~Y/N's life pt.1~

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'I am dead. I was killed,' I say. They all couldn't believe what I said.

'S-so you are a g-ghost?' Hoseok asks. I shake my head.

You are so stupid. I might as well just posses you now.

"Don't you dare posses me! I will tell them my story if you like it or not!"

Blah blah whatever.

'No Hoseok I am not a ghost. If I was a ghost you wouldn't be able to touch me and I wouldn't look like this,' I say. He seemed relieved.

'I'll tell you my life now because you guys keep bothering me about it.

I was born in Busan a few years after Tae and Mark. Back then I didn't know Tae and Mark were my half brothers. I actually never thought of them as brothers and I never really liked Mark that much. I hated that he kept me away from Tae. I wanted tae to be the one that protected me and kept me away from Mark. I always danced with him after dinner because he stopped going to dinner with us and Mark was always near me. I would always fight Mark probably because I didn't really like him and he wasn't that good at dancing.

I got bullied by everyone. Not only in school but also in public. Everyone hated me because of all the rumours which weren't true at all.

In school I met Jimin who always hung out with me and was always with me. They all started talking about us, mostly Jimin because he was hanging out with me. People bullied me because I was a nerd and I always got good grades and they started treating me to get away from Jimin otherwise they will make my life worse. I went with them and became distant from him. I wanted him to get away so they don't hurt me anymore than I already am and I didn't want Jimin getting hurt.

It didn't actually get better. They tried drowning me, burning me, pushing me down a cliff. They tried everything but didn't succeed because Jimin always came before they could do anything.

When I was dragged to the back of the school where Jimin saved me again I was happy I was finally going to leave everyone. I was happy but then I was saved and had to deal with this hell even more.

I went home early and no one was home. My sister and brothers were at school and my parents were at work. Well my mum was trying to find a job.

I went to my room and locked it just incase someone came into my room.

I cut my arm. Over an over again until my arm was full of cuts. I liked it. I felt free, happy, relieved. It became an addiction.

I tried cleaning up most of the blood but While I was trying to clean Jimin came into my room. I had to lie to him. We were just talking and talking until he accidentally hit my arm. It hurt but I tried to hide it.

He told me that he was leaving in a few months and I didn't know what to feel. I was happy, but also sad and disappointed.

After he told me and left I cut myself even more. I cut all over my arms and legs. I started crying and then someone knocked on my door. I told that person that I was having a bath. I did go and have a shower afterwards which stung like hell. I couldn't stop crying.

I cried myself to sleep. I didn't want to eat nor see anyone.

I found out that Tae and Jimin went to the same school. I was happy he was in a school with Jimin because he'll have a friend there to talk to. Unlike me, I had no one to talk to. Only mark or my little sister. But after Mark got older he kind of left me so I only had my little sister.

She was really adorable and I was happy to have her there. I thought her how to dance and draw. She would sometimes accidentally paint my face. She helped me forget about cutting. Not for long tho. She would distract me for a bit and then at night I would go to the bathroom and cut myself.

I still went to school but I decided to disguise myself. I pretended to be a new pupil. It worked. They didn't bully me. Well some didn't and some did. At least it wasn't as bad as before.

I always babysitted my sister because my parents weren't home at night anymore. I learned how to cook and my sister loved it. 
I wanted to protect her from everyone. I wanted her to be safe. I didn't want her ending up like me.

One night she asked me why our parents weren't always home at night but because I didn't know either I just told her that I didn't know and that they could be at work. She also asked me about Mark and I didn't care about him anymore so I just said that he's with his friends and that she shouldn't care about him.

While we were dancing my shirt lifted up a bit and she saw the cuts on my stomach. She asked what it was and I said that I got attacked by a cat and that its nothing to worry about.

It's been a few months like that and I was getting worried about my parents. I wanted to Know what was happening to them and why they are always home late. I stayed up that night and I wish I hadn't.

That night was the night I will never forget. That night was the night my life changed completely. No one was there to help me through the horrifying scene. No one! I was all on my own. Watching my family get destroyed. 

You don't know how horrifying it was to watch what people were doing to your parents and sister.

Painful past. Happy future// Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now