. You quickly grabbed everything you needed and put it into a plastic bag and then your backpack. 

A/N I hope you like this chapter. It will get better later on in the story so bear with me.

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now